

Questo plugin è stato chiuso il 10 Luglio 2024 e non è più disponibile per il download. La chiusura è temporanea, in attesa di una revisione completa.


Questo plugin fornisce 3 blocchi.

  • Zip Recipes
  • Nutrition Label
  • Zip Recipes Grid


7 Gennaio 2021 2 risposte
Zip recipes used to be a pretty good recipe card. It was easy to use, looked decent on my blog. Then they did an upgrade in the fall of 2020 which caused a fatal error to my blog. Fortunately, not as fatal as it sounded. The upgrade caused some of the photos on blog posts with the zip recipe card to turn sideways or upside down. So it took some time to go through all the posts with recipes and turn the photos back. Then I discovered random blog posts with sideways photos. Pretty annoying but not fatal. There’s no way to figure out which posts are affected with sideways photos. I decided not to risk any more upgrades and deactivated the plug in.
26 Novembre 2020 1 risposta
Zip recipes is easy to use, works beautifully and makes recipe blogging simple, pain free and professional.
2 Settembre 2020
I have using this plugin for a few hours and i’m in love with it. Soon i will add the “lover” (premium) features to it. I one word: GREAT!
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Contributi e sviluppo

“Recipe Cards For Your Food Blog from Zip Recipes” è un software open source. Le persone che hanno contribuito allo sviluppo di questo plugin sono indicate di seguito.


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