WooCommerce Sync Settings

Here are the global settings you can configure for your WooSync found in Jetpack CRM > CRM Settings > WooSync page:

  • Add Shipping Address – will store the shipping address to the CRM contact’s second address fields
  • Tag Contact – the CRM contact will be tagged with the purchased item/product name
  • Tag Transaction – the CRM transaction will be tagged with the purchased item/product name
  • Tag Invoice – the CRM invoice will be tagged with the purchased item/product name
  • Order Trash action – choose what should happen when an order is trashed in WooCommerce: “do nothing”, “change transaction/invoice status to Deleted”, or “delete transaction/invoice, and add log to contact”. Note: Not importing trashed transactions is expected behaviour. Importing a non-trashed transaction and then doing something when it’s trashed is what these settings are for.
  • Order Delete action – choose what should happen when an order is deleted in WooCommerce: “do nothing”, “change transaction/invoice status to Deleted”, or “delete transaction/invoice, and add log to contact”. Note: Not importing trashed transactions is expected behaviour. Importing a non-trashed transaction and then doing something when it’s trashed is what these settings are for.
  • Include Coupon as tag – include any used WooCommerce coupon codes as tags
  • Create Invoices from WooCommerce Orders – will create invoices from your WooCommerce orders. Reference will indicate it’s related to a woo order.
  • Show Invoices on My Account – Your Invoices tab will be shown on WooCommerce My Account page
  • Product tag prefix – enter a tag prefix for product tags. See below screenshot on what it looks like.
  • Coupon tag prefix – enter a tag prefix for coupon tags. See below screenshot on what it looks like.
  • WooCommerce My Account – enter a comma-separated list of Jetpack CRM custom fields to let customers edit these on WooCommerce My Account page (e.g. custom-field-1,other-custom-field). Note: Make sure you’ve created a custom field from Jetpack CRM > CRM Settings > Custom fields and enter the same slug.

Order Status Mapping

When “Enable order status mapping” is enabled, you can choose how to map WooCommerce order statuses to CRM statuses.

For example, if you want contacts with completed WooCommerce orders to have a “Customer” status in Jetpack CRM, you would set the “Completed” contact status to “Customer.”

Updated on May 12, 2023
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