Advanced Segments

Easily divide your contacts into dynamic subgroups and manage your contacts effectively

or get all extensions for $199 per year.

Advanced Segments


Easily divide your contacts into dynamic subgroups and manage your contacts effectively


Divide and Conquer (or Contact?)

  • Powerful – Slice up your huge pile of contacts into actionable groups
  • Dynamic – Segments automatically update as your contacts evolve into clients
  • Integrated – Advanced Segments quietly supercharge your existing Segments editor

Create Segments from ANY field

Segments are a hugely powerful tool in a CRM. They let you create ‘dynamic’ groups (e.g. “People in Postal Code X”).

Advanced segments opens up all of the contact fields, and more, as segment ‘conditions’.

  • Quote, Invoice, Transaction Count
  • All Contact Fields
  • All Contact Custom Fields
  • External sources like PayPal Connect or Stripe Connect
  • All the usual Segment conditions

Advanced Features:

New Conditions – Advanced Segments automatically adds extra conditions

WooCommerce segmentation – Segment by WooCommerce order data, and other external source meta data!

MailPoet segmentation – Segment by MailPoet Subscriber attributes or statuses, or by MailPoet List!

Dynamic – Jetpack CRM watches your contacts as they move between segments

Easy to install & setup – a quick 2-minute job you can do directly from your browser

Efficient Code – all extensions are performance optimised

Jetpack CRM Promise – all extensions add value in a clean, effective way, guaranteed!


Requires Jetpack CRM Version: 2.84+

Requires PHP Version: 5.4+ (7 recommended)

Compatible with WordPress Versions: WordPress 4.2+

Tested on multiple server setups

Advanced Segments Screenshots:

Get Advanced Segments Now:

Enhance the default Jetpack CRM Segments with extra conditions to create segments with, (more added all the time!)

Note: If you want to use this with our other extensions, your cheapest option is the Entrepreneur’s Bundle.