Make energy consumption smarter

We build a smarter and greener future with our Home Energy Management solution.

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Trusted by market leaders

Join the future Home Energy ecosystem

With the pressing climate crisis and energy prices soaring in a volatile market, the way we use power has become more important than ever. Smart technologies hold the key to a greener, cheaper and smarter energy system.

  • Maximizing PV consumption & storage.
  • Consuming energy when it is greenest possible.
  • Vehicle-to-grid & flexibility trading of demand response to balance local and national grids.
  • Utilising vehicle-to-home technology for cost savings and peak load management.
  • Battery steering for solar storage, peak load management and outage control.
  • Time of use optimization of heating & cooling with user specific behavioral learning.

Does this sound interesting to you?

Want to know more about our products and how they could be adapted to your needs? Our team is ready to guide you.

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Hiven use cases for your industry

Energy Retailer

Build Home Energy Management products for your consumers - all cloud based.

Heat Pump Manufacturer

Deliver more value to your customers with intelligent heating and cooling.

EV Manufacturer

Bring extra value to your consumers by optimizing the charging session and building a Virtual Power Plant.

EV Charger Manufacturer

Create new value streams and add additional value to your charging experience.

Why Hiven?

Help consumers save money

Avoid price peaks with automatic optimization.

Increase your margins

Optimize your wholesale market trading as an energy retailer.

Lower CO2 emissions

Shift consumption to hours when the energy production is green.

New revenue streams

We generate revenue by aggregating and steering flexible loads to be used as balancing power.

Make your products competitive

Add smart steering to your products and increase their competitiveness.

Partners & Collaborations

We are contributing to research projects.

The core concept of the LIFE project INEEXS is the deployment of integrated energy services across sectors and carriers, and the tokenization of energy saving data in a public blockchain to facilitate cooperation among market segments and actors.

Go to IEExS

Enershare defines a Data-Driven Reference Architecture for the energy domain and creates a marketplace based on Blockchain and Smart Contracts with the aim of improving mutual trust and increasing data security.

Go to Enershare

Gain a competitive edge

We help you to succeed by staying on top of the trends in the energy sector.

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