Sales Dashboard

The ultimate sales dashboard. Track Gross Revenue, Net Revenue, Customer growth right from your CRM.

or get all extensions for $199 per year.

Sales Dashboard


The ultimate sales dashboard. Track Gross Revenue, Net Revenue, Customer growth right from your CRM.

SKU: zbs-sales Category: Tags: ,

Super-easy Sales Analytics (for WooCommerce, PayPal, + more)

See your sales data in all it’s glory – the ultimate CRM sales analytics dashboard!

  • Metrics – Powerful metrics to improve your business
  • Dashboard – The ultimate sales analytics hub, just for you
  • Reports – See MRR, Gross revenue, Net, Discounts, Avg. per customer etc.
  • Automatic – Sync your data into the CRM and get metrics easily!
Jetpack CRM: Sales Dashboard - CRM Metrics Extension

The Importance of Analytics

Pro’s know. Online business is all about data. We’ve learned this the hard way – through years of trying to make successful online businesses. From ecommerce to e courses. We’ve got decades of experience here, and the crucial thing we’ve learned is that data matters.

We’ve built this extension to make it increadibly easy to see high-level, business-critical analytics at a glance.

Metrics, Metrics, Metrics!

The Sales Dashboard extension focuses on 7 key metrics, giving you amazing insight into your customers, and the ability to see quick wins to grow your business.

Gross Revenue

Net Revenue



Average Revenue per Customer

New Customers

Total Customers

See each of these in detail below, or grab the extension now and see your very own graphs within five minutes!


14 day money back guarantee14 day Money back guarantee on all purchases.

User examples:

Multi-agent Agency or Busy Freelancer

As customers come and go it’s easy to build up many ways to see “progress” in a business sense. Sales Dashboard works out-of-the-box with your CRM, and shows you at-a-glance how your business is killing it (or not :o). This makes it easy to make leveraged business decisions, (or to keep a team on point).

WooCommerce ecommerce store

Woo Sync keeps your customer database up to date automatically. Sales Dashboard “just works” and gives you stunning charts based on your sales and customers.

Selling online with PayPal

PayPal Sync keeps your Jetpack CRM up-to-date automatically. Sales Dashboard provides you with beautiful charts based on your sales and customers. (Also works in the same way for non-profits & donations!)

Gross Revenue and Net Revenue

The main metric of your business. Find out how your revenue is growing. Are your marketing efforts working as you intended. The Net revenue chart is very similar to Gross revenue, but knocks off discounts and fees.

Jetpack Sales Metrics - Gross Revenue

Jetpack CRM Sales Metrics - Net Revenue

Discounts and Fees

Just like the Gross and Net Revenue charts you can see your discounts and fees for each transaction. A great way to see whether any promotions have spiked your sales.  Fees are the fees from transactions but you can also add any other ‘fees’ related to your business.

PayPal Discount Fees analysis in Jetpack CRM Sales Analytics Dashboard

Average Revenue Per Customer

This one is one of the metrics we focus on. What value to your business is a new customer. This can be used to determine how much to spend to acquire a new customer. Giving you awesome control over your business growth.

What's your Average Revenue Per Customer? Find out with Sales Dashboard

New Customers and Total Customers

These two charts are great ways of seeing your customer growth rate over time. It shows you how many customers you’re adding each month and also which day of the week are your best days for gaining new customers. Amazing.

Total Customers

How many customers does your business have? Do you know? Can you quickly analyse whether your customer growth rate is increasing? Are marketing boosts helping kick the trend upwards?

Business growth measurement - easy with Jetpack CRM Sales Dash

With all of this amazing information you can really use the system to drive your business forwards.

See your latest Activity

The Sales Dashboard gives you the latest activity from your transaction data, have you generated new customers along with your new sales? How are things progressing? A nice little touch to keep on top of things while reviewing your Sales Data.

All metrics in one easy to analyse dashboard

Take a view of everything, anytime you like. All the way back to the start of time. Want to start writing transparency reports for your business? You can easily do this and backdate them by going through your data.

Sales Dashboard Features:

Business-critical Metrics – act on information!

Powerful Dashboard – easy to see at a glance

Sync’s with your sales data – keep up to the minute with your data * Requires sync extension

Discover Trends – See your data like never before

Fully automatic – No setup required, just plug into your Jetpack CRM

Charming Support – direct support via email

Easy to install & setup – a quick 2-minute job you can do directly from your browser

Efficient Code – all extensions are performance optimised

Jetpack CRM Promise – all extensions add value in a clean, effective way, guaranteed!

Sales Dashboard Specification:

Requires Jetpack CRM Version: 1.5+

Requires PHP Version: 5.4+

Compatible with WordPress Versions: WordPress 4.2+

Tested on multiple server setups

Works best with a Sync Plugin PayPal or WooCommerce)

Get Sales Dashboard Now:

The Sales Dashboard extension works the best when used in combination with the PayPal Sync or Woo Sync extensions. This lets you see the latest snapshot of your data at a glance.

Good with: PayPal Sync Woo Sync (for WooCommerce). Your cheapest option is the Entrepreneur’s Bundle.