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Fix Jetpack Connection Issues

Have trouble connecting Jetpack to your website, or with some other Jetpack feature? If so, here are some steps troubleshoot your Jetpack connection.

Before troubleshooting, check that your site is publicly available; Jetpack will not be able to connect to it otherwise! You can learn more about why it’s necessary to have your account connected to Jetpack.

Run the Jetpack Debug Tool

The Jetpack Debug Tool can identify many different causes for connection issues. To verify your Jetpack connection, visit your website, copy the URL from your browser’s address bar, and paste it into the Jetpack Debug. If your connection works and all tests pass you will see the message “Everything looks great!”.

If you get an error, try reconnecting Jetpack using these exact steps:

  1. Log into the wp-admin dashboard of your site and go to Jetpack > Dashboard > Connections > Manage Site Connection.
  2. Click the Disconnect button.
  3. Click Connect Jetpack button and continue through the process on screen.
  4. Check the Jetpack Debug for your site again. If there is still an error, continue checking for other issues listed on this page.

Error messages

Seeing an error message when trying to connect Jetpack or from the Jetpack Debug Tool above? Some examples are:

  • Operation timed out
  • Connection error
  • cURL error 60
  • XML‑RPC is not responding correctly

Visit the Error Messages page to see the most common errors, their causes, and how to resolve them.

Check known issues

Check the Known Issues list for any conflicts. If you are using a plugin or theme listed there, and cannot use an alternative, then Jetpack may not work for you.

Check your xmlrpc.php file

Jetpack needs this file to connect to your website.

Start by checking (replacing “” with your actual domain) in your web browser’s address bar. That page should return the following message: XML-RPC server accepts POST requests only.

The message you see should look exactly the same as written above, without any spaces or line breaks above or below it, and without any other text. Compare yours to this working example.

  • If you see this message, but it is not on a line by itself, a theme or plugin may be displaying extra characters when it shouldn’t. Check for plugin or theme conflicts.
  • If you get a 404 error or “Not Found” message, contact your webhost. They may have security in place that is blocking the XML-RPC file, which can cause issues with Jetpack and other plugins.
  • The XML-RPC file may not be in the root folder of your WordPress install, in which case Jetpack will not be able to connect. Reinstalling the core of WordPress should replace it, or you can ask your host to do so.

Plugin conflicts

Sometimes other plugins can create a conflict with Jetpack that blocks it from connecting to

To rule out a plugin conflict:

  1. Deactivate all other plugins and keep Jetpack active.
  2. Try connecting again.
  3. If Jetpack connects, you can turn your plugins back on, one by one, to make sure everything keeps working.

A conflict may cause other issues in addition to not letting Jetpack connect, so check for anything else not working properly after activating each plugin. If you find that a plugin is causing a conflict with Jetpack, please reach out to that plugin’s developers to see if there is a fix to get it working with Jetpack.

Theme issues

If you have a display issue, or the plugin troubleshooting doesn’t help, install and activate one of the default WordPress themes (such as Twenty Twenty Two), then try again. If Jetpack features start working normally, then it means that something in your other theme is likely broken or incompatible, and you should get in touch with that theme’s authors. Be sure to let them know the troubleshooting steps that you’ve already tried.

Site health

Check your site’s health status under Tools > Site Health from the sidebar menu.

This page will run a number of different checks and provide critical information about your WordPress configuration as well as any other items that may require your attention. For help with anything identified in the Site Health report, please contact the developer of the plugin or theme cited in the report.

Specific configurations

Your wp-config.php and .htaccess files

If you or one of your plugins added code to the .htaccess or wp-config.php files, it may have caused a misconfiguration. You can check these guides for more information and typical settings to help revert the files back to their default state: wp-config / htaccess.

The PHP-XML Extension

The PHP on your site needs the XML extension in order to parse XML, which Jetpack needs to properly communicate with your site. Check with your webhost’s customer support team to make sure the PHP-XML extension is installed and active on your server.


Jetpack uses XML-RPC and the JSON API (REST API) to communicate with your site. Please ensure that the JSON API is enabled on your site and that authentication is disabled. If you would prefer not to disable authentication on the JSON API for your site, please allowlist the /jetpack/v4/ and /wpcom/v2/ namespaces instead. If you’re not sure how to do this, please contact your webhost’s customer support team for help.


If you are using Cloudflare on your site, check this guide to make sure Jetpack and Cloudflare are working together properly.

Test your site speed

Your site must initially respond within 5 seconds for the Jetpack connection to work correctly.

You can check your site speed and overall performance with a variety of tools (like GTmetrix or WebPageTest) and follow up with your webhost by showing them the results. They may be able to help improve your site’s response and loading times from there.

SSL Certificates

Your SSL certificate makes sure the traffic on your site is safe and secure. Sometimes they can be misconfigured or expired, which will keep Jetpack from connecting to it. You can check for errors on your SSL certificate with this SSL Checker and test its overall health with this SSL Server Test. It should typically be graded A or A+, and you shouldn’t see any errors.

The most common SSL errors that your webhost must fix are:

  • Self-signed: The certificate was not created by using standard security practices and is considered unsafe
  • Missing chain/intermediate certificate: Some SSL certificates are applied to your site in multiple parts. When one or more are missing in the chain, the security becomes broken and incomplete
  • Expired: Just like a domain, an SSL certificate needs to be renewed each year, or it will expire. Certificate renewals usually happen without you having to do anything, but sometimes automatic systems at your webhost may fail to do so


  • Check that both the SITE_URL and HOME_URL settings under Settings > General in your WP Admin are using https before your domain rather than just http (without the “s”). Sites that use only http are not secure and aren’t using the SSL certificate mentioned above – https loads the certificate properly and will allow Jetpack to connect to it.
  • Also, make sure that all of your site’s traffic routes to https as well. For example, any requests to should automatically redirect to instead. Your webhost can help make sure that this happens as expected.
  • For more detailed information on troubleshooting SSL issues, please refer to this guide.

Developer mode

If you were using Development Mode, check your wp-config.php file and make sure that define('JETPACK_DEV_DEBUG', true); is no longer present.

Server credentials for Jetpack Backup

If you have issues adding your credentials to Jetpack Backup, we recommend contacting your webhost and asking them to provide you with this information so you can then enter it successfully into your Jetpack settings:

  • Credential type (FTP, SFTP, SSH)
  • Server address
  • Port number
  • Server username
  • Server password
  • WordPress full installation path (this is where WordPress is installed on your server)

Reinstall and reconnect Jetpack

Sometimes you need to completely reset your connection between your site and our services. You can follow these instructions to accomplish that.

Contact your webhost

These issues must be addressed by your hosting provider rather than Jetpack support; they are server-related:

  • SSL certificates
  • Changes in IP addresses or domains/URLs
  • Migration from one server to another
  • Site is down or not responding
  • Errors (500 / 502 / 504 / 403)
  • Server resource or memory usage
  • DNS problems
  • Outdated server software (PHP, MySQL, etc.)
  • File and folder permissions
  • Problems that are still occurring even after Jetpack is uninstalled

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