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Podcast Player Block

Jetpack’s Podcast Player block allows you to easily show your visitors a listing of recent episodes from a podcast and play them on your website.


The Podcast Player block is available on all Jetpack-connected sites. It is a part of the Jetpack Blocks suite and is activated by default. See our Jetpack Blocks article to learn about the available blocks and how to activate them.

Jetpack Blocks require the Block Editor (also referred to as the Gutenberg editor). If you’ve installed the Classic Editor plugin, you will need to switch back to the Block Editor either by:

  • Deactivating the Classic Editor: Go to PluginsInstalled Plugins in your WP Admin and deactivate the Classic Editor plugin.
  • Enabling both editors: If you prefer flexibility, navigate to Settings → Writing in your WP Admin. Set Allow users to switch editors to Yes.

See Using Blocks and the Classic Editor for more details.
It may happen that an editor that comes with a custom theme or plugin prevents you from using the Block Editor. In that case, please contact the respective plugin or theme author for further assistance.

Inserting a Podcast Player Block

You can add the Podcast Player block by searching and/or selecting it from the Jetpack section of the block selector.

Alternatively, you can type /podcast on a new line and press Enter.

See Jetpack Blocks for detailed instructions on adding blocks.

Configuring a Podcast Player Block

After inserting the block, there will be a field where you can enter the RSS feed URL of a podcast.

Note: you must enter a valid podcast RSS feed URL. For example, is a valid feed, whereas is not.

Enter your URL and submit to insert your podcast.

Block Toolbar

Every block has a toolbar of block-specific controls that allow you to customize the block.

The Podcast Player block has the following toolbar options:

  • Change Alignment: this option allows you to change the alignment of the block on the page.
  • Replace: allows you to change the podcast RSS feed URL.

Block Settings

Every block has options in the editor sidebar and options found in the block toolbar. If you do not see the sidebar, click the Settings button (the ‘cog’ icon next to the Publish button).

Podcast Settings

  • Number of items: controls how many episodes will be displayed. The latest episode will always display first.
  • Episode: this allows you to choose a specific episode of the podcast to embed. Selecting a specific episode will only show that single episode.
  • Show Cover Art: toggles the display of the podcast’s cover art if the cover art is available.
  • Show Episode Title and Description: toggles the display of the title and description for the currently selected episode.

Color Settings

  • Primary Color: controls the color used for primary elements in the block display, such as the selected episode title, the player controls, and the played color in the player progress bar.
  • Secondary Color: controls the color used for secondary elements in the block display, such as the selected episode description, unselected episodes, and the not yet played portion of the player progress bar.
  • Background Color: controls the color used as the background color for the block.

Here’s what those color settings can look like once selected: 


The advanced tab lets you add CSS classes to your block, allowing you to use custom CSS rules and style the block. Learn more.

Still need help?

Please contact support. We’re happy to advise.

Privacy Information

The Podcast Player block is activated by default. It cannot be deactivated; the Podcast Player block is always available in the Block Selector.

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