Honkai: Star Rail Wiki

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Honkai: Star Rail Wiki
Honkai: Star Rail Wiki



Mag: Welcome to Cosmodyssey. Here, you can turn your trailblaze experiences into blessings.
Pom-Pom: All the Nameless invited from all across the Cosmos will support you in completing this great feat.
Mag: Trailblaze experiences... Sounds a bit abstract, no?
Mag: Don't worry, this is effectively your currency in Cosmodyssey: Trailblaze Funds.
Mag: Our goal is to offer these Trailblaze Funds to Pom-Pom!
Pom-Pom: The more Trailblaze Funds you contribute, the greater your rewards.
Mag: Now, let's talk about how to earn Trailblaze Funds!
(Open Cosmodyssey Tutorial)
Mag: I will use scenes and companions you're familiar with to create the map upon which you adventure.
Pom-Pom: Whoa! This can definitely draw out some trailblazing experiences from Passenger (Trailblazer)
Mag: We're here at Herta Space Station. Doesn't this bring back lots of memories?
Mag: Moving requires you to consume dice. Let's try using these first.
Mag: Oh, you're finally on the game tile!
Pom-Pom: It's the Windfall Slot Machine!
Mag: You can get Trailblaze Funds if you get the designated image.
Pom-Pom: Come try your luck, Passenger (Trailblazer)!
Mag: This is Encounter Tile! There are always choices you have to make while trailblazing.
Pom-Pom: Don't make any choices that you'll regret, Passenger (Trailblazer).
Mag: After you make your choice, it's all in the hands of luck!
Pom-Pom: Ugh. Pom-Pom thinks that might not be a good outcome.
Mag: No problem though. Try this Reroll Coin! It'll let you try again.
Pom-Pom: A nice outcome this time! Alright!
Mag: It's a Land Tile this time! Basically, it's just buying a plot of land, you know!
Mag: Yep. It'll let you keep earning Trailblaze Funds! It's a great deal, so make your purchase now!
Mag: When you run into a fork, you can choose to proceed down different paths.
Pom-Pom: There are also Lucky Bubbles here. Pom-Pom will pick this side for you first.
Pom-Pom: Another Windfall Slot Machine! But the rules seem a bit different this time...
Mag: I got a feeling that the Lucky Bubbles you just picked up will increase your Trailblaze Funds this time!
Mag: Let's give it another spin!
Pom-Pom: Buffs can increase the Trailblaze Funds you can obtain. Look here!
Pom-Pom: It's a golden Encounter Tile. Is something good about to happen?
Mag: The dice are all used up. Now, it's time to contribute Trailblaze Funds!
Pom-Pom: Passenger (Trailblazer)'s contributions are shooting up! That's impressive!
Mag: With contribution comes reward. Remember to claim your rewards!
Mag: You can claim the rewards here
Pom-Pom: Let's continue our journey!
Pom-Pom: Whoa! It seems you just got some Remote Dice!
Mag: Use the Remote Dice to freely select how many steps you want to move. Try it out. There's something nice coming up!
Mag: Select here to get an overview of the map.
(Click Friends icon)
Mag: The contributions of all Nameless across the Cosmos are recorded here.
Pom-Pom: Give a like to the other Nameless to get Reroll Coins!
Mag: You've arrived at the endpoint. Please fill in the Trailblaze Affinity Test.
Mag: The test will let you see which Astral Express Navigator from history you are most like.
Pom-Pom: The choices you make will be recorded right here, Passenger (Trailblazer).
Pom-Pom: Reaching a new area seems to have changed the buffs. Go take a look!
Pom-Pom: Seems like your buffs will keep growing as long as you keep reaching new areas!
Mag: Right. You can now Add Stakes!
Pom-Pom: If we spend extra Trailblaze Funds to add stakes, will that multiply the rewards?
Mag: That's right! Try your luck now!

Trailblaze Affinity Test[]

Congratulations on reaching the endpoint! To further your trailblazing expedition, I would like to invite you to participate in the following Trailblaze Affinity Test. Please answer based on your instincts.
After you complete a few surveys, it will generate a Nameless Report and notify you about which historical Astral Express Navigator you are most similar to.
When the time comes, I will also prepare your due rewards as well.
Nameless: Mag
(After finishing section of test)
Current Test Progress: #/50
Passenger (Trailblazer)'s choices have been recorded. Thank you for filling in this survey.
Continue onward. Complete the Trailblaze Affinity Test to unlock the Nameless Report.
See which historical Astral Express Navigator you are most like.
Nameless: Mag

Herta Space Station[]

Question 1: There's a new ghost story floating about in the space station. Unknowingly, you also accepted a mission from Adler... When faced with a mission that doesn't pique your interest but must be completed nonetheless, what will you do?

Choice Comment Server-Wide Selection Percentages
Keep calm and carry on with the mission. Trailblazers work in mysterious ways. 75.8% (America, March 27 2024)
I'll find a way to complete the mission differently. The mission rewards will remain the same though~ 24.2% (America, March 27 2024)

Question 2: You've learned some fresh gossip about the space station from Richard_Knowitall, and it's related to Lead Researcher Asta. He asks you not to tell anyone, but you think...

Choice Comment Server-Wide Selection Percentages
You can't get a peep outta me! Your lips are sealed shut. 47.9% (America, March 27 2024)
There's a price for secrets. My prices are transparent and fair. 52.1% (America, March 27 2024)

Question 3: You and Arlan are having a disagreement on which route to walk Peppy. What should you guys do?

Choice Comment Server-Wide Selection Percentages
Sign a Dog-Walking Agreement. Hopefully, world peace can be realized this way. 23.8% (America, March 27 2024)
Can't you ask Peppy? Peppy shakes its head, disappointed in the both of you. 76.2% (America, March 27 2024)

Question 4: You already know that even geniuses will fight among themselves... Or it can be said that they "don't see the direction the moon is going." How are you going to solve the situation?

Choice Comment Server-Wide Selection Percentages
Why don't we all go for a barbecue? If something can't be solved with one meal, just eat two meals. 64.5% (America, March 27 2024)
Fight! I want to see the rivers run red. Oh, the world of geniuses is cruel. 35.5% (America, March 27 2024)

Question 5: Even Ruan Mei's creations fight with each other. How will you settle their disagreements?

Choice Comment Server-Wide Selection Percentages
Listen to what they are meowing about. Meow meow, meow meow meow meow. 76.5% (America, March 28 2024)
Try and stir the pot, the great meow-meow war is on. Meow meow! Meow meow meow meow! 23.5% (America, March 28 2024)

Question 6: The Non-Human Rights Association hopes you can join them in the cleanup of the space station. It's a good deed, but your heart feels...

Choice Comment Server-Wide Selection Percentages
Should have cleaned up the space station long ago. How can you clean up the space station with these insects? 57.2% (America, March 28 2024)
Did the resident rich lady not buy a robot vacuum? She did buy it, naturally. Next up, let us welcome the robot vacuum. 42.8% (America, March 28 2024)

Question 7: You have some affection for the Department of Implement Arts Lv.2 Researcher Wen Shiling from the space station. She has generous research funding and strange research topics and can be considered a friend you know in the station... She wants to change how the leadership manages the Department of Implement Arts. You're ambivalent about her managers, but Wen Shiling is also somewhat unreliable. You...

Choice Comment Server-Wide Selection Percentages
I firmly support Wen Shiling. Hope Wen Shiling can feel your sincere gaze. 47.3% (America, March 28 2024)
Let me observe the situation a bit more. You never know... Maybe Wen Shiling's leadership is much more generous... 52.7% (America, March 28 2024)

Question 8: In a corner of the space station, you hear an unfamiliar researcher grumbling. He doesn't like the space station, but he still does his job to the best of his abilities. What would you do if you were in his shoes?

Choice Comment Server-Wide Selection Percentages
There are jobs that need doing, and days to start living. Living my own life to its fullest is better than anything else. 68.0% (America, March 28 2024)
Maybe consider leaving the space station. There's always new life waiting. 32.0% (America, March 28 2024)

Question 9: The Curio "Joy Filtration Set" appears to have been used a little too frequently by other researchers. The researcher who manages the Curio wonders if a fee should be charged...

Choice Comment Server-Wide Selection Percentages
Let's not even open this can of worms... Gotta charge a Curio fee. The pricier the better. 65.9% (America, March 30 2024)
Of course! What, do you think happiness grows on trees? Any happiness that can be bought is already cheap. 34.1% (America, March 30 2024)

Question 10: You notice a researcher surreptitiously turn off the food order robot... Why would such people even exist? You will...

Choice Comment Server-Wide Selection Percentages
Find an opportunity to report that technician. Huh!? Turns out it's a technician too. 73.2% (America, March 30 2024)
Honestly, this has nothing to do with me. Got it, you like to sit on the fence. 26.8% (America, March 30 2024)

Question 11: The children aboard the space station mature faster than most... But child-on-child bullying is still a juvenile offense. You coincidentally run into such a scene...

Choice Comment Server-Wide Selection Percentages
Get them to shut their traps. "Shut up! Do your dads also work at the IPC?" 77.3% (America, March 30 2024)
None of my business. Indeed, your life has one fewer problem. 22.7% (America, March 30 2024)

Question 12: Arlan has asked that you eliminate Antimatter Legion remnants in a zone to protect public assets... Yet you're surprised to find out that there are no monsters, but a Wubbaboo is breaking the equipment here...

Choice Comment Server-Wide Selection Percentages
Make it stay and work for you. "Hey, don't try to run!" 67.7% (America, March 30 2024)
Issue him a ticket requesting compensation. "Hey, stop that!" 32.3% (America, March 30 2024)

Question 13: You're charged with tending to Ruan Mei's creations. One of them, the "butler," is causing trouble again. It also appears to be of high standing among the other creations. You take a look...

Choice Comment Server-Wide Selection Percentages
Report this to Asta. Let it fully understand whose turf this is. 67.4% (America, March 30 2024)
Do it a favor. But it wouldn't even utter a word of gratitude to you. 32.6% (America, March 30 2024)


Question 1: Your friend, ol' Sampo, has been arrested by the Silvermane Guards, but this time you're perfectly sure he was framed — the Silvermane Guards have the wrong person. It's up to you to help him...

Choice Comment Server-Wide Selection Percentages
Make an immediate appeal — maybe they'll slap him with a heavier sentence. Sampo "thanks" you gratefully. 45.9% (America, March 28 2024)
Ask for leniency from the Silvermane Guards on your behalf. You've always liked the Silvermane Guards' favorite catchphrase, "Who are you?" 54.1% (America, March 28 2024)

Question 2: You have been requested by Gepard to deliver the emergency military supplies to the garrison squad at the Snow Plains before sundown. But along the way, you run into a smuggler band on the verge of death — they need someone to help them return to the city...

Choice Comment Server-Wide Selection Percentages
Save the smugglers first. The Silvermane Guards will understand the situation. 68.5% (America, March 28 2024)
Ignore the smugglers. The smugglers already thought of this. 31.5% (America, March 28 2024)

Question 3: A mine occupied by vagrants was discovered during the Underworld's land development. Wildfire knows that they have impeded development progress in the surrounding towns, but also understands that vagrants have rights, too. What will you do?

Choice Comment Server-Wide Selection Percentages
Ask both sides to negotiate for your sake. So this is the brimming confidence of a Face-Face Fruit user? 73.4% (America, March 28 2024)
Bandits? I'm the only bandit around here! This isn't an age where whoever plants the flag on a mountain is king. 26.6% (America, March 28 2024)

Question 4: Fight Club's proprietor, Scott, says that he hopes you will join the boxing tournament to beat up a scrawny contender. It's all voluntary too, so you don't have to be all morally torn about it. He guarantees that you'll make a killing. You will...

Choice Comment Server-Wide Selection Percentages
Stop fighting, I can't keep watching. The gaze of high-horsed morality casts its eyes upon you. 40.4% (America, March 28 2024)
Let's fight. You're also after the cash anyway. Putting in effort for cash, that's not immoral at all! 59.6% (America, March 28 2024)

Question 5: Belobog's Wallace does not ask you to find more friends — he wants to ask you some more *fundamental* questions: If he was penniless and in danger, what would you do?

Choice Comment Server-Wide Selection Percentages
Problems that can be resolved with money are never problems. Wallace expresses agreement. 61.9% (America, March 29 2024)
You're asking me? I'm in a similar predicament. Wallace is iffy about the use of money. 38.1% (America, March 29 2024)

Question 6: Even at an officer's ball, Seele and Bronya can still go at each other's throats!? Their ruckus gradually attracts even more attention. At this moment, you will...

Choice Comment Server-Wide Selection Percentages
Tell them to pipe down, everyone's looking. Both of them realize that this is in *public*. 51.6% (America, March 29 2024)
Take this chance to wolf down all the popular dishes at the buffet table. You sure are a smart one! 48.4% (America, March 29 2024)

Question 7: Looks like Hook's caused trouble at the clinic again. She wants you to help her lie to avoid the old witch's punishment. What will you do...

Choice Comment Server-Wide Selection Percentages
Best surrender, Hook the Great! I've never heard of a second troublemaker at the clinic. 67.3% (America, March 29 2024)
I've got lies for miles as long as there's something in it for me. "Hook, I like telling the truth..." 32.7% (America, March 29 2024)

Question 8: You notice that Regin has experienced unfair treatment. This guy might be a little mischievous at times, but you can't sit by idly when something like that happens to him...

Choice Comment Server-Wide Selection Percentages
Regin, you're not wrong! The one that's in the wrong is this world that doesn't understand you! 50.4% (America, March 29 2024)
Regin, use the fists of science on them! Regin's soul burns bright with rebuttal! 49.6% (America, March 29 2024)

Question 9: You and Wildfire participate in the Belobog Underworld mine rescue operation, but unfortunately get trapped during the mission. Your food supplies run low... One day later, you notice an olm. According to the supervisor, this could be the only source of food in the vicinity...

Choice Comment Server-Wide Selection Percentages
Maybe it can help you get out. The olm moves nary an inch. 70.9% (America, March 31 2024)
Survival takes utmost priority. The olm also thinks so. 29.1% (America, March 31 2024)

Question 10: The Belobog Museum curator, Uldan, wishes to bring in precious artifacts for a themed exhibit. This requires large funding, and the museum's budget is stretched. You will suggest to Uldan...

Choice Comment Server-Wide Selection Percentages
Seek out a wealthy friend for sponsorship. As long as Uldan agrees to be friends with Wallace. 77.4% (America, March 31 2024)
There should be a hike in admission ticket prices. It's a museum, not some charity organization. 22.6% (America, March 31 2024)

Question 11: You and Lynx arrive at the Snow Plains for a research expedition. Both of you split up and get to work. You discover a mysterious rock, perhaps it means something more...

Choice Comment Server-Wide Selection Percentages
Give it to Lynx. Lynx has given you the title of "honorary research expedition member." 82.3% (America, March 31 2024)
Sell it to Sampo. Don't assume Sampo will buy this! 17.7% (America, March 31 2024)

Question 12: Even if Bronya has made many decisions in her life, she's always hesitant when it comes to choices with pros and cons. She wishes to ask you how you would choose.

Choice Comment Server-Wide Selection Percentages
I will calculate all the outcomes. "I'm playing 5-dimension chess while you're playing checkers." 62.9% (America, March 31 2024)
I mainly trust in my own intuition. "Call me the God of Gamblers." 37.1% (America, March 31 2024)

The Xianzhou Luofu[]

Question 1: Guinaifen's account has been hacked. The hacker has sent a message saying that unless he gets 5,000 strales, he will delete the account. Lil Gui wants to ask your opinion...

Choice Comment Server-Wide Selection Percentages
Plead with the little genius Silver Wolf to attack the hacker. The little genius Silver Wolf asks you for 10,000 strales in overtime fees. 73.5% (America, March 28 2024)
Only 5,000 strales? Piece of cake. Guinaifen has always thought you were generous till you opened up your wallet. 26.5% (America, March 28 2024)

Question 2: The traveling merchant Luocha has been flagged as a medical doctor after he displayed his prolific lifesaving skills. The influx of patients continues unabated... yet as he is about to embark on his next journey, he must explain this clearly to the patients, and he needs your help...

Choice Comment Server-Wide Selection Percentages
Teach them traditional methods of medical treatment. The Alchemy Commission is not going anywhere. 61.1% (America, March 28 2024)
Help them find the next Luocha. Luocha smiles bitterly. 38.9% (America, March 28 2024)

Question 3: You might have forgotten you once had an Unshackled friend, Nannan... He wants to invite you to join an Unshackled friendship meet *that you're not particularly interested in* in hopes of reconciliation. How would you consider this...

Choice Comment Server-Wide Selection Percentages
What's a network without friends? I'm going! Everyone in the Unshackled is a genius, and they sound nice too. 54.0% (America, March 28 2024)
Don't even think about calling me unless they're giving out Stellar Jade. That was then, and this is now. 46.0% (America, March 28 2024)

Question 4: Sushang feels like returning to the Yaoqing for a while. When you hear about this...

Choice Comment Server-Wide Selection Percentages
I'm envious of those who have long holidays. As long as you have a positive mindset, every day of trailblazing feels like a vacation. 37.6% (America, March 28 2024)
Beg Sushang to bring back some specialty goods... Sushang remembered when she set off, but... 62.4% (America, March 28 2024)

Question 5: Fu Xuan has deliberately shown some professional initiative, but it's an indefinite wait till she gets promoted to general. She looks to you...

Choice Comment Server-Wide Selection Percentages
I look to Jing Yuan... Jing Yuan looks into the distance, wordless. 70.8% (America, March 29 2024)
"More please, you love to see it." It serves Fu Xuan right for spending the whole day chatting with you at the milk tea store. 29.2% (America, March 29 2024)

Question 6: Qingque is slacking off at work again and playing celestial jade, yet you're here helping Fu Xuan with her work. You decide to...

Choice Comment Server-Wide Selection Percentages
Snap a photo and send it to the Diviner Fu. The Master Diviner responds, "It was within my calculations." 60.1% (America, March 29 2024)
Work be damned. Join Qingque in the fun! Playing celestial jade is such fun. 39.9% (America, March 29 2024)

Question 7: The male protagonist's feelings in The Angler Mystery have spawned two factions: The "childhood friend" faction which supports the female protagonist, and the "survived all odds together" faction which supports the female deuteragonist. How should you handle the conflict between these two?

Choice Comment Server-Wide Selection Percentages
Can't we all just sit down, have a chat, and get along? How did it turn out like this... When two happy things are combined... 59.7% (America, March 29 2024)
Fight! Fight! Fight! War. War never changes. 40.3% (America, March 29 2024)

Question 8: You encounter a wild beast (perhaps released by the Unshackled) at Scalegorge Waterscape's beach. A drift bottle containing treasure is lodged in its mouth... The poor thing is in such a predicament because it was trying to instinctively protect the bottle. You will...

Choice Comment Server-Wide Selection Percentages
Swing your bat. Does this beast drop Stellar Jades? 64.2% (America, March 29 2024)
Leave silently. My eyes are starting to well up... 35.8% (America, March 29 2024)

Question 9: You find a "miracle drug" while rummaging through the Alchemy Commission's courier packages. On it is written, "Treats all sickness, but has side effects" — what could the side effects be? You consider for a moment...

Choice Comment Server-Wide Selection Percentages
Cross-check with the side effect table. A watchmaker with a watchmaking soul. 80.4% (America, March 31 2024)
Just try it out on someone? All right, next question: Who should I look for? 19.6% (America, March 31 2024)

Question 10: On the Xianzhou Luofu, you run into the scummy merchant who's peddling secret immortality prescriptions to outworlders yet again. This is just going to hurt everyone involved. You think about it...

Choice Comment Server-Wide Selection Percentages
Report it to the Realm-Keeping Commission. There's a reward for reporting something like this. 64.6% (America, March 31 2024)
Of course you have to stop this. Disciples of Sanctus Medicus, how many innocents have you harmed!? 35.4% (America, March 31 2024)

Question 11: You see someone about to fall into a Hex Club propaganda trap. You will...

Choice Comment Server-Wide Selection Percentages
Don't go, it's an ambush! You've been blacklisted by the Hex Club. 70.7% (America, March 31 2024)
Observe him and watch him get led away by the Hex Club. Has the world changed, or is it the people? 29.3% (America, March 31 2024)

Question 12: You encounter a child looking for immortality elixirs on the Xianzhou Luofu. He has no one to watch over him, and is seemingly unaware of the fact that immortality will not be found on the Xianzhou...

Choice Comment Server-Wide Selection Percentages
Take him to the Realm-Keeping Commission. No matter, the Realm-Keeping Commission will intervene. 55.7% (America, March 31 2024)
Take him to his family. A major documentary Give the Child a Home continues to air. 44.3% (America, March 31 2024)

Question 13: You're having a meal at a diner in Aurum Alley when you see a customer sputter vulgar words at Short Auntie — she is helpless to retaliate. If Master Yancui were here, he'd never be allowed to get away with this. You will...

Choice Comment Server-Wide Selection Percentages
Get the customer to calm down. Aurum Alley has rules: Customers do not talk back to shopkeepers. 83.9% (America, March 31 2024)
Try not to get involved. While people argue over reality, you have fine food, games, and dumb videos. 16.1% (America, March 31 2024)


Question 1: You notice a stranger is stuck in one of Dr. Edward's Dreamscapes. He is unable to end his own Dreamscape. You will...

Choice Comment Server-Wide Selection Percentages
I will head into the dream and say, "Stop dreaming." "Oh, I have arisen, yet all memory fades into oblivion..." 70.2% (America, March 28 2024)
Set aside the compulsion to help others and just let people dream. Everyone has dreams, and they're all equally exciting. 29.8% (America, March 28 2024)

Question 2: In the Penacony Dreamscape, you encounter a scene where a gang of "Family members of suspicious origin" are harassing a Dreamchaser, saying that they have to pay the protection fee or lose the protection. You want to intervene, but the Dreamchaser stops you. You are just passing by...

Choice Comment Server-Wide Selection Percentages
I'm all too familiar with this: Peace must be protected by people. Intervening is just a momentary thrill. 54.7% (America, March 28 2024)
I see red — these guys must be taught a harsh lesson. "Tsk! You're nothing but a has-been!" 45.3% (America, March 28 2024)

Question 3: At The Reverie Hotel, you encounter someone who wishes to invite you into some "Embrace Reality" association... They will regularly organize "Family gatherings." You think about it...

Choice Comment Server-Wide Selection Percentages
Looks like we'll have to invite the Astral Express family. Astral Express family, thank you for the invitation. 71.2% (America, March 28 2024)
Forget it, it's a sheer waste of time. You don't need these theatrical gatherings. 28.8% (America, March 28 2024)

Question 4: Many have come to the Golden Hour for the first time, and some will even ask you for directions. You feel...

Choice Comment Server-Wide Selection Percentages
You've asked the right person. The Golden Hour is like your hometown. 67.3% (America, March 28 2024)
You're asking the wrong person. Next up: A journey of discovery filled with the unknown! 32.7% (America, March 28 2024)

Question 5: In Penacony's dream, banknotes will spew out anytime... Then the wallet that you just picked up...

Choice Comment Server-Wide Selection Percentages
Return the wallet to its owner — morality must be preserved. Dream money is fake, even if it looks real *wave both hands*. 82.0% (America, March 30 2024)
Leave the money for yourself, and leave the wallet to the streets. It's the opposite in the dream — getting money is the same as having returned it. 18.0% (America, March 30 2024)

Question 6: You are in a Dreamscape provided by Dr. Edward: You are an elegant knight, and your lord has been wrongfully imprisoned. You have a way to rescue him, but it will cause you to forsake your knightly oath...

Choice Comment Server-Wide Selection Percentages
A paltry oath is nothing compared to my loyalty for my lord! Can an oath pay my salary? Nope! 67.5% (America, March 30 2024)
A paltry lord is nothing compared to knightly creed! Just change lords. It's troublesome to renew an oath after breaking it. 32.5% (America, March 30 2024)

Question 7: You encounter a lost Miss Acheron at the hotel. You intend to help her return to her room, but the both of you seem to have lost the way... You ponder for a moment and decide...

Choice Comment Server-Wide Selection Percentages
Don't worry, I have a map. If you two could read maps, do you think you'd be lost? 64.1% (America, March 30 2024)
Don't worry, I'm feeling inspired. Alas, the fleeting inspiration fades as soon as it strikes. 35.9% (America, March 30 2024)

Question 8: You run into a vexed waiter at the Golden Hour. He has been berated by his manager for lacking people skills and wishes to ask you how you would serve customers.

Choice Comment Server-Wide Selection Percentages
Equality is the reason I came to Penacony. Equality, equality and *insert common profanity here* equality. 66.2% (America, March 30 2024)
A waiter must be able to read people. If one can't read the room astutely, customers might as well scan a code to make their orders. 33.8% (America, March 30 2024)

Question 9: Along one of the Golden Hour's streets, you witness two billboards fighting over customers...

Choice Comment Server-Wide Selection Percentages
Stop them. Violence won't solve anything. Stop, stop it now. Stop fighting. 71.9% (America, April 3 2024)
Join them — three's company, even in fights. Not a moment lost on lamenting the billboards, it's (Trailblazer) to the battlefield! 28.1% (America, April 3 2024)

Question 10: A mission from Miss Sparkle: You must press the "Current and New Player Progress Sync button" that she left behind... After that, all the player accounts in a certain game will be reset. How frightening. You will...

Choice Comment Server-Wide Selection Percentages
Execute the mission — I've got a pact to fullfill. Miss Sparkle reserves all rights to this event's final interpretation. 65.5% (America, April 3 2024)
Decline the mission and quietly report this to the IPC. All efforts made so far have not been in vain. 34.5% (America, April 3 2024)

Question 11: You are in the Dreamscape of Jepella's arson case — the fire may have been contained, but you're not out of the frying pan yet. You will...

Choice Comment Server-Wide Selection Percentages
Stay right here and await rescue. Game over! Game over man! 47.1% (America, April 3 2024)
Take action and escape the city. We're gonna be literal toast if we don't start running now. 52.9% (America, April 3 2024)

Question 12: Even an establishment as lavish as the Oti Mall seems to still have layoffs... You see an employee termination list — it's fairly obvious that the staff here don't know their grim fate yet, and you...

Choice Comment Server-Wide Selection Percentages
Tell the staff to brace themselves. Laborers always toil for themselves! 63.4% (America, April 3 2024)
I refuse to fire a single one of them. You're not their boss, after all. 36.6% (America, April 3 2024)