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Generate sitemaps so that your posts and pages can be found by search engines like Google or Bing.

Turn Sitemaps on

To enable Sitemaps, follow these steps:

  1. Visit your dashboard.
  2. Click Tools → Marketing → Traffic
  3. Click the toggle switch next to Generate XML Sitemaps.
  4. Access your Jetpack Sitemap at yourdomain/sitemap.xml.

To help search engines find your website faster, we recommend submitting your sitemap (along with other information about your site) to the various webmaster tools programs that search engines offer, like Google Search Console and Bing Webmaster Tools. You’ll need to add and verify your site on both services before you’re able to submit the sitemap.

Types of sitemaps

Jetpack will generate four different sitemaps for you:

  • A general sitemap for search engines, with your public posts and pages
  • A news sitemap built specifically for Google News
  • An image sitemap
  • A video sitemap

Sitemap for search engines

The sitemap file generated by Jetpack is available to every search engine that supports the protocol, including Google, Yahoo!, Bing,, and others. If you would like to learn more about the protocol, please visit

You can customize this filter to remove specific posts, pages, or URLs from your sitemap.

Jetpack automatically updates the sitemap file every 12 hours (or every time the content changes in the case of the News Sitemap). This happens on the server-side, not on Google. If you want to update the sitemap(s) directly in Google Search Console, please make sure that the sitemaps’ XML files gets updated first on the server. 

News sitemap

News sitemaps are very similar to standard XML sitemaps for search engines, but they are specific to Google News. Publishers must be pre-approved for Google News before Google will index a news sitemap. News sitemaps include only posts published in the last 48 hours.

Once you activate the Sitemaps feature, you’ll be able to access your news sitemap at yourdomain/news-sitemap.xml Approved publishers must log in to Google Search Console and add their news sitemap location as another sitemap.

Don’t forget to apply to get your posts listed in Google News.

Image and video sitemaps

The image and video sitemaps help search engines index media on your website so that it can be displayed in searches for that specific type of media, e.g. images or video files.

The Image sitemap is enabled by default. You can disable it by adding the following code to your site:

add_filter( 'jetpack_sitemap_image_skip_post', '__return_true' );

Keep in mind that the sitemaps are automatically updated around every 12 hours by using WP-Cron. The effect of the filter will not take place until the next update.

If you are using Jetpack’s Site Accelerator (our CDN), the sitemap will list the original URLs even though the photos are served by the CDN.

Sitemap update frequency

  • The News sitemap is generated when it’s requested. New posts are added to this sitemap right away.
  • Other sitemaps including post, image, and video sitemaps are automatically updated around every 12 hours by using WP-Cron.

If you have noticed that your sitemaps are not updated after 12 hours, please contact us via our dedicated forum or via this contact form.

Add more post types to the sitemap

The default sitemap includes:

To add a new Custom Post Type to the default sitemap, use the jetpack_sitemap_post_types filter to specify your own set of post types to include.

The News sitemap only lists posts by default. To add another post type to the News sitemap, use the jetpack_sitemap_news_sitemap_post_types filter.

Choose which sitemap plugin to use

There are a number of plugins in the plugin repository that allow you to create sitemaps for your WordPress site. If you already use such a plugin, you can either remove that plugin and use Jetpack’s Sitemap feature instead, or leave Jetpack’s Sitemap disabled. We won’t activate our Sitemap feature if we detect you’re already using one of the more popular sitemap plugins on your site.

If you are using a different plugin for SEO-related stuff, stick with that. Alternatively, if you still want to use the Jetpack sitemap, please deactivate any other SEO or Sitemap plugins. Using multiple sitemap plugins can result in a “Sitemap cannot be read” error in Google Search Console, or other errors.

Increase the sitemap URL limits

The general sitemap and news sitemap have limits of 2000 and 1000 URLs respectively, to keep sitemaps within the 50MB size limit. If you need to increase that limit, you can add the following constants to your site’s wp-config.php file and edit the values as required:

define( 'JP_SITEMAP_MAX_ITEMS', 2000 );
define( 'JP_NEWS_SITEMAP_MAX_ITEMS', 1000 );

You will then need to deactivate and reactivate the Sitemaps module in Jetpack to trigger a new index. Keep in mind that generating sitemaps with thousands of URLs can take some time.


Typical issues with sitemaps include:

  • 404 error when loading the sitemap
  • Sitemaps constantly being purged and moved to trash
  • Sitemap is blank, displays a white page, or shows a header with no URLs
  • Empty News sitemap
  • No XML-Tags or there are “Missing XML-Tag” errors

The following troubleshooting steps should resolve these types of errors:

  1. Make sure you are using the most updated version of Jetpack
  2. Go to Settings > Permalink and click Save.
  3. Check for conflicts: deactivate and reactivate your plugins one by one.
  4. Check for any security features you may have enabled, and try temporarily disabling them.
  5. Search for any firewall on your server-side that might be conflicting – your host should be able to help you with that.
  6. Toggle off/on the Sitemap feature.
  7. Check if your caching plugin is synced, or try disabling it completely.
  8. Check if you have any redirection plugins enabled. If you can’t find anything, ask your host to check for any rewrite rules that might be interfering.

Still need help?

Please contact support. We’re happy to advise.

Privacy Information

Sitemaps are deactivated by default. They can be activated any time by toggling the Generate XML sitemaps setting in the Sitemaps section from Jetpack → Settings → Traffic in your dashboard.

Data Used
Site Owners / Users


The URL of the page/post, the title of the page/post, and the publication date of the page/post.Additionally, for activity tracking (detailed below): IP address, user ID, username, site ID and URL, Jetpack version, user agent, visiting URL, referring URL, timestamp of event, browser language, country code.

Site Visitors



Activity Tracked
Site Owners / Users


We track when, and by which user, the feature is activated and deactivated.

Site Visitors



Data Synced (Read More)
Site Owners / Users


We sync options that identify whether or not the feature is activated and some additional information around sitemaps, including the state of the sitemap, the location of the sitemap, and which post types are included in the site map.

Site Visitors



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