PhD Program in Cybersecurity

PhD Program in Cybersecurity

Istruzione superiore

A Phd Program in cybersecurity jointly run by Sapienza University and LUISS University.

Chi siamo

The PhD in Cybersecurity is a joint effort between Sapienza and Luiss. Cybersecurity is an interdisciplinary field of study that has established itself in recent years as an evolution of the more traditional information security field. Classic problems in information security (such as software security, systems security, network security, cryptography, etc.) have been joined by other aspects that aim to grasp the complexity of modern threats and security concerns emerging in digital transformation processes: security of cyber-physical infrastructures, data governance, business resilience and human rights. For these reasons, cybersecurity today represents a research area with important multidisciplinary aspects, ranging from purely technological IT issues to aspects related to the control of data and information flows in complex socio-technical systems operating in a variety of settings such as healthcare, e-government, digital business, finance, logistics and energy. Cybersecurity also provides a promising field for advancing theories in many disciplines such as computer science, information systems, management, innovation, regulation and strategy. In fact, through critical reflections on emerging phenomena related to cybersecurity, scholars can challenge accepted views and underlying ideological and onto-epistemic assumptions to generate new theoretical insights from the empirical evidences. The PhD in cybersecurity aims to train: 1) researchers capable of operating both in academia and in public and private research institutions for the development of new technologies and methodologies for cybersecurity; 2) specialists of the highest professional level with engineering and managerial skills capable of introducing technological and methodological innovation within the main application sectors of cybersecurity. (Photo by Scott Webb on Unsplash)

Sito Web
Istruzione superiore
Dimensioni dell’azienda
11-50 dipendenti
Sede principale
Data di fondazione



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