Joi Ito's Web

Joi Ito's conversation with the living web.


Radiohead just released a new video for its song "House of Cards" from the album "In Rainbows".

No cameras or lights were used. Instead two technologies were used to capture 3D images: Geometric Informatics and Velodyne LIDAR. Geometric Informatics scanning systems produce structured light to capture 3D images at close proximity, while a Velodyne Lidar system that uses multiple lasers is used to capture large environments such as landscapes. In this video, 64 lasers rotating and shooting in a 360 degree radius 900 times per minute produced all the exterior scenes.

There are more videos and information on the page for this.

Exciting for Creative Commons is that the data (although not the music) used to produce this music video are being made available under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 License on the Google Code site.

The Source code to the software used is being made available under a Apache License 2.0.

This combination of Open Source licenses for code and Creative Commons licenses for data/content is very "good idea".

The code and the data not the music are available on the radiohead Google Project Page.

Thanks to Aaron Koblin (the guy who wrote the code), Radiohead, Warner-Chappell and DeWitt Clinton and his team at Google for taking the lead on this. Awesome video and looking forward to seeing what other people do with the software and data.

Esther Wojcicki

We just announced that Esther Wojcicki has joined the Creative Commons board.

Wojcicki has been a prominent figure in American education. As the leading mind behind the creation of the country's largest high school journalism program, she has won numerous awards, including the prestigious title of Teacher of the Year from the California State Teacher Credentialing Commission. Most recently, she received special recognition for her work from the National Scholastic Press Association.

In addition to being very cool, tremendously wise and a great addition to the board in general, Esther's expertise in the field of education is very important for us as Creative Commons educational initiative ccLearn develops.

Welcome aboard Esther!

TechSummit Video Now Online

Greg Grossmeier, July 9th, 2008

Creative Commons held our first TechSummit at Google last month. This event included an update and overview of Creative Commons technologies, panels featuring other leaders in open digital rights technologies, and a look at the future, including the role of digital copyright registries. If you are curious of who all the speakers were you can still find the list on the TechSummit informational page. Many presenters' slides are also available from that page.

For those that could not attend the Tech Summit can now view the entire event online thanks to Google (who graciously hosted the event for us). There are four 1-hour long videos available and they are broken up by sessions. You can find session topics and presenters on the TechSummit information page.

Video 1:

* Welcome and mini-keynote (Joi Ito)
* Talk: Introduction to ccREL (Ben Adida)
* Panel: Current CC, Science Commons, and ccLearn technology initiatives

Video 2:

* Panel: Digital Asset Management on the web and the desktop
* Talk: Digital copyright registry technology landscape, challenges, opportunities (Mike Linksvayer)

Video 3:

* Panel: Developers of digital copyright registries and similar animals

Video 4:

* Plenary: "Copyright 2.0″ technologies and digital copyright registries: what next?

The summit was a super-useful event for us thanks to everyone who came out and participated. Also, special thanks to Google for sponsoring the event.

The technological infrastructure is exceedingly important for the success of Creative Commons and as it becomes more pervasive, the discussion around standards and interoperability becomes more and more important. We need to make sure we involve as many of the relevant parties as we can and that we try to get things right.

We plan on continue to do these so your feedback on this last one would greatly appreciated and don't forget to sign up for the next one.

Rising Voices is one of the coolest new projects at Global Voices.

Rising Voices, an outreach initiative of Global Voices, aims to help bring new voices from new communities and speaking new languages to the global conversation by providing resources and funding to local groups reaching out to underrepresented communities.


Launched in May 2007 thanks to the support of a Knight News Challenge Award, Rising Voices seeks to empower under-represented communities to make their voices heard online by 1.) providing financial support to outreach projects, 2.) developing a series of participatory media tutorials, and 3.) cultivating a network of passionate citizen media activists to help encourage and support the replication of outreach trainings.

Lead by David Sasaki and Rezwan, the team has done an amazing job in the last year bringing commmunities and projects online.

This is a dotSUB video recapping some of the projects from last year. Please take a look and register and help finish translating it to to your native language if the translation is incomplete.

Congratulations to the whole team.

Solana Larsen and David Sasaki
David Sasaki

Photo by Neha Viswanathan - Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 2.0 Generic License


We just wrapped up the Global Voices Summit in Budapest. I unfortunately missed the first public half of the Summit, but participated in the meeting afterwords for the authors, editors and the staff. It was amazing to see so many countries and regions discussing issues face to face in combinations that only the UN would come close to. It was a really great meeting everyone and the last session was tear-jerking, listening to everyone's stories.

Since the first Global Voices meeting in 2004, I've been peripherally involved, most recently as a board member. I'd seen the site growing and growing, but the scale, quality and commitment of the community involved in running this multi-national, multi-lingual blogging effort really hit me after attending this conference and I'm even prouder than ever to be able to part of this movement.

Global Voices is a super-important part in fixing what I call the "caring problem". There is a systemic bias against reporting international news in most developed nations. When pressed, many editors will say that people just don't want to read articles about other parts of the world. This is because most people don't care. They don't care because they don't hear the voices or know people in other countries. I think that by providing voices to all over the world, we have the ability to connect people and get people to care more.

I also believe that voice is probably more important than votes or guns. I believe that combating extremism is most effectively done by winning the argument in public, not by censorship, elections or destruction. I believe that providing everyone with a voice to participate in the global dialog is key. The ability to communication and connect without permission or fear of retribution is a pillar of open society in the 21st Century. Global Voices is the best example of this that I know of.

UPDATE: My photos and everyone's photos of the meeting are on Flickr.

This cartoon was featured on the gapingvoid cartoon widget today. What a blast from the past - a legacy from when my blog was actually widely read. ;-)

Thanks Hugh!

George Lucas and JJ Abrams - Photoshopped
Photoshopped version of my photo by unknown artist - I do not own the copyright to this derivative work

George Lucas and JJ Abrams
The original image

It was awhile ago, but someone sent me a photoshopped version of my photo of George Lucas and JJ Abrams. I can't seem to find the email. I'd like to contact the artist to ask for permission to use it and ask them to license it under a CC license. I'd also like to provide attribution. If you sent me the photo and are reading this, can you leave a comment or send me an email? If you know who did this, let me know too.


AT&T Online Billing

Ms. Suspicious has nothing to hide. Well, she has a little to
hide, but her love of Online Billing isn't one of them. She and the other
Online Liberation Movement(sm) members have all made online billing work for
them, whether they need simplicity, convenience, flexibility, or just peace
of mind.

In a recent marketing ad, AT&T makes a really bad joke poking fun at people upset about their warrantless wiretapping. Bad taste. I think I'm going to cancel my AT&T phone number.

Via Reading (for Dummies).

Dopplr recently released public profiles. Here's mine. There lots of nifty info on the page with code to link to or embed the various thingies.

One of my favorites is my velocity.

Done in typical groovy Dopplr style. Good job guys.

Disclosure: I'm a Dopplr investor.

Yvette Alberdingkthijm
Yvette Alberdingkthijm

WITNESS Appoints New Executive Director

June 25, 2008


New York, NY (June 25, 2008) - Today, the Board of Directors of WITNESS the international human rights organization co-founded by musician and activist Peter Gabriel, announced the appointment of Yvette J. Alberdingk Thijm as Executive Director.

Alberdingk Thijm has nearly two decades of experience in media and new technology. Most recently, she served as Executive Vice President of Content Strategy & Acquisition at Joost, the global online video platform formed by Niklas Zennström and Janus Friis, the founders of Skype and Kazaa. Prior to joining Joost, Alberdingk Thijm was Executive Vice President of Business Affairs for MTV Networks International (MTVNI), where she oversaw business affairs for all of its branded businesses and channels worldwide (outside the U.S.A.), including digital media initiatives, audiovisual co-productions, new business development, strategic partnerships and joint ventures.

Yvette is one of the coolest people I've met recently. I met her as a fellow board member on the WITNESS board and have been learning about the international broadcast scene from her.

Gillian Caldwell
Gillian Caldwell

After Gillian Caldwell, the super-ED who got me involved in WITNESS moved on to run 1Sky, WITNESS has been looking for an ED to fill her shoes. (Very hard shoes to fill).

Jenni Wolfson
Jenni Wolfson

During that time, the staff, lead by Jenni Wolfson has done an amazing job keeping everything running and improving and we're eternally grateful and impressed.

I think that recruiting Yvette from the board was a very clever move on the part of the committee in charge of these things and I'm so excited that Yvette was willing to take the role. (Board members becoming staff seems to be in fashion these days. *cough*)

Anyway, yay us!