Dodatak nije testiran s zadnje 3 glavna izdanja WordPressa. Možda ga se više ne održava ili pruža podršku i možda ima probleme sa kompatibilnošću s novijim inačicama WordPressa.

Topic SEO Content Optimization Tool


Topic SEO Content Optimization Tool is a plugin that shows you the key topics you need to cover to maximize your search ranking for a post. Simply enter the keyword your post is targeting, and our AI analyzes the top-performing content in Google to extract exactly what your audience expects to read about and show you what your content is missing.

This plugin is tied to a Raptive account.

You must have a Raptive account or be working on a Raptive site in order to use this plugin.

Interactive Grader

Our easy-to-use grader updates in real time as you edit the content. Clicking any of the topics shows you how they are used in competing content so you can quickly learn the context.

Questions to Answer

See what questions your readers are asking related to your keyword. Answering these questions increases the value of your content and makes you more likely to rank for Google\’s People Also Ask box.

Outlines of Top Content

Choose the best headings and subheadings for your article based on outlines of top-ranking content. Easily see how others have broken down a complex subject into more manageable pieces.

Snimke zaslona

  • Choose the content brief that matches the post you are editing.
  • Get feedback on any gaps in your topical coverage.


Installing this plugin will allow you to get recommendations from your Topic content brief in the sidebar of the Gutenberg or Classic editor.


Simply click the \”Install Now\” button and log in using your Raptive account.

Need a Raptive Account?

Go to the Raptive homepage to apply for an account.

Where can I find the plugin after it’s installed?

The Topic plugin is visible in the top right of the screen when creating or editing a post in the Gutenberg editor. Click the Topic logo to open the sidebar.

In the Classic Editor, a button labeled “Grade Content” should open the sidebar.


Will this plugin slow down my site?

This plugin only adds functionality to the administrator side of WordPress so it will not impact your site’s performance for visitors in any way. We’ve also done extensive testing to confirm that site performance is unaffected.

Why use the plugin?

Avoid switching back and forth between tabs and copying and pasting your content from place to place. With the plugin, all the tools you need to optimize your content are right in the WordPress editor.

Can my entire team use the plugin to optimize content?

Yes! Anyone using the plugin can log in using their Raptive dashboard account. Email to create additional users for writers and editors — our SEO-assistant user option gives access to only the Content Optimization features in your dashboard.

Alternatively, your team members can click “Load Brief” and paste the URL of any content brief you’ve created, to optimize and grade that content without logging in.

Can I try it for free?

Yes, give it a try on a sample brief, just click “Load Brief” and paste in the following URL:

How do I unlock all of the plugin’s capabilities?

All Raptive creators and enterprise publishers get full access to the plugin’s features. To learn more, see this article

Can I use this to access a Topic content brief that was shared with me even if I don’t have a Raptive login?

Yes. Simply Click “Load Brief” and enter the URL of the content brief.

Need support? Have feedback?

Don’t hesitate to reach out at or the support portal to submit a ticket. You can expect a quick response from us during our business hours, Monday through Friday, 10 am-5 pm PST.


18. siječnja 2021.
Absolutely love the “Topic” Approach, I have been using the topic for some time now, I am happy they have included a Wordpress plugin that works great with Guttenberg editor, Now as a Wordpress user, it’s easier for me to work on my content without leaving my editor. Thanks & Keep up the good work 🙂
12. siječnja 2021.
SEO content writing is now easy! This tool helped me in writing SEO content. It gives you LSI keywords by scanning the SERP results. After adding content for the suggested keywords my blog ranking has exponentially improved. Really loved it <3
Pročitajte sve 3 recenzije

Suradnici i Programeri

“Topic SEO Content Optimization Tool” je softver otvorenog koda. Sljedeće osobe su doprinijele ovom dodatku.


Dnevnik promjena


Release Date: JAN 29, 2024
Fixed issue with brief creation process


Release Date: Aug 14, 2023
Fixed analytics related bugs.
Updated branding to match Raptive.


Release Date: Jun 2, 2023
Fixed post editor bugs.


Release Date: Mar 23, 2023
Fixed plugin conflict bugs.


Release Date: Mar 23, 2023
Fixed initialization bug.


Release Date: Mar 3, 2023
Fixed issue with topics not highlighting.


Release Date: Jan 13, 2023
Fixed issue with plugin related to Yoast plugin.
Fixed issue with plugin related to opening links in a new tab.


Release Date: Nov 16, 2022
Fixed issue where plugin caused Yoast slug to disappear in classic editor.


Release Date: Oct 19, 2022
Fixed issue where other WordPress plugins can cause Topic UI issues
Added ability to see number of topics used in the content


Release Date: Oct 4, 2022
Add tabs for in-progress and completed briefs


Release Date: Jul 8, 2022
Bug fix for ACF plugin


Release Date: Jul 8, 2022
Various bug fixes, including handling expired authentication tokens


Release Date: May 1, 2022
Various bug fixes, including improving the ability to log in via Raptive


Release Date: Mar 30, 2022
Allow login to Raptive creator dashboard, creation and completion of briefs from plugin


Release Date: Feb 10, 2022
Fix issue with plugin not scrolling in classic editor


Release Date: Jan 19, 2022
Fix issue with plugin losing state of brief when closed


Release Date: Dec 3, 2021
Fix issue with plugin not working for some types of WordPress roles


Release Date: Nov 4, 2021
Add logging for exceptions and errors


Release Date: Oct 6, 2021
Fix issue with plugin not seeing content in recipe blocks
Make “load briefs” view the default when opening plugin


Release Date: Aug 30, 2021
Add link to video for Raptive publishers


Release Date: Aug 25, 2021
Add support for Classic Editor


Release Date: Jul 2, 2021
Fixed issue with plugin not retrieving older briefs when searching


Release Date: Mar 29, 2021
Fixed issue with plugin not grading content in lists or tables


Release Date: Jan 18, 2021
Bug fixes


Release Date: Jan 10, 2021
Initial release