License Keys FAQ

Each Jetpack CRM license key can be associated with one site URL. License keys use strict URL matching, so if you change your site URL from http:/// to https:/// the license key URL will need to be updated in your Jetpack CRM account.

Q: How do I change which site (URL) my license key is assigned to?

A: You can change the URL assigned to your license key up to three times a year by following these steps:

  1. Go to Jetpack CRM > CRM Settings > General > CRM License.
  2. Delete the license key, and click the “Save Settings” button.
  3. Log into your Jetpack CRM account.
  4. In the “Your Account” section of your account dashboard, click the “License Keys” button. Or, click on your Gravatar (profile image) at the top right, and select “License Keys”.
  5. Locate the license key you want to change, and click the “Remove from this install” link.
  6. On the new site where you want to use Jetpack CRM, go to Jetpack CRM > CRM Settings > General > CRM License. Enter the license key, and click the “Save Settings” button.

If you need to change the license key URL after reaching your limit, please contact support.

Note: You will only be able to get extension updates and warnings on the site(s) associated with your license key(s). Please do delete extensions from sites which are not licensed to use them, because in time they may become out of date and a security risk.

Q: I am getting “Your License key is either invalid, expired, or not assigned to this site” error, but my key is correct. What gives?

A: Jetpack CRM licensing should work on any server that WordPress can run on, however in order to validate your license, and check for extension updates, it will need to ‘call home’. Some servers block such calls, which can mean that licensing returns this error.

To solve this:

  • Try disabling plugins such as “Wordfence” or “All in One WP Security” while you activate your license. (Note: This plugins may block automatic/update checks, we’re working on this)
  • You will need to have CURL or file_get_contents server settings enabled. If you have no security plugins, but you keep getting the above message, you may need to contact your webhost and ask them to validate CURL is enabled.

Q: Is it possible to use the same license key on the production/live site and on the development/staging site?

A: The license key can only be used on one site. You can use the license key on the staging site first. Then, when you’re ready to move to the production site, please follow the above steps for unassigning the license key from your staging site and moving it to the live site.

Q: How do I get my license key from a Jetpack Complete plan?

A: You can submit a Jetpack support request, asking for your Jetpack CRM Entrepreneur license as part of your Jetpack Complete plan. You’ll need to be logged into the account from which you bought Jetpack Complete to do that. We will then issue your Jetpack CRM Entrepreneur license, and let you know how to activate it on your site.

Updated on July 12, 2024
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