
How To Become A Freelancer – A Few Things I Learned Before I Gave Up

How To Become A Freelancer – A Few Things I Learned Before I Gave Up

Članak je takođe dostupan na sprskom jeziku. Everyone’s story is unique. Our life journeys differ in so many aspects and these experiences shape us into who we are now. Therefore, things that we, as individuals, learn along the way can’t always apply to someone else’s life goals, potentials, aspirations, and struggles. But, sometimes, knowing about…

How the WordPress community contributes to human development

How the WordPress community contributes to human development

In the beginning WordPress being an “open-source” platform concept was only an idea by Matt Mullenweg that was supposed to gather people to contribute for free for a greater cause with no guaranteed success. The idea to gather people around a vague and non-profit cause would not have succeeded without the generosity of WordPress pioneers,…

The Greatest Screenplay Writer

The Greatest Screenplay Writer

My upbringing was not quite usual Serbian upbringing. I was almost forbidden to do things I didn’t really love. My parents insisted on trying things and finding that deep passion. But I didn’t have to search and try. I always knew what I’d be when I grow up. As long as I remember, there was…

Taking A Chance With WordPress

Taking A Chance With WordPress

My grandad always used to say “živi se usput”, which translates from Serbian into “life happens while you are making plans“. Everyone is in a rush,  planning their next weekend, holiday, career path, children…. Of course you have to exercise, stay fit, look good, relentless pressure is the way of life today. I happen to…