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Comment Likes

Give your users the power to show comments some love!

To access Comment Likes, the site must have Comment Likes enabled and you must be logged into your account.

Enable Comment Likes

You can activate Comment Likes by following these steps:

  1. Start at WP Admin.
  2. Navigate to Jetpack > Settings > Discussion.
  3. Click the toggle next to Enable Comment Likes to activate Comment Likes.

To disable Comment Likes, click the toggle again. The Comment Like button will disappear, and all Likes will no longer appear on any comments.

If Show Likes is deselected in the Likes and Shares box and/or Comments are disabled for a particular post, Comment Likes will be disabled as well.

Manage Comment Likes

Control who can like comments with the Disallowed comments feature, following these steps:

  1. Go to
  2. Select the site you wish to control Comment Likes for
  3. Go to Settings > Discussion.
  4. If you see Comment Likes coming from a spam account or other source you’d like to disallow, add the person’s email address, name, or username to the Disallowed comments dialogue box.
  5. Scroll to the top of the Comments section and click Save Settings.

After following the above steps, the Comment Like option will no longer be visible for these visitors.

Troubleshoot Comment Likes

Likes disappeared

If you transfer your site or change the site URL settings, your Comment Likes count will be reset, and start counting again.

Likes cannot be migrated from one site to another.

Likes not loading

There is a known issue between Cloudflare’s Rocket Loader and Jetpack Likes. You’ll consequently need to disable this feature in your Cloudflare settings.

If you have a cache/optimization plugin minifying JavaScript, the minification could cause the Likes button to sit just Loading. Please, try to deactivate the minification to solve the issue.

Still need help?

Please contact support. We’re happy to advise.

Privacy Information

Comment likes is deactivated by default. If you ever need to activate it, you can toggle the Enable comment likes setting from the Comments section at Jetpack — Settings — Discussion.

Data Used
Site Owners / Users

To formally process a like action, we use the user ID/username (you must be logged in to use this feature), the local site-specific user ID (if the user is signed in to the site on which the like occurred), and a true/false data point that tells us if the user liked a specific comment.If a like action is performed from one of our mobile apps, some additional information is used to track the activity: IP address, user agent, timestamp of event, blog ID, browser language, country code, and device info.

Additionally, for toggle tracking (detailed below): IP address, user ID, username, site ID and URL, Jetpack version, user agent, visiting URL, referring URL, timestamp of event, browser language, country code.
Site Visitors

To formally process a like action, we use the user ID (if the user is signed in to, the local site-specific user ID (if the user is signed in to the site on which the like occurred), and a true/false data point that tells us if the user liked a specific comment.If a like action is performed from one of our mobile apps, some additional information is used to track the activity: IP address, user agent, timestamp of event, blog ID, browser language, country code, and device info.
Data Tracked
Site Owners / Users

We track by who, and when, a specific comment was liked.We also track when, and by which user, the feature is activated and deactivated.
Site Visitors

We track by who, and when, a specific comment was liked.
Data Synced (Read More)
Site Owners / Users

We sync a single option that identifies whether or not the feature is activated.
Site Visitors

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