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Get more views and traffic with Jetpack

Read some tips to attract more visitors and get more traffic to your site by using Jetpack features.

Make your new posts visible across social networks

Promote your posts across your social media accounts with Jetpack Social’s sharing feature. The auto-sharing feature will automatically tell your contacts and friends across the social networks you choose about your newly published post.

Promote your content with Blaze

Advertise a post or page of your site on some of the millions of and Tumblr sites with Blaze. You can start promoting content from a $5 investment per day. Learn more about how Blaze works here.

Make your content visible to search engines

The internet is full of theories on how to raise your post’s visibility in search rankings: none will contest that original, high-quality content with a few well-chosen tags is the best way to get started. On top of this, you can get your website indexed by search engines directly from your Jetpack settings option:

  1. From your WP Admin, head to Settings → Reading.
  2. Look at the Discourage search engines from indexing this site checkbox next to the Search engine visibility settings: it must not be checked.

Additionally, you can go the extra mile and optimise your website for search engines. The Jetpack SEO feature can help with that.

Have readers subscribe to your site

Encourage friends and family to read your blog. Use the Jetpack Newsletter feature to encourage them to sign up for updates. Your readers can also opt in and subscribe if you place a subscription block in your website and blog session or use special options such as the subscription pop-up window or the subscription block at the end of each post.

Promote your site beyond Jetpack

Blogging is all about engaging with others and interacting in online discussions. When you link to a blog post, the blogger will likely find your blog through their stats or a pingback and come to see what you had to say. They may even subscribe to your site and leave a comment, as we suggested you do above!

Blog regularly

Blogs that have more frequent and regular posting schedules tend to develop an audience quicker. If you need inspiration, check out The Daily Post’s resources, like these how-tos on editorial calendars or serial posts. Our daily writing prompts can offer a jump-start, too.

Pay for traffic to your site

There are web applications you can pay to help boost traffic to your site. We encourage you to research these independently to decide if they might be right for you.

Relax! It takes time

Even if you do all the above, you won’t develop a huge following overnight. Building a sizable audience of engaged and loyal readers takes time. Many of the bloggers you admire have likely been at it for years. Stick with it, and don’t get discouraged by a slow start.

Additional resources

For more information on how to grow your audience, download our free ebook on growing your traffic and building your blog.

If you’re interested in learning the ins and outs of blogging, take a free course at Blogging U. Blogging 201: Branding and Growth is a two-week course focused on growing your blog and online presence.

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