NVMe disks, IPv6, 280 Gbit/s network own data center, round-the-clock technical support

NVMe disk space
Apache, OpenLiteSpeed
Memory limit (RAM)
Server locations

30-day moneyback
PHP 5.2 - 8.3 phpinfo()
Zend Optimizer
ionCube Loader
HTTP/2 support
MySQL 5.7.x databases
Remote MySQL connection
Access to PHPMyAdmin
Hosting Management API
100% IPv6 support
Perl modules
Support for GIT and SVN repositories
Protection against spambots
Two-factor authentication
Protection against guessing passwords for CMS
Mail options
Postal protocols
Email encryption (SSL)
Mail forwarding
Anti-virus mail scan
Checking mail for spam

** - These services are purchased separately.

Hosting control panel

Benefits "Hosting.XYZ"

Quality web hosting without limits

  • Availability of round-the-clock technical support 24/7.
  • Our own data center makes it easy to build up infrastructure and quickly respond to emergency situations. Prompt access to equipment allows you to quickly solve the problem in the event of equipment failure.
  • The control panel was written specifically for our hosting and provides functionality that is not available in standard, cheap hosting management programs.
  • The ability to upload a database of more than 500MB to the hosting using the control panel.
  • Using only high-quality server hardware with two processors and error-correcting memory for servers. The servers have a minimum of 96 GB of memory, which allows users to use it as much as they need. The memory operates in three-channel mode and allows processors to exchange data at maximum speed.
  • Using NVMe disks to host both sites and databases. NVMe drives have tremendous I / O performance, which solves the server bottleneck problem. Each NVMe drive can do tens of thousands of reads and writes per second.
  • A dozen DNS servers located in different countries.
  • 10 Gbit / s total bandwidth of the channels. Link to check download speed: 1 Gb.
  • All switches are connected by 10G optical links, which ensures fast traffic return, and also increases the speed of communication between servers (for example, when creating backups or when running web and mysql servers).
  • Full IPv6 support: DNS, mail, control panel, all sites located on the hosting are available via IPv6 protocol.
  • Unlimited mail that will not be blocked when disk space is exceeded.
  • The presence of a mail cluster, similar to those used in large mail services. Allows you to quickly process mail, scale the number of servers, distribute the load between servers.
  • Modern and precise algorithms for filtering mail spam with saving messages in a separate mailbox folder. As well as providing a detailed report in the control panel with the ability to view the text of the message. Black and white lists for each hosting client.

Stable hosting for smooth operation

  • A unique system for monitoring equipment operation, the task of which is not only to notify about problems, but also to analyze problems and predict their occurrence.
  • Server load balancing. Thanks to cloud solutions, we distribute the load on the hosting servers so that all sites work quickly.
  • Online migration of sites between hosting servers, which, in case of problems or the need to update the equipment, allows without stopping the site to transfer it to another server in the cloud.

Secure hosting to protect your data

  • Free SSL and Wildcard SSL certificate for hosted sites.
  • Automatic free renewal of SSL certificates.
  • SSL data encryption when working with the control panel.
  • Two-factor protection of user accounts from hacking. The system is similar to that used by banks to protect against theft of passwords.
  • Daily update of the operating system kernel, without rebooting the system, allows you to receive updates related to security and at the same time remain always online.
  • A system for automatic detection of attempts to hack the server through a user account.
  • Protecting user accounts from hacking or virus infection via FTP.
  • A virus, shell and exploit scanner allows you to quickly detect an infection, help you find a virus and cure a site.
  • Protecting sites from brute force attacks (password guessing) on the administrative part. It is configured through the hosting control panel and does not require changes to the source code of the site.
  • Protection against guessing passwords for mailboxes and databases. The IP address from which the password guessing is performed is automatically blocked.
  • Report on the success of the delivery of letters, with the ability to view letters that were not delivered to the addressee.

Reliable hosting for data storage

  • Automatic daily backups of data on hosting.
  • Automatic access to database backups and files. The ability to easily restore a site from a backup through the control panel by selecting the date to restore.
  • The ability to restore the operation of a hosting that has not been paid for a long time, with all settings and mail.

Simple and straightforward web hosting for developers and web studios

  • The ability to safely delegate access to the hosting control panel to programmers who work with the project.
  • Ability for web studios to manage a large number of hosting accounts registered for clients through their account.
  • The ability to personalize mail for your brand and access to mail through your domain.
  • Online site migration between Ukraine, Germany, France, Canada, Singapore, Poland, Australia, Finland. Moving a website to another country is very easy. To do this, just click on one button in the control panel, the program will do the rest for you: it will transfer the site and database, reconfigure DNS. All this happens without stopping the site.

Hosting with affordable prices and a free trial period

  • Free trial period for 5 days.
  • Cumulative system of discounts.
  • Domain renewal, hosting, dedicated servers and VPS on credit.

Frequently asked questions about hosting

What is hosting?

Every site you visit is a set of scripts and pictures. When you specify the name of the site in the address bar, the computer sends a request to the hosting server. The hosting server processes the incoming request and sends the result of the scripts to the computer in the form of HTML code, from which the site design and pictures are drawn. Server resources that are allocated for storing images and scripts, as well as processing client requests, is called hosting.

Hosting differs in tariff plans, which are chosen depending on the number of requests to the server, as well as the number of pictures and scripts that need to be stored. We recommend starting with the minimum tariff, since it has enough resources for the functioning of most sites, and you can switch to a larger tariff plan at any time by selecting it in the hosting control panel.

We decided on the tariff plan - we take the minimum tariff "Quick", but the most difficult thing is to choose a domain name for the site. It is with the selection of a domain name that you should start hosting registration. If you cannot decide on a domain name, then you can choose it later, for this, when placing an order for hosting, you need to select the item "I will specify the domain name later".

What is the difference between hosting and domain?

All servers connected to the Internet have their own IP addresses. An IP address is a specially written number in the format of 4 digits with a value from 0 to 255 separated by a period, for example Such numbers allow computers to easily and quickly find each other and communicate with each other. But for people to use words instead of numbers is much more convenient, so domain names were invented that correspond to IP addresses. Therefore, a domain name is just a word that corresponds to a server address on the Internet. For example, the domain name hosting.xyz corresponds to the IP address This IP address belongs to the hosting server on which the company’s website is located "Hosting.XYZ ltd".

A domain name can be compared to a sign with the name of a company - it can be placed on the building where the company’s office is located and everyone will see the sign and enter the building. When a company moves to a different building, the sign can be picked up and hung on the new building so that customers would know that the office is now in a different location.

What types of hosting are there?

Depending on the size of the project and resource requirements, one of the types of hosting may be required:
Shared hosting - the cheapest and easiest to manage type of hosting, which makes it the most popular. Many sites of shared hosting are located on one server, distributing its resources among themselves. This type of hosting is the most popular for hosting sites.
VPS - in contrast to virtual hosting, where all server resources are divided among all clients on VPS, each client is allocated a certain guaranteed amount of resources. Typically, this type of hosting is used for projects with increased resource requirements or for which there is a need to install specific software on the server, which is not possible with shared hosting. The downside of a VPS is that you need to administer it yourself.
Business hosting - is a kind of shared hosting, but with guaranteed resources like a VPS. The price of a business hosting is higher than that of a VPS, since the price includes a convenient control panel, mail and backup on a separate server plus administration. Considering the fact that when hosting a site on a VPS, you need to pay for administration, then business hosting is a cheaper solution for sites that go beyond the resources of shared hosting.
Dedicated server - an excellent solution for hosting corporate sites that have a great need for resources and for which the reliability and stability of the site plays an important role. All server resources are allocated to one site.

What is a hosting provider?

A hosting provider is a company that provides hosting services for websites on its servers. Hosting providers differ in the quality of services they provide. The main criteria are: the reliability of the hosting provider, the experience of providing hosting services, the quality of the technical support service, the convenience and functionality of the control panel, the capacity of communication channels, the availability of protection against DDOS attacks, the presence of its own data center.

How to choose a hosting for a website?

1. Select a provider whose servers are located in the country in which potential website visitors are located.
2. Find out the availability of accreditation in Ukrainian domain zones.
3. Find out if you have your own data center.
4. Find out if ICANN has received accreditation.
5. Availability of round-the-clock technical support.

How much does hosting cost?

Virtual hosting is the cheapest type of hosting, it costs from 4.00 € per month.