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Crazy Diamond's Demonic Heartbreak - Chapter 1 (狂気のダイヤモンドの悪魔的失恋 - 第一章 Kyōki no daiyamondo no akuma-teki shitsuren - daiisshō) is the first chapter of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Crazy Diamond's Demonic Heartbreak, which released on December 18th, 2021.


A girl reminisces of being in Egypt, recalling the day someone close to her had died, noting the bird circling the skies above.

In March 1999, the mother of a trainer who had been killed trying to escape DIO has lost her late son's bird, in spite of the cage being locked. Hol Horse has been requested by the woman to help find the bird. First recommending her to leave it to the Speedwagon Foundation to find, he caves and takes the task, claiming that he can't tell a woman no when she looks at him like that, no matter their age.

While walking through an alleyway, a young boy stops him and haggles him to pay him to guide Hol Horse through the cursed alleyway. Hol Horse doesn't go along with it and insists that the kid should be working harder to make money, pulling out Emperor and firing off a blast, shattering the potted plants of one of the upperstory residents of the nearby building, leading to them fussing at the young boy. Hol Horse continues through the alleyway, entering the building filled with fog.

He calls out for Kenny G., recognizing that the fog was due to a Stand. He asked if he received Hol Horse's signal, further asking him to give him a sign, though stating that he was not calling for him to call off the effect of his Stand. A voice soon speaks, saying that they only will if Hol Horse calls off his own Stand. Walking toward where the voice originated, he sees Mariah sitting by the bar counter. About to mistakenly put his hand on an outlet, Mariah states that it isn't her Stand, but warns him about what will happen if he tries anything. The two begin to talk when, Mariah mentions that she wants Hol Horse to take "The Brothers" with him, stating that they had already been staying with her and Kenny G. for a month. Hol Horse states that he is only there to discuss something with Boingo, and while on his way out of the room, Mariah stops him and asks if he still has dreams. Hol Horse insists that he is too tough to be worried with telling her about nightmares, when Mariah points out that he is wearing 3 watches on his wrist, insisting that he must be somewhat disturbed since he had been shot in the head. He snaps, saying that it is merely a fashion statement. She tells him that she still dreams of how it was a decade earlier, and that DIO is always in those dreams, explaining how she still calls him "Lord DIO" there and apologizes for not having defeated the Joestars yet, in spite of knowing all of the terrible things she had been told that he had done, leaving her in a cold sweat when she wakes. Hol Horse consoles her, telling her not to be so upset with herself, stating that while those who are conned are fools, they are still victims, nonetheless. At first, she seems to have a sentimental expression for the tender moment before her face soon contorts to that of a wild rage as she takes Hol Horse down to the ground, screaming at him for calling her a fool, soon activating her Stand, Bastet. He soon has darts and swords hurled at him, and as he tries to escape, he ends up getting stuck to some pipes. The door to the room he is stuck in is flung closed, effectively stopping the various sharp objects from impaling him. Boingo appears and says that Thoth had predicted that he would go on the parrot hunt with him. Hol Horse is relieved to hear his voice and asks him to have Mariah call off her Stand, but Boingo refuses. He further asks Hol Horse to promise him to never involve himself with him again, and to forever forget about him and Thoth. Mariah soon reaches them, giggling about how she wanted to give him a good beating for taking advantage of Boingo all of those years ago. Boingo shows Hol Horse Thoth's prediction, revealing that the parrot had traveled to Morioh, to Hol Horse's surprise.

In Morioh, Ryoko Kakyoin, who mentions that she had just gotten into University, visits her cousin's grave. A bird flies overhead and she recalls when DIO tried to seduce her to join his side. Walking away from the gravestone, she ponders what happened to Noriaki.

Ryoko walks down the street while talking on the phone. As she hung up, she noticed Thoth on the ground, believing it to be a manga, and picks it up. Looking at the pages, she sees the name "DIO" and freaks out. She closes it and pockets it, soon passing Hol Horse who walked in the opposite direction. Hol Horse is asking around, trying to figure out where Boingo had gone. Standing on the sidewalk, he hears DIO say that "The sidewalk is wide enough" as he appears behind him. Turning around, Hol Horse sees a car driving in the direction of the sidewalk. As he pulls out Emperor and aims at the driver, he hears DIO again, stating that he liked him and recalling when he Hol Horse tried to kill him. Hol Horse panics, telling himself that DIO is dead, coming to the realization that he was a coward who gave into fear 10 years earlier, and stating that he still fears DIO. Hol Horse hesitates, the oncoming car soon crashing when it is suddenly punched by another Stand. It is then revealed to have been Crazy Diamond who punched it as Josuke Higashikata stares at Hol Horse, noticing the gun in his hand and figuring that it was a Stand. Hol Horse aims Emperor at the highschooler with a pompadour, not trusting him since he was a Stand User, and insisting that he tells him just who he is.


Crazy Diamond's Demonic Heartbreak
Boingo color AV
Ryoko Kakyoin Hol Horse Mariah Josuke Higashikata Boingo


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