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Migrating Jetpack CRM

Disclaimer: this article is provided as a reference, but migrating content between servers can be significantly nuanced from host to host. We highly recommend making a full site backup and consulting with your WordPress developer prior to starting a migration.

Migrating a full WordPress site

By far the most common scenario, there are dozens of tutorials and tools out there to help you move your site from one host to another. We won’t go into detail on that here. Instead, here are a few links that may be helpful:

Migrate the CRM only

If you only want to migrate the CRM portion to a new site (e.g. moving the CRM content from someoldsite.com to somenewsite.com), this is also possible.


  • The CRM is still installed and active on the old WordPress site.
  • You have an active WordPress instance installed on the destination site.
  • You have access to the old and new site databases via phpMyAdmin or some other method.

Important caveats:

  • This process will overwrite any CRM data added to the new site prior to the data migration.
  • Many hosts have phpMyAdmin or a similar tool to export database tables. If this isn’t available, you can try one of the many WordPress database export plugins. That said, be sure to only export the zbs tables; importing extra tables may break the new site.
  • If the WordPress table prefix (e.g. wp_) is different between the old and new site, you will need to rename the zbs tables to match the new site’s table prefix.


  1. Update Jetpack CRM and any paid extensions on your old site (/wp-admin/plugins.php).
  2. Visit the CRM dashboard (/wp-admin/admin.php?page=zerobscrm-dash) and, if shown, run any CRM database updates.
  3. Export all CRM database tables (the ones with zbs in the table name) from the old site.
  4. Install/activate/update Jetpack CRM and any paid extensions on the new site (‘/wp-admin/plugin-install.php’).
  5. Import the CRM database tables into the new site.

At this point, navigate to your CRM dashboard and make sure everything looks right. If your site URL changed, don’t forget to update your license key’s site URL.

Updated on August 25, 2021
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