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  2. OK.. will do. thanks Jim for your help and guidance this week! I know it was frustrating for me and probably repetitious for you 🙂 Overall, the Invision Forum has been pretty much trouble free and hands-off for probably more than our 10+ years of use. I truly appreciate everyone's help this week and in past years!
  3. You would need to investigate with your hosting provider what happened to these files as they were not deleted by the software, I'm afraid.
  4. When I copied files from the new version folder I had downloaded from the client file area, I moved them into my Forums folder except for the Uploads folder. I left that folder unchanged, since I did not want to overwrite the old Uploads folder with the new one, which would have been empty.
  5. You will want to check your backup to ensure everything copied over correctly then as if you're missing files, this was not done correctly or you are missing files. I'm afraid, this is not a software issue.
  6. Jim, I just rechecked and the /uploads folder is in the /forums folder where I think it should be. Posts people did yesterday after the forum came back online show images, but not previous days posts.
  7. Today
  8. You would need to ensure that your /uploads folder is in the correct spot on your server. Sounds like it is not. Keep in mind that our software does not load the images, we use HTML to do an HTTP call to your server for the browser to load the image (normal HTML img tag). Thus, think of what we store in the database and what you're seeing in the ACP is just the attachment name and path on your server. If the image is not loading, the image does not exist on your server so you need to correct that on your server.
  9. No, the images are not missing from the server, they are listed in the files list in the ACP. The images put on posts yesterday show but previous posts with images show broken in their posts. do I need to run something to reconnect those other images to their posts?
  10. Where do you see this being deprecated? Are you referring to v5?
  11. This would be very concerning to me. Examining over 700k rows will take a lot of time in the db. It might be very hard to optimize this query and your solution might be to disable fluid view on your forum.
  12. There are many optimisations which are being worked on within the platform. Its worth noting however, that indexes added for your specific site may not work for everyone, and we have to bear that in mind when adding them to the core platform
  13. To be fair, it's not a very efficient query at all. We've been looking at ways to improve it by adding additional indexes, but ideally it would be nice to see it improved - this thread isn't the only one I've seen with people having issues with both the fluid view and combined fluid view.
  14. If you have images missing entirely from your server, you would need to restore those from a backup. So you need to check that first of all
  15. Jim, I finally got the forum to work. Since I couldn't log onto the ACP at the time, I retrieved the .htaccess from the previous day from a backup, put it in the Forums folder and now we can log in and read and post to the forum. But looking at some of the topics/posts that have images, the images from before today seem to all be broken. In the ACP > Files section, I see all the image file names, but those from before July 9 are broken images in their posts. How can run something to get them attached? Would I also need to go to ACP -> System -> Search Engine Optimization -> then download and apply the .htaccess file according to the instructions in the description of the "Rewrite URLs" field.
  16. It seems this option has been deprecated, no option to create a custom location key for banners What I do in the past is create the advert and assigned to the custom location key Then over in pages I would create a custom block and include something like $i = 0; foreach ( new \IPS\Patterns\ActiveRecordIterator( \IPS\Db::i()->select( '*', 'core_advertisements', 'ad_active=1 AND ad_location=\'fmf_square\'', 'rand()'), 'IPS\core\Advertisement' ) as $ad ) { $i++; echo $ad ; } this will randomize the ads so they can appear in the sidebar. The other reason I use custom locations is the default options are on a lot of places the list / detail - sometimes I don't want them on a particular forum because that forum is sponsored for a particular affiliate - I don't want a competitor's banner advertising on their forum. Trying to plan ahead to be able to replicate this in v5
  17. Yesterday
  18. Hi @Milly Mikkelsen, This is where Messages will be your best asset. With Messages enabled on your community, your members will be able to contact each other without needing an email address. This will keep personal information secure, and ensures content relevant to your community stays within your community.
  19. Looks like you placed the .htaccess in the folder for your root domain rather than the "forums" subfolder.
  20. I found the .htacess file from the last backup and moved it into the aoai folder, but now rather that ask for an email and password, it downloads a PHP file with the code: <?php /** * @brief Admin CP bootstrap * @author <a href='https://www.invisioncommunity.com'>Invision Power Services, Inc.</a> * @copyright (c) Invision Power Services, Inc. * @license https://www.invisioncommunity.com/legal/standards/ * @package Invision Community * @since 18 Feb 2013 */ \define('REPORT_EXCEPTIONS', TRUE); require_once '../init.php'; \IPS\Dispatcher\Admin::i()->run(); Is there a way to reset the htaccess file another way?
  21. I'm afraid, we cannot provide you the password on file for security purposes. In your backup, you will want to see if there is a .htaccess and then move that to your working directory if so. If not, please let me know and I can disable URL rewrites for you in the ACP.
  22. Jim, I changed the PHP version to 8.1 so now need to go to the ACP but not getting the password correct for my email. I changed/updated them yesterday and put them in the stored access information on Invision's suite for you all to use, but can't see what I wrote... just dots. Is there some way for me to see that? Using another browser, I clicked on the SIGN IN link and then the Forgot Password link, but that also only shows a page with the OOPS! THAT PAGE CAN'T BE FOUND. So apparently I can not see how to change/update my passwords, or if I'm really using the correct passwords, the login page or ACP is not recognizing it. Any way to get past this, either changing the passwords or recognizing the passwords?
  23. Does not look like you have fully setup their link clicking service. You will want to contact SendGrid for assistance on completing that or disable it.
  24. Hello, After setting up Sendgrid using the default plugin, emails work fine except for account verification and password reset links. When users try to click on the link, they are redirected to my website and encounter the issue "Site is not found." The link sent has a weird subdomain: http://url8906.example.com/ls/click The message in Error Logs: Header can not be one of the reserved keys. Refer to the documentation link. Send Grid's documentation says: The issue does not occur when using SMTP email or PHP self-hosted services. Any help would be appreciated!
  25. PHP 8.3 is not supported. You will need to do PHP 8.1. You'll want to go to ACP -> System -> Search Engine Optimization -> then download and apply the .htaccess file according to the instructions in the description of the "Rewrite URLs" field. You would need to check the credentials which you're using to login. The login form is request email address and password. Please ensure you're doing so appropriately. If your browser is inserting your display name and password from saved credentials, this is likely why it is stating it is invalid.
  26. Jim, teraByte, Marc S., I did what you recommended yesterday and updated the server PHP to actually 8.3 newest version and then after downloading the latest forum version from your client area, manually moved all the files from the folder into the web server (but not moving the Uploads folder since it holds all the images users have supplied. Then I ran the upgrade process, aoai.org/forums/admin/upgrade and ran the upgrade. I can now go to the site (aoai.org/forums) and do not see any error messages as before, but clicking on any item brings up a page: OOPS! THAT PAGE CAN’T BE FOUND. It looks like nothing was found at this location. Maybe try one of the links below or a search? Is the forum software disconnected from the database? and if so, how to reconnect? Also, I am apparently logged into the forum page, but when I try to go to the ACP I can. not log in. I get a red box warning: The email address or password was incorrect. Please try again (make sure your caps lock is off). I don't see where I can change/update the password. Also, when I go to a different web browser to log in, I guess I'm logging in , but get the same OOPS! THAT PAGE CAN'T BY FOUND page. So, I must be getting closer to solving this, I hope!
  27. K got it, yeah that makes sense that its not really a good idea at all.
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