
The pleasure of being a part of a community – Щастя бути частиною спільноти

The pleasure of being a part of a community – Щастя бути частиною спільноти

Це есе також доступно українською. Hey there! My name is Artemy, and I am from Ukraine. I’ve been working with WordPress since 2018. I specialize in WordPress backend development: I build and support WordPress plugins, third-party integrations, and other cool custom features. If you ask me why I love WordPress and why I decided to…

Finding Your Place

When Topher contacted me about HeroPress project, he didn’t sound confident about me. He asked what I am passionate about, and what I want (no, MUST) tell others. I thought — “I had a moment like that, let me tell him something”. Here I am. Let me tell you something. Six years in two words I was…