JoJo's Bizarre Wiki
JoJo's Bizarre Wiki

[1]"If mercy falls upon the broken and the poor, dear father i will see you there on distant shores." - five iron frenzy[2]

The information below derives from a source not written by Araki. As such, it may or may not be considered canonW.

Babysharkboss2 is an american, author, cartoonist, and anime fan. she spends her days surfing the web, making video's, doodling, and making friends. she is the author of best ( not selling, they're free ) series available on this here wiki. Babysharkboss2 also runs a YouTube channel of the same name, that covers Fandom, this wiki, JJBA, music, manga, anime, etc, which currently has over 200 subscribers.

Me and editing[]

Hol Horse CDDH

Hey, how'd you get to my page?

HEY!! my favorite JJBA Character is Jotaro, and i hate Strength and his DUMB BOAT! i migrated here from the one piece wiki, and frequent both. I try to be helpful. I am a cartoonist, artist, writer, and a couple more. I am young but don't let that bother you, or make you think that i don't know things. My favorite Season ( i guess you could say? or i guess story ) is Stardust crusaders, but The JOJOLands could over come it and be better, but i doubt it. Just a girl who like anime, manga, and everything else! I do try to help edit pages, but if a user, or moderator, either dislikes the changes or believes the edit ruined the page, or anything like that, TELL ME! 100000000% i will try to fix, or help, but unless i'm told, then how the hell am i too know i ruined it? so if you, a moderator, an admin, anyone, believes an edit or addition I made was, poor, bad, uncessessful, uninformative, incorrect, improper, or ANYTHING like that, tell me on a blog, or on my message board and I will respond, or try to fix it! just trying to help clean up the wiki. I'm here to help, meet people, expand, create, explore, and change. Also to note i do have fandom set up so if a change happens i am told, and i will read the message ( Thx To Rhino the [inactive] mod, and my hero ) and then learn how to fix it. i am still young and dont know super advanced grammar past high school level english, so i've got a lot to learn, but i will try my hardest. An email will tell me how to fix it and i am super grateful for it. so yeah i will try to help and would be proud to be taught how to fix things, and i've already kinda being taught, ( minoverheaven and rhino ) trying my hardest is important and i will attempt to try 1000% of the time. i just need some guidance if needed. although i don't want to screw everything up, which is why i try not to change full sentences, and only a couple words, i´m trying to clean up pages without ruining or changing them. but grammar is needed, and not many people want to read three words, when there is one word to describe it. so i try to spruce up language and as mentioned i try to earn badges, so i may edit two stand pages but then switch and edit a character from phantom blood, then one more stand, then an anime episode, then a stardust crusaders chapter, etc. But my #1 inspiration is of course, Rhino! she is kind, and helps out with helping me edit and proof read. and for that kind of respect and kindness, i owe her a hell of a lot. so i'm here editing to repay that mental debt, its good motivation. and editing helps pass time. And expanding on things like that, is pretty sweet. and with a series like JoJo there's no shortage of articles that need editing. but most of my edits are sporadic for badges, and the #1 BADGE i want is Soft & Wet, ironic seeing as he is one of my least favorite stand. I am also an offical YT channel partner of this wiki.[3] GRAIN.

my friends/antiquates on this wiki[]

Feel Free to add urself

nino, fenn, Holy, Red, E99head, Cs, sporty, Opal, Jotaro Sucks, Kono, Rhino, Redyami, DiegoBranzo, ThatOVAguy, Dark, Lazy, and um........


I have blonde hair, medium length. i normally wear either a skirt and T-shirt. or a T-shirt and random pants. I forgot what my eye color is, but i think it´s green. I do have two distinctive features. one; i have a birthmark on my private parts, but, on my neck, i have a large birthmark looking thing. I normally dont care much for my apperance. some things tho, that i always wear are: My glasses (i´m vision impared), hearing aids (i have only 75% hearing in both ears) and, shoes without laces (i´m autistic, and am too STUPID and cant get my damn SHOES to stay tied). My Profile pic on FANDOM and Discord is Corazon. He is my favorite One Piece character, and i will die on that hill, and defend Cora-san when someone talks smack about him. On YouTube, my profile picture is of my dog, Coco. I have two dogs, a aussie-german shepered lab mix named Murphy (shes SO CUTE!!) and a chocolate lab named Cocoa. tho, i write it as COCO. i aso frequently wear certain items. examples would be a USA Air Force jacket, which my grandma got when she served in the Air Force. (fun fact: 4 years before my mom birhted me, my gma went to THE F*CKING PENTAGON!), a Naruto Jacket, and a GhostBusters Jacket

Some Things:[]

YESSSSSIR! thats my boy Babysharkboss2!


I have Autism, ADHD, anxiety, depression, and some others so if i tell something different, or put in a zany word, its just me. I work on animations, reddit, and high-school, so i apologize if i don't respond to a post, sorry. I try not to cuss TOO much but sometimes i slip, but i have the list of acceptable language so i would say the F-word and instead will say bastard or something acceptable! i am bisexual and trans, but my gender and sexuality normally wont be mentioned in comments or anything on this wiki. although i sometimes will report, or try to explain LGBTQIA+ things if its needed. i don't care if you Call me using male pronouns but please, dont SAY im a boy. the one thing i kinda have a problem with is my name, PLEASE try not to call me Jackson. i wont mind it once or twice

but if you over use it, then i will try to tell you to stop on your message board. try calling me Jax or just my username, or boss. but as I said earlier I won't normally bring LGBTQIA+ into a discussion unless someone else starts it. i also like golden wind. mainly this episode. Sometimes i might also post some receant JOJO related things from my youtube channel, to here. I strive to be the most helpfull i can be, which would be: me trying to help someone with something, make an edit, try to keep posts on-topic, etc. one of My favorite song by a girl (single) is Bloody Mary by lady Gaga. i dont really listen to Lady Gaga other then this, but i like Wensday. another one of my Favorite songs by a boy (single): is Girl from 734 by Juice wlrd. i dont Support what Juice wlrd did, or anything really about drugs and all that stuff, but it really made me sad when he died. But anyway, my favorite J-pop singer, and in my top 10 fav artists period is ADO!!!!

the best light novel[]

JORGE joestar. i'm sure you have heard of it from others like YT or Min on this wiki, but i highy reccomend. it is about a detective who meets 36 alternate universe Kars figures. and a bunch of old characters reapper and they have new stand, its SO damn good. if you want to read online, then here is the link

There are physical copy's but only in japanese. luckily i can read kanji, so i have both online and physical copys of JORGE joestar.[4]

My Stories and novels in this wiki[]

i also like to write lore, make stands, or tell stories. mainly on here ill do all three. i do try to keep them non-canon spin-offs, so I may mention a name or an item from the main JJBA stories, but don't expect a whole story of a team-up between a custom character of mine and Jotaro. Although i do sometimes crossover my own stories, so you may end up reading about one of my OC's from my graphic novels, that you never knew, then just try to skip them. yeah. i will work on updating this page and polishing up! Luckily with my mentality and conditions i am quite good at creation. so i am normally able to make a thought continue that thought and then make that thought into its own story, character, or stand! but i try not to do to much within a short time span, since if i hate a messy page, then you know damn well i would not like to clutter up the discussion page with my junk. so while i do post often i will try to post less then two posts per hour. ( not counting comments of course ). Here is my stand sheet with most of my ( current ) stands:


Babysharkboss2: the power to boil water up to 500 F. also can open portals. And basic stand stuff like speed and power

  • It can also requiem. It then has the power to: boil water up to 5000 F, stop time for 3 seconds, produce water, summon axolotls that explode on impact, can teleport, and has 3X the power of normal punches. ( also a bonus in requirum: Boss becomes a female. Does not change anything but is cool having a transgender stand ) and its final power: to rewrite the world, but at the cost of the user and the stands life. The people close to the user (emotionally not standing close to the user ) will have their memories and lives spared. But the enemy will be forever dead.

Sinner's parade: If the user sees a person sin 5 times in one hour, then the stand uses its power to auto-kill the sinner and takes its soul. The user CAN choose his target. So if he see’s an ally sin 5 or more times, the user can choose whether or not they die. ( bonus power: the user can use an ultimate attack which takes all collected soul and releases them, making them a horde of dead souls [note: souls NOT zombies] and can take the horde and trample someone. { hence the name sin parade } )

  • After evolving it changes the name to Sinners Crown. it gains the power to transfer souls, and grant immortality ONCE. it also buffs itself in the sense that the time-limit for sins is GONE. so if Sam see's you sin 5 times EVER then he can end you.
  • But after being affected by a stand, the Sin´s are ONLY from christain religeon.
  • The stand died along with its user

Gold Cobra: allows the user to melt down metals. used for simple, petty theft.

Cement demon: summons a substance that, if someone touches, the person will immediately sink and eventually suffocate. The only way to escape is if the USER grabs and free’s them, or if a stand is trapped. A stand that is stuck will only be trapped in the substance for 60 seconds.

We didn´t Start The Fire: (other name: Burn the house down. namesake by the song by AJR) the power to spill Gasoline anywhere.

Freedom Haze Beat: the user sings (default J-pop but depending on the surrounding the music will change) and those who hear it will be empowered and have their wounds healed. Also, will encourage their fighting spirit. The user chooses who hears and feels its power, as not to impower the opponent.

Bad to the bone: the power that allows the user to bite through a person, down to their bones. but the piercing only works, if the user bites them. the user is OVA Iggy, and the namesake is the song of the same name.

FREEDOM: allows the user to morph their destiny. Thus, changing their FATE. allowing them pure FREEDOM. And, while doing so, involuntarily alters others fate. So, kinda a less OP version of King Crimson. But, the more the user tampers with fate, the sooner that they will fall, as karma, and fate will always catch-up to a person. Namesake is the song FREEDOM by Ado.

White King: hides in the shadows. Wears a suit of armor made of chopper and iron. The stand is transparent like a ghost, ( let's say you punch through the armor, there is no physical body) but it does feel pain. It also has enormous power, durability and strength.

Quiver hush: has a quiver of arrow’s and arrows in its knuckles. But cannot use a bow. basicly kinda like Wolverine, but with arrows. the arrows are normal arrow, that can't awaken someone stand.

Casino Royale: The power to increase the targets addiction. More specifically, their GAMBLING addiction. The namesake is not a song, but a film. the 007 James Bond movie, Casino Royale. It is also based on a stand from Purple Haze Feedback

Name: 刑務所ギタードア 『 J∘G∘D』

Stand (eng) Name: ‘Act 4: Jail Guitar Doors’ (AKA Jail Guitar Doors, shortened to JGD (.)

Namesake: Jail Guitar Doors (1979 song by english rock band The Clash.) User: Josie Joestar

Ability: (retaining Act 3’s ability to stop time using emotions as ‘fuel source’) It grants Josie the ability to control gravity. This comes at the cost of draining her stamina, requires MUCH stronger emotions to use then stopping time, and can possibly take days off her life is used abusively.

Appearance: Sharing the same general appearance of Jailbreak (‘act 3’), but the colors are traded. So the green is where the crimson was, and vice-versa.'

Mr. President: The AU counterpart of Coco Jumbo´s original stand. it functions the same, although, instead of a hotel room, the inside of Coco Jumbo is an old-school-style DINER. kinda like Spangles, [dunno if people outside of the USA know about spangles.]

Screenshot (65)

drip Jotaro

Nurse of pain: can send electric shocks, powerful enough to restart the hear, but not enough to fry someone. can also summon a scalpel out of midair, and can dissect, going through bones, and piercing through most tissue. the user is kept in a lucid like state while being dissected, and would feel the pain of having organs removed, or blood extracted the minute the operation is done. all harm is visible, so if he rips out your kidney, your stuck watching The nurse do it, and will feel the pain afterwards, and see the renal cortex burst out of the kidney on the ground. Weakness: cannot use the surgery three times in one day, if the user uses the stands power ( the dissection not the electric zap) more than twice, after the surgery is done, both the opponent and the user die.

The World: Requiem. It is similer to the normal one, but has a new color scheme, and becomes more powerfull the longer time is stopped. and time can be stopped for a maximum of two hours.

Voodoo Child:

Stand Appearance: Voodoo Child takes the form of a sleek, humanoid figure standing at approximately 6 feet tall. Its body is completely black, with a glossy sheen, giving it an ethereal and otherworldly appearance. It wears a long, flowing cloak that drapes over its shoulders and reaches down to its ankles. The Stand's head is covered by a featureless mask, except for two piercing, glowing red eyes that emanate an eerie aura. Its overall design exudes a sense of mystery, darkness, and power.

Stand Abilities:

  1. Sinful Retribution: Voodoo Child possesses the ability to sense and manipulate the sins and vices of individuals. By making physical contact with a target, it can perceive their deepest, darkest secrets and sins. This knowledge grants Voodoo Child the power to exploit those sins and turn them against the target. For example, if the target has committed theft, Voodoo Child could summon shadowy hands to steal their possessions or immobilize them with guilt. The intensity and scope of this ability depend on the severity and extent of the target's sins.
  2. Death's Embrace: Voodoo Child has the power to manipulate death itself. It can summon spectral chains from its cloak that can bind opponents, draining their life force. The chains carry the weight of the sins the target has committed, becoming stronger and more unbreakable with each sin. The chains can also extend to great lengths, allowing Voodoo Child to restrain multiple targets simultaneously. Additionally, Voodoo Child can control these chains to deliver devastating blows, causing severe physical and spiritual damage to its foes.
  3. Drawing-4

    Edited image i did

    Sinner's Requiem: Voodoo Child's ultimate ability manifests when it defeats a particularly sinful opponent. Once a target is vanquished, Voodoo Child can absorb their sins, granting it a temporary surge of power. This power boost enhances all of its abilities, increasing their range, potency, and versatility. The absorbed sins also grant Voodoo Child a temporary insight into the target's past, allowing it to learn new information or access hidden knowledge.


  • Voodoo Child's abilities heavily rely on the sins and vices of its targets. If the opponent has a relatively clean conscience or has atoned for their past actions, Voodoo Child's powers may be significantly weakened.
  • Despite its impressive offensive capabilities, Voodoo Child lacks defensive abilities. Its focus is primarily on exploiting the sins of others, leaving it vulnerable to direct attacks if its user is not cautious.
  • Voodoo Child's powers are limited to individuals with souls, making it less effective against non-living entities or stands that lack a spiritual essence.


i am in debt, thanks to rhino. the least i can do is edit.


the mission

MAIN GOAL: i recently set out on a journey. I WILL try to earn EVERY ( or at least as much as i can ) BADGE!! Its gonna take time, editing, coding, learning, talking, typing, research, and a shit-ton of JJBA!! but i will try, and have already talked to the admins ( well Finn is the admin, but She said she will try talking to her higher-ups about badges. ), and made some edits [mainly grammar], so i have already earned alot of badges and im proud. i will also Attempt to become an admin myself, but that's not what is important to me, i just want to HELP. so yeah i´ll try tweaking this page later but ive spent half of my study hall and i have 2 videos to animate so that's for tomorrow Jax.

Fav Pages[]

here are some pages i contributed heavily to, or that i like.

Kira (4)


King Crimson

The Iron Ladies

Evil Dead

Whitesnake ultimate



badges again[]

here is a link from an old admin/semi-owner on here. it lists EVERY BADGE!

User:MetallicKaiser/Storage#Achievement Badges


Hi Babysaaaaaark! :)


  1. Happy b-day Kai, 2023
  2. five iron frenzy video i quoted. it is christian music, but if you dont care then i recommend it heavily.
  3. What, you thought i'd be wrong?
  4. Lisa Lisa JORGE