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Jetpack Search Product Billing

Pricing for Jetpack Search depends on which plan you have. Learn below how to determine the billing for your Search Plan.

Jetpack Pricing Structure

In November 2022, we updated our Search pricing structure to make it more affordable for smaller sites with lower traffic. Now you pay based on how many records Jetpack Search needs to index, and how many people perform search queries on your website.

In general, posts, pages, products, and custom post types count as records. Jetpack Search doesn’t count media library files unless they have their post status set to publish. Most attachments are indexed for free. 

Our tiers are 10k, 20k, 30k, and so on, with each tier proportional to its capacity. So the 20k tier costs the same as two 10k plans.
If you exceed your tier’s limit, whether in the number of records or monthly requests (whichever is higher), you’ll need to upgrade to a higher-tier plan.

Check your Search usage

Navigate to your Search Record Meter

You can access your Record Meter from WP Admin → Jetpack → Search.

Your Record Meter will show you how many records you have indexed, your subscription plan tier and allotted records, indexed post types, and any related errors for your Jetpack Search.

Example Record Meter, showing 101 out of 5000 Site Records used, and 0 out of 500 Search requests. 

There is also a bar which breaks down the 101 records into 49 posts, 26 pages, and 26 products.

Keep Jetpack Search active

If you go over the limits for the Jetpack Search plan you have, you will get an email informing you that your next renewal charge will increase. You can take steps to reduce the number of records indexed before the renewal date. Or you can allow the auto-renewal to proceed as usual with the increased price.

If you are on the Jetpack Search free tier and you exceed your limit for three consecutive months without upgrading to a paid plan, Jetpack Search will be turned off and your site will default to the standard WordPress search, which is included in the core WordPress software.

Reduce the number of records we index

If you have particular post types on your site that you never want to count as a record and you don’t need other Jetpack features to work on that post type, then you can completely exclude it from being synced. You can add the following to a functionality plugin. Make sure to replace topic with the post type you want to exclude in the two lines highlighted below:

add_action( 'plugins_loaded', 'filter_blacklisted_post_types' );

function filter_blacklisted_post_types() {

	if ( class_exists( '\Automattic\Jetpack\Sync\Settings' ) ) {

		// Get current blacklist
		$blacklist = \Automattic\Jetpack\Sync\Settings::get_setting('post_types_blacklist');

		//Check if the post type is in blacklist
		if ( ! in_array( 'topic', $blacklist ) ) {

			// Append post_type to blacklist
			$blacklist[] = 'topic';
			$settings = [
				'post_types_blacklist' => $blacklist

			// Update settings

			\Automattic\Jetpack\Sync\Settings::update_settings( $settings );


It is not possible to exclude individual content from being indexed other than making it publicly inaccessible.

Plan types and pricing structure

Jetpack Search pricing varies based on the type of plan you have. If you are on a Jetpack Professional or Jetpack Complete plan, check the chart below for information on what is included in Jetpack Search.

Jetpack Complete

Jetpack Complete includes:

✅ 100k records and 100k search queries on your site
✅ Inline search widget (deprecated)
✅ Instant Search overlay (recommended)
✅ Spelling correction

Jetpack Professional

Jetpack Professional includes:

✅ Unlimited records: posts, pages, products, media library files, and custom post types
✅ Inline search widget

Jetpack Professional does not include:

❌ Instant Search Overlay
❌ Spelling correction

Jetpack Search (purchased before 14 Nov 2022)

✅ Tier-based charge based on the number of records on your site
✅ Inline search widget (deprecated)
✅ Instant Search overlay (recommended)
✅ Spelling correction

Jetpack Search (purchased after 14 Nov 2022)

✅ Tier-based charge based on the number of records and search queries on your site
✅ Inline search widget (deprecated)
✅ Instant Search overlay (recommended)
✅ Spelling correction

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