Support Home > Utilities > Shortlinks Shortlinks

Shortlinks are a quick way to get short and simple links to your posts and pages. They use the domain so you can have more space to write on social media sites.

To use shortlinks make sure the " Shortlinks" module is enabled from the Jetpack tab in your Dashboard.

These are perfect for use on Twitter, Facebook, and over SMS where every character counts.

  1. Go to Posts > Add New. You can also edit an existing post or page.
  2. Directly under the title field, next to the post/page permalink, you will see the "Get Shortlink" button.
  3. Click "Get Shortlink" A dialog box will appear with the post or page's shortened URL.wpme-shortlink
  4. Copy the shortlink and distribute it as you wish.

The functionality for these shortlinks is similar to other URL shortening services. is different, though, in a few ways:

  • Every post on and Jetpack-powered blogs has a URL.
  • These are all exposed in the <head> using rel=shortlink.
  • It doesn’t work for any URL in the world, just WordPress-hosted ones.
  • The links are permanent, they will work as long as is around.
  • The domain is spam-free, because we are constantly monitoring and removing spam from

Enable shortlinks for Custom Post Types

By default, shortlinks are generated for each one of your posts, pages, and attachment pages. If you're using a Custom Post Type to manage specific content on your site, you'll need to add shortlinks to the list of supported elements, in the function you used to register your Custom Post Type, like so:

$args = array(
	'labels' =&gt; array(
		'name'          =&gt; esc_html__( 'Things', 'jetpack' ),
		'singular_name' =&gt; esc_html__( 'Thing',  'jetpack' ),
	'supports' =&gt; array(
	'public' =&gt; true,
register_post_type( 'thing', $args );
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