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Plugin Management

Update plugins automatically and in one place with Jetpack’s plugin management tool.

Keep your site secure by making sure your plugins are always up-to-date. With Jetpack’s plugin management tool, you can update plugins manually, set automatic updates, and activate or deactivate plugins on a per-site basis or in bulk.

Plugin management is available by default on all Jetpack-connected sites.

When viewing the dashboard, a yellow update icon indicates that the site has updates available.

Screenshot of the sidebar with a yellow icon showing two circular arrows, indicating an update is needed.

Jetpack will also alert you on the site’s Activity Log page when there are plugins that need to be updated.

Back up your site

With automatic or manual plugin updates, it’s important to make sure your site is backed up. Sometimes an update to a plugin can break how your site works; having a backup on hand makes life much easier if you need to roll back a plugin update to restore functionality to your website.

Manage one site

To manage plugins on a single Jetpack-connected site, follow these steps:

  1. Start at the sites list and select the site you’d like to view.
  2. Click on Plugins in the sidebar menu.
  3. Click Installed plugins to view the plugins you’re currently using.
  4. Filter the list by active, inactive, or plugins that need updates.
  5. Click Update next to any plugin that is out of date, or click Update all plugins.

Other plugin management options on this page are:

  • Toggle plugins to be active or inactive
  • Turn autoupdates on or off
  • Click on the plugin’s name to manage its individual settings
  • Click on the three-dot menu next to the plugin to remove the plugin from your site.

For more settings, click the name of the plugin to view more details.

Update all sites

To mass update plugins across all sites that are connected to Jetpack, navigate to the Plugins page for all of your sites, where you can:

  • See all plugins installed across all of your sites, including those that need to be updated
  • Update all plugins for all sites at once
  • Update an individual plugin on all sites at once
  • Click the three-dot menu next to a plugin to remove it from all sites, or manage it across those sites.

Troubleshoot plugin updates

If you are having any trouble updating or managing plugins on your Jetpack-connected sites, please check the following configurations:

  • Site is not under version control
  • You must be able to install plugins and update them without entering a FTP username and password
  • The following constants need to be set to false or not defined: DISALLOW_FILE_MODS and AUTOMATIC_UPDATER_DISABLED.
  • Any plugin that intentionally disables autoupdates must not be active.

Still need help?

Please contact support. We’re happy to advise.

Privacy Information

Plugin management is activated by default, although you need to explicitly set your plugins to automatically update. There is no way to deactivate this feature.

Data Used
Site Owners / Users


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Activity Tracked
Site Owners / Users

When managing plugins in bulk, we track whether the following buttons are clicked: Activate, Deactivate, Autoupdate, Disable, Update Plugins, Remove.

For individual plugins, we track whether “Manage Plugin” is selected or if the Remove option is selected.
Site Visitors


Data Synced (Read More)
Site Owners / Users

Plugins that are installed on the site, as well as their statuses (active or inactive).

Site Visitors


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