Intro: Goals   |    1: Quiz Idea    |    2: Results    |    3: Questions    |    4: Marketing    |    5: Emails    |    6: Launch    |   7: Optimize    |    Bonus: FB Ads

What you'll achieve in this section

1. Get clear on your segmentation strategy and gain an understanding of what types of questions you should ask

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2. Learn how to write questions that people actually want to answer

3. Write 7-10 questions for your quiz

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This is one of the places where your quiz will really stand out from the rest of your lead magnets because:

  1. By answering your questions, your new leads are already interacting and engaging with you

  2. Their answers can serve as excellent audience research

  3. You can tag people in your email marketing or CRM software then send them more personalized marketing messages

Step 1: Figure Out Your Segmentation Strategy

This is one of the most exciting things about using a quiz for lead gen: segmenting your subscribers as they slide into your email marketing software!

Because the best way to use email (or anything!) to sell is to send the right people the right message at the right time.

But what does segmenting your list even mean?!

Basically, it's just tagging people in your email marketing software with things that you already know about them. Which your quiz can really help you with.

We understand that to a lot of people, segmentation sounds a little bit scary but all it really is is a tool to help you get more specific with who you’re talking to and why so that you can get better results with your emails. 

With your quiz you can segment people based on both how they answer questions and on what results they get. Which means you can get a ton of information about your audience so that you can send the right people the right  message at the right time.

We always recommend sending at least one welcome email, reminding people of their result and giving them more value after your quiz.

But other than that, your segmentation strategy is up to you!

What do you wish you already knew about your new leads? Ask it in a research and segmentation question, or two, or three! 

And don’t worry, you can read on to learn all about how to write research and segmentation questions that your audience will want to answer!


Step 2: Learn About the 3 Types of Questions You Should Include In Your Quiz:

  1. Questions that you’ll use to determine which result your quiz taker receive

  2. Fun questions that help to engage your audience

  3. Research + Segmentation questions that will help you learn about your audience and personalize your email marketing

In general, we recommend that a lead generation quiz should have between 7-10 questions. And it’s entirely possible that some of your questions can pull double, triple, or even quadruple duty, achieving all four of the objectives above.

However, if you’re sending your quiz to a warm and engaged list, you could definitely include more questions to help you further qualify your leads.

Or just get to know them better. Because above all else, they are real people.

Engagement Questions

These questions help you to create a fun and enjoyable experience for your quiz taker and will also help to increase your quiz completion rate. 

However, they aren’t a free pass to ask whatever you like just to make it fun. Make sure that they’re relevant to your quiz taker and aligned with the promise of your quiz so that your new leads don’t feel like they’re wasting their time.

These questions can correlate to your results, but they don’t necessarily have to as long as they improve your quiz takers experience.


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Research + Segmentation Questions:

Research and Segmentation questions help you learn about your audience.  

You can use them to improve your messaging by focusing on things that you now know about your new leads and you can also use them to segment your audience in your email marketing software or CRM once you integrate your quiz.

Feel free to ask anything that you want about your audience, but remember that in digital marketing you want to do your best to make sure that you don’t make people have to think too hard. 

These questions might still be fun and engaging, but they can also be more serious.

If they are more serious (or just less fun), we recommend that you sandwich them between two fun questions to help make sure your quiz takers complete your quiz.


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Step 3. Write Your Questions

  1. Identify the main differentiators between your results.

  2. Identify what you need to know about your audience in order to best help them and sell to them.

  3.  Brainstorm breakdown: 

    Brainstorming Breakdown imgSet a timer for 30 minutes and brainstorm as many questions and answers that correlate to your result outcomes and dream audience research as possible. Don’t stress about making them perfect at this stage, just let your creative juices flow. 

  4.  Step away from your work. Rest. Then come back to your work with fresh eyes and choose your favorite 7-10 questions. 

Step 4. Correlate Your Answers To Your Results



First of all, if you’ve gotten far enough along on your quiz creation journey that you’re trying to figure out which questions to ask, you should already have *at least* outlined the main differentiators between your results. 

That way, it won’t be hard to figure out what sorts of things you need to ask your new leads in order to make sure your results correlate correctly with your quiz takers answers.

In order to help keep your question numbers down, it’s best if your result-correlating-questions are also fun and engaging. 

The easiest for you to ensure that your quiz takers receive a result that resonates is to write your results first, then create your questions and answers based on what you need to know about them in order to funnel them into your results. 

Once you’ve got your questions and results written, connect them to each other in the quiz builder by clicking ‘Edit Correlations' and linking the appropriate answer to the appropriate 


For personality quizzes, you simply link the answer to the correct result:

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For Scored and Assessment quizzes, you set a score for each answer that correlates to your result scores:

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And if you want to use the answers to a question to segment your list BUT you don't want it to skew which result they get, simply leave the correlations blank.

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And don't worry, if your quiz taker ends up choosing an equal amount of answers that correlate to two different results, they will receive the result that shows up first and on top in the quiz builder.

Action step

Action Step

  • Add your favorite questions to the quiz builder in Interact. 

  • Correlate your question answers to your quiz results in the Interact builder.