Sending a quote couldn’t be easier

Add a new quote, choose a contact, a quote template – check it over and hit send!


Send quotes to your contacts easily.
Start a quote directly from a contact record, or just hit ‘Add Quote’ from the top menu.



Create professional proposal templates.
Making it an easy job to write quotations, automatically populating the template from your contact’s details.



Send the quote to your contact via email, and allow them to accept online.


Quote templates save you countless hours.

Do you offer a service which is the same (or similar) for each contact? Save writing a new quote each time or copying in and out of Word. Make a proposal template once and then use the template in future quotes.

Simple Quote System

Jetpack CRM makes logging each quote super simple. Give your quote a title, add a value, and (optionally) use the quote template system to make quotes a breeze.


Quotes made easy.

Adding a new quote is super simple. Enter your key information and then choose which template to use (or write from scratch).

Log Quotes sent out
Save Quote Files against record

Proposal Templates

Use built-in templates

Templates make creating new quotes easy. Using placeholders, you can draft a template and then populate it with your contact’s data during the quote creation process.

Using templates saves countless hours compared to writing quotes from scratch for each contact (and it assures you make less mistakes, such as remembering to change the name in all the correct places).

HTML Proposal Templates
Add, Edit or Remove Templates

Get Quotes Accepted Online

Send your quote/proposal to your contact with one click. They can even accept online (and you’ll get a nice ‘Quote Accepted’ email notification when they do!.

Send Quotes via Email
Clients can Accept Online
Quote Acceptance Notifications
Send a Quote via Email from Jetpack CRM