About the Editors



Yinglong Miao, PhD

Associate Professor, Department of Pharmacology and Computational Medicine
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC, USA

Yinglong Miao is an Associate Professor in the Department of Pharmacology and Computational Medicine Program at University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill. His lab research is focused on the development of novel theoretical and computational methods and AI techniques, which greatly accelerate molecular simulations and facilitate simulation analysis, and the application of these methods, making unprecedented contributions to biomolecular modeling and drug discovery. In collaboration with leading experimental groups, his lab combines complementary simulations and experiments to uncover functional mechanisms and design drugs of important biomolecules, including G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs), membrane-embedded proteases, RNA-binding proteins and RNA.

Associate Editors

Jianing Li, PhD

Associate Professor, Borch Department of Medicinal Chemistry and Molecular Pharmacology
Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, USA

Prof. Li’s research focuses on the innovation of multiscale modeling approaches and artificial intelligence (AI)/machine learning (ML) for drug discovery, which allows accurate and efficient design of small molecules, biologics, and nanoparticles for potential therapeutics and drug delivery. She has discovered small molecules and peptides toward therapeutics to treat neurological diseases, infections and inflammation, and cancers. Prof. Li is a member of the Purdue Institute of Drug Discovery, Purdue Institute of Cancer Research, and Purdue Institute of Inflammation Immunology and Infectious Disease.

Celine Valant, PhD

Associate Professor, Drug Discovery Biology 
Monash University, Melbourne, Australia

A major challenge in my field is to understand how drug-like molecules activate cell-surface receptors to produce biological responses, and how these responses lead to physiological and/or pathological conditions. In that context, my research has been instrumental in validating 3 novel modes of drug action at the largest family of receptor in the human genome and the target for >35% of all medicines, the G protein-coupled receptors. First, I have provided evidence for the therapeutical benefits of biased ligand, second, I have elucidated the mechanism of action of allosteric modulators, and third, I have discovered a new class of drug that I named bitopic ligands. Equipped with these 3 paradigms of drug action, my research vision is to address two major therapeutic areas:
1) Schizophrenia. My vision is to explore a combination therapy approach between an agonist and an allosteric modulator together, from in vitro to in vivo pre-clinical models, and ultimately develop bitopic ligands.
2) Pain. My vision is to assist the Australian government initiatives to limit dispensing opioids by developing safer therapeutics through the discovery, characterisation and validation of allosteric modulators of opioid receptors.


Editorial Board Members

Alemayehu Abebe, PhD, University of Texas McGovern Medical School in Houston,Texas USA

Andreas Bender, PhD, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK

Gabriela Cristina Brailoiu, MD, Thomas Jefferson University, Jefferson College of Pharmacy, USA

Karim Budhwani, PhD, DLA, CerFlux | University of Alabama at Birmingham, AL, USA

Yuan Chen, PhD, University of California, San Diego, California, USA

Xiaolin Cheng, PhD, The Ohio State University, USA

Gerhard Ecker, PhD, University of Vienna, Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Austria

Tingjun Hou, PhD, Zhejiang University, China

Xuhui Huang, PhD, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI, USA

Irina Kufareva,PhD, Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, UC San Diego,La Jolla, CA

Jung-Hsin Lin, PhD, Biomedical Translation Research Center. Academia Sinica, Taiwan

Susruta Majumdar, PhD, Professor of Anesthesiology, Washington University, USA

Lauren May, PhD, Monash Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Monash University, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

Rui Moreira, PhD, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Lisboa, Lisboa, Portugal

Defang Ouyang, PhD, University of Macau, Macau

Jana Shen, PhD, University of Maryland School of Pharmacy,Baltimore, MD

Michael Wolfe, PhDUniversity of Kansas, Lawrence, KS, USA

Junmei Wang, PhD, Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, School of Pharmacy, University of Pittsburgh,3501 Terrace St, Pittsburgh, PA 

Jingxin Wang, PhDUniversity of Chicago,Chicago, IL, USA

Noelle Williams, PhD, Department of Biochemistry, UT Southwestern Medical School, Dallas, TX, USA

Qi Zhao, PhD, University of Science and Technology Liaoning, Anshan, China

Mingyue Zheng, PhD, Shanghai Institute of Materia Medica, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China

Weiliang Zhu, PhD, Shanghai Institute of Materia Medica, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China

Zhu Zhou,PhD, York College, City University Of New York, New York, NY, USA


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