United Kingdom

WordPress helps me unwind – story of a part-time developer

WordPress helps me unwind – story of a part-time developer

In October 2023, I will complete 20 years of my association with WordPress. What started as an experiment soon became an integral part of my life.  Hi! I am Ajay D’Souza. I am the author of several completely free WordPress plugins, and this is my WordPress story. In the beginning… I vaguely recall always having…

Empowered To Make A Change

Empowered To Make A Change

The good part; When writing this, I am working with the top companies in the WooCommerce ecosystem, partnering with creative minds, making things happen that can make a massive difference to many users, or even an essential lifeline to their business survival due to a lockdown. As a partnership manager at YITH, I also had*…

Discovering Your Place

Discovering Your Place

I remember watching a dog I used to have jump without a thought into a river from the edge. I’ve never been someone to do that. I am cautious by nature, considered and ponderous. I plan, ponder, observe, I was always the child that watched and learnt through seeing. My introduction into the WordPress community…