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Hero Overview

Okay, let's do this one last time, yeah? For real this time. This is it. My name is Miles Morales. I was bitten by a radioactive spider, and for, like, two days, I've been the one and only Spider-Man. I think you know the rest. I finished my essay, saved a bunch of people, got hit by a drone, I did this with my dad, met my roommate finally, slapped a sticker where my dad's never gonna find it, and when I feel alone, like no one understands what I'm going through, I remember my friends who get it. I never thought I'd be able to do any of this stuff, but I can. Anyone can wear the mask. You could wear the mask. If you didn't know that before, I hope you do now. 'Cause I'm Spider-Man, and I'm not the only one. Not by a long shot.
~ Miles Morales narrates the ending of the first film.
Everyone keeps telling how MY STORY is supposed to go! Nah, I'mma do my own thing.
~ Miles before blasting Miguel O'Hara with a shockwave using energy he absorbed from the latter's suit, and his most famous quote.

Miles "Gonzalo" Morales, also known as Spider-Man, is the titular main protagonist of Sony Pictures Animation's Spider-Verse film trilogy.

He is a young, bright teenager and a Brooklyn native who's been thrust into a new school and is having a hard time adjusting to this new environment, and an even harder time adjusting to his entirely new and unexpected life as a Spider-Man. With the help of some surprising new friends, Miles learns to unlock the hero inside himself.

He is voiced by Shameik Moore.



Miles is a mixed Puerto Rican and African American teenager. He went through a growth spurt after being bitten by a radioactive spider. He initially wore a Spider-Man Halloween costume as his suit. However, he changes to a real suit of his world's Spider-Man, changing its color with spray paint to create a black Spider-Man suit with a red lining and a Spider symbol on his suit's chest.


Miles is a young, bright and confident young man. While initially hesitant to take on the role of Spider-Man, he eventually accepts his role as New York’s protector and with the guidance of an alternate version of Peter Parker, he works to become a better Spider-Man. He initially displayed panic and insecurity due to struggling to handle even basic Spider powers, and he felt unworthy by failing to master his unique Spider abilities; but as he bonds with his fellow Spider heroes, and after grieving the loss of his uncle Aaron, he is able to adjust to his abilities, and making a new Spider Suit to stand as his own individual Spider-Man.

Like average Spider-Men, he has an irreverent attitude towards villains, making quips and insults at them; although, when villains are too strong for him or have inflicted trauma upon him (such as Kingpin's murder of his uncle Aaron), he can become quite stoic, yet does sometimes throw in a typical quip. If an enemy seems hapless, Miles will taunt them, but as shown with Spot, if that villain becomes significantly more powerful, as well as indicating psychological instability, Miles would start to address them more respectfully to prevent further danger.

He is somewhat like an average teenager, as he becomes argumentative against authority figures, and his high intelligence can make him too arrogant to listen to those who might know better; even hearing Miguel's story about how violating canon events can cause the destruction of an entire universe, Miles refuses to accept it, due to his strong emotional attachment to his father. While it is possible that there is another option, the fact is that Miles' intellect and love for his parents can cloud his judgement, despite viewing so much evidence that there may be no safe alternative.

Miles is perhaps selfish in terms of romance, as he becomes instantly smitten with Gwen Stacy, and tries to impress her despite her indifference; when they are both Spider-People, they become friends, though Miles still pines for her romantically. During their separation, he sketches his Spider friends, but with a particular level of obsession on Gwen, with her being the most common and most prominent drawing. After a brief reunion, she departs for what seems like the last time, so Miles stalks her into the next universe, indicating a lack of boundaries. Likewise, when it is implied that Gwen may have or had a relationship with Hobie Brown, Miles becomes jealous; although, due to Hobie's gregarious and aloof nature, Miles befriends him rather than considering him a "rival." Gwen's interest in Miles is platonic at least and sibling affection at most, yet Miles appears unwilling to accept this state; however, when it appears like she sided with the Spider Society over the issue of his father's life, he did show rational decision-making, as he parted from her without trying to argue.


Early Life[]

Life in New York[]

Miles Gonzalo Morales was born in the early or mid 2000s in Brooklyn, New York. He was raised as the only child of police officer Jefferson Davis and his nurse wife Rio Morales. Miles would grow up admiring Spider-Man for defending his city from the various super villains that constantly terrorized it.

Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse[]

Miles Morales is a teenager with an affinity for spray-painting graffiti who lives in Brooklyn, New York, where the city is protected by the beloved vigilante Spider-Man. Miles won a scholastic contest which enrolled him in Brooklyn Visions Academy Visions Private School, though in spite of this, he was reluctant to leave behind his friends and his old school where he was very popular. His reluctance surrounding his new school occasionally put him at odds with his father. He makes attempts to fail and get kicked out, though his teacher sees through his antics and passes him on a test. She forces him to do a report on what type of person he wants to be. After a while, school begins to stress Miles out, which causes him to visit his paternal uncle Aaron Davis. Aaron leads Miles to an abandoned subway terminal, which serves as a canvas for Miles to freely graffiti and express himself as a way to release stress. While in the subway, Miles is bitten by a genetically modified spider labeled "42," which he quickly smacks and kills.

During the next following day, Miles undergoes a bizarre series of changes, including a growth spurt and the ability to adhere to materials and surfaces. He has an awkward encounter with a girl he has a crush on at his new school who claims to go by "Gwanda" when he accidentally gets his fingers stuck to her hair and she has to shear part of it off. He also finds that he can walk on walls and the ceiling. When he returns to his dorm room, he finds a comic book owned by his roommate which shows the origin of Spider-Man after he is bitten by a radiated spider and begins to experience similar things to him.

Determined to prove to himself that he has not developed the same powers, he revisits the subway terminal where he finds the dead spider that bit him and discovers the spider exhibits bizarre traits even after its death. Surprised and confused, Miles is suddenly drawn to a mysterious subterranean lab where the Kingpin is trying to operate a particle collider to open a wormhole to another universe. There to stop him is Spider-Man, who fights off Kingpin's henchmen; the Green Goblin and Prowler. In the midst of the fight, Spider-Man rescues Miles, who nearly falls into the particle collider. Finding that Miles is like him, Spider-Man offers to train the reluctant Miles on controlling his powers if he sticks around, but Spider-Man is later badly beaten by the Goblin, who collapses part of the collider on the two of them, trapping Spider-Man. Miles goes to rescue Spider-Man, who tells him not to worry because he always gets back up. He then hands Miles a flash drive that can shut down the particle collider and tells him to do that while he distracts the villains. Miles tries to leave, but while hiding he witnesses Kingpin brutally kill Spider-Man out of rage at something he said.

Horrified and in shock at what he saw, Miles unintentionally gives away his location and flees with Kingpin sending Prowler after him but he evades the villain. Miles returns to his home instead of his dorm room, where he spends the night. He overhears a news report detailing the death of Spider-Man, whose real name is revealed to be Peter Parker, a 26-year-old grad student married to Mary Jane Parker. News of the death of the beloved Spider-Man spreads throughout New York, and Miles, ridden with guilt, buys a Spider-Man dress-up costume and attends a speech by Peter's widow Mary Jane, who she states that everyone is Spider-Man in the end, which Miles takes to heart, as he has the potential to carry on Peter's legacy.

Later on, Miles attempts to master his new abilities but fails, damaging the flash drive in the process. He visits the grave of Peter Parker but is approached by a man wearing web-shooters and a Spider-Man suit. After inadvertently electrocuting the man with new power, Miles notices the man's similar appearance to Peter and drags him through the city using his webs while avoiding pursuing cops until they manage to get to safety in an empty Aaron's apartment. Once he regains consciousness, Miles questioned Peter, asking why he wasn't dead, blonde, and was slightly fat, all of which annoyed Peter. However, after guessing he was from another dimension, Peter explained the quantum theory. Excited, Miles stated this Peter could teach him as his counterpart promised. Miles told him that he'd promised the deceased Peter that he'd destroy the Collider before it caused further damage to the multiverse.

However, this Peter is more jaded and apathetic than Miles' Spider-Man and refuses but gives him his first lesson "Don't watch the mouth, watch the hands". He breaks free and overpowers Miles but as he tries to leave the exhibits the effect of "glitching," which causes him pain. When Miles reveals that he has a way to destroy the collider with the flash drive, Peter steals the drive from him, though realizes it is broken and Miles guilts him into training him.

Reluctantly, Peter takes Miles to the advanced technology and research company Alchemax in order to download information about the particle collider. Peter has Miles stay back, as the boy discovers his super strength and sees Kingpin arrive. Refusing to let him kill another Spider-Man, Miles infiltrates the area and tells Peter that he won't stay idle and let another version of him die. This leaves Peter touched and they are soon found by Dr. Olivia Octavius, whereupon Miles turns invisible, another unique ability of his, and, unable to gain access to Octavius's computer, steals the computer and monitor outright and flees. Octavius captures Peter, revealing herself to be this universe's Doctor Octopus. Peter temporarily battles her off and he escapes into the woods with Miles, where Miles receives an impromptu web-swinging lesson using one of Peter's web-shooters.

While Miles struggles to master the art of web-swinging, Peter fends off attackers. Miles eventually gets the hang of web-swinging and Peter catches up to him, while praising his acts but their escape is interrupted when Peter experiences another "glitch," which Octavius previously explained would continue to happen as long as he was in Miles's universe until he slowly and painfully disintegrated atom by atom. After fleeing, Miles gets a hang of the web-slinging before Octavius manages to capture the two of them, but they are quickly rescued by another universe-displaced Spider-Person, who introduces herself as Spider-Woman and reveals herself to be none other than Gwanda, whose real name is Gwen Stacy.

Gwen takes Miles and Peter to the house of Aunt May, which both Peter and May find difficult as Peter's Aunt May has already passed away and May's nephew of this universe has recently been killed. May leads the three Spider-People to the late Peter Parker's secret bunker, where Miles spots an old costume. He soon notes Kingpin will have them outnumbered before they are introduced to the other universe displaced Spider-Man Noir, Peni Parker and Sp//dr, and Spider-Ham. When they all want to volunteer to stay behind and shut down the collider, Miles has to tell them it's impossible as they all glitch and he decides to do so because it's his world. The group decides to put an unwilling Miles's spider abilities to the test but is disappointed when they find that he has mastered almost none of them, including his unique bioelectric and invisibility abilities.

Pressured and alone, a crestfallen Miles becomes invisible and leaves the bunker while the spider people feel guilt about their words. Miles visits his Uncle Aaron's apartment, only to find it empty and writes him a note. The window is soon opened by the Prowler, however, causing Miles to hide. Prowler searches the apartment but fails to find his target, as Miles turns invisible out of fear. The Prowler receives a phone call from Fisk, whereupon he unmasks and reveals his identity to be Aaron himself, terrifying the invisible Miles, who flees the apartment noisily. This draws Prowler's attention, who gives chase until the pursuit causes a car accident, allowing Miles to get away. Unknown to him, Prowler was watching his escape.

Miles returns to May's house, where he alerts the other Spiders to Prowler's identity and they are shocked except Spider-Noir calls it a "hardcore origin story". Peter comforts him while Gwen instantly asks Miles if he has been followed, to which he responds that he doesn't know. Unbeknownst to Miles, however, Prowler has assembled Kingpin's other henchmen; Doctor Octopus, Tombstone, and Scorpion, and trailed Miles to May's house. The villains taunt Miles on leading them to his hideout. The other Spiders and May work together to battle off the intruders while Miles retrieves the newly created flash drive, after which he flees to the roof. He is intercepted by Prowler, however, who moves to kill him, but not before Miles can unmask himself. Horrified and ashamed to see that he has been hunting his own nephew, Aaron pulls Miles's mask back down and lets him go, but is quickly shot by an enraged Fisk. Miles panics as his uncle bleeds out and Peter, who witnessed the act, knocks away Kingpin and encourages Miles to escape, which he does.

Miles swiftly transports a mortally wounded Aaron to an alleyway, where Aaron apologizes to Miles and encourages him to keep doing what he knows is right before dying in his nephew's arms. Officer Jefferson Davis soon turns up to the scene and, witnessing the figure dressed as Spider-Man kneeling over Aaron's body, assumes the figure to be his brother's killer. Jefferson tries to force the young man, not knowing his identity, into surrender, but Miles turns invisible and runs away. Jefferson then puts out an APB on "the new Spider-Man."

Miles returns to his dorm room at the Visions Academy, enraged smashing everything, briefly blaming himself for his uncle's death but is approached by the other five Spiders, who comfort him and tell him how each other lost family members and friends too, telling Miles how the hardest thing about being a hero is that they can't always save everyone.

They are preparing to launch their attack on the collider. Miles insists he should be the one to shut down the collider, which Peter refuses and opts to do it himself. Miles is upset by this, staring that he belongs in the universe where they are and that he should be the one to send them all home and shut down the collider so Peter doesn't have to die, but also wants to make Kingpin pay for what he did to both his uncle and his universe's Spider-Man, but his protests cause Peter to restrain him. Peter tells Miles that if he can activate his bioelectric ability or invisibility on command then he will let him go, but Miles proves unable to do either. Peter wrongfully webs Miles up and gags him, though not before telling him that he has to take "a leap of faith" to be Spider-Man. Miles watches Peter and the other five Spiders depart for Fisk's building.

While Miles is bound and gagged, he tries to break free to catch up but then his father knocks on the door, wanting to speak to Miles about recent events. Miles is unable to answer, which his father takes to mean that Miles is still upset with him. Jefferson apologizes for the things he had said and done before and tells Miles that Aaron has been killed. When he receives no reply, Jefferson simply apologizes again and tells Miles that he is proud of him before leaving. Inspired, Miles manages to build up enough energy for a bioelectric blast and frees himself from his restraints.

Miles returns to the bunker where May is expecting him. Here, he takes one of Peter Parker's old classic suits and spray paints it black, then uses red spray paint to recolor the lens frames and make his own spider logo and designs. Miles then tests out his abilities in the city and, feeling confident that he is ready to become Spider-Man, takes the "leap of faith" that Peter had described to him earlier. Miles successfully uses his powers and now a competent Spider-Man.

Miles travels to the collider and joins in the fight with the other Spiders as they were getting overpowered, due to the slow disintegration and villains around the corner. He saves Peter from Dr. Octopus, by going invisible on command. The Spiders see he had mastered his power and Miles helps Peter and Gwen face Dr. Octopus before she is hit by a truck from the colliding universes.

After the others defeat their foes, Miles steals the drive from Peter after master his lesson of watching the hands. Miles then manages to gain control of the Collider to send all the other Spiders home. The Spiders thank him and express pride in him, with Gwen promising that they would find a way to keep in touch. Miles and Peter are about to part ways when Kingpin arrives and is enraged at his ruined plans, finally decides to fight the Spider-Team by himself but almost all team members have gone home already. Peter tries to hold off Fisk and tells Miles to shut off the machine. However, Miles refuses and overpowers Peter with the same move he dealt him and encourages Peter to take a leap of faith back in his own universe.

Miles then parts amicably with his teacher and sends Peter home, as he fights Kingpin throughout the collider. Fisk eventually manages to beat Miles down, but Jefferson Davis, who has arrived and seen the new Spider-Man fighting Fisk, realizes that Spider-Man is not the enemy, but an ally, and encourages him to fight back and beat Fisk. This gives Miles the strength to perform another bioelectric blast, called a venom strike, and incapacitate Fisk. Miles then succeeds in shutting down the collider, emerging victorious.

While Fisk is arrested, Jefferson Davis thanks the new Spider-Man for his efforts and wishes him well. Miles, as Spider-Man, goes on to gain the public's approval, becoming New York's new beloved vigilante. Miles also formally introduces himself to his roommate at Visions Academy, including showing him his powers. As Miles prepares to go to sleep one night, a small portal opens, and he is greeted by Gwen from her universe.

Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse[]

Sixteen months later, Miles has been protecting Brooklyn as Spider-Man.

One day, during his patrols, Miles comes across a burglar known as the Spot. The Spot revealed to him that he used to be an Alchemax scientist who was transformed into his current form due to the destruction of the Collider in the previous movie. He then also revealed that the radioactive spider that bit him was due to his experiments into Earth-42. Miles escapes from the Spot after the latter accidentally kicks himself into his portals.

Miguel reveals that Miles is the original multiversal anomaly destablising the Spiderverse, since he was never meant to become Spider-Man, and the Peter Parker of his Earth wasn't meant to die, also the radioactive spider that bit Miles was from Earth-42, which meant that that particular Earth never gained its own Spider-Man either.

Powers and Abilities[]


  • Spider Physiology: Due to being bitten by a genetically altered spider, Miles possesses the proportionate powers of a spider, such as superhuman strength, speed, agility, etc. He can also cling to solid surfaces and has a "spider-sense", which alerts him to danger.
    • Superhuman Strength: Possessing the proportionate strength of a spider, Miles can harm opponents that can knock them out such as Kingpin. He was also able to crack a boulder in two by slamming his fist into it.
    • Superhuman Speed: Possessing the proportionate speed of a spider, Miles is able to transverse at high amounts of speed while running, as well as traveling while web-swinging.
    • Superhuman Agility: Possessing the proportionate agility of a spider, Miles is able to perform acrobatic and gymnastic moves, such as high jumps, somersaults, flips, etc. While running on the sidewalk and into the road, Miles could land on his feet without harm once he was run over by a car.
    • Spider-Sense: Miles possesses precognitive danger senses, as he is able to quickly dodge any form of attacks just after sensing them. It also helps him identify if he is close to someone with similar spider powers.
    • Wall-Crawling: Miles is able to stick or grip onto any surface, much like any spider would; by using his fingertips and feet.
    • Camouflage: Miles can camouflage himself, making him effectively invisible to the human eye.
    • Venom Strike: A form of directed energy that can be conducted through Miles' hands and can be used against an opponent at a distance, by conducting it through a material in which both Miles and his opponent are in contact, managing to knock out Peter Parker himself. In Across the Spider-Verse, he learned to absorb energy by touching an electrically conductive surface with his fingers/palms. He use this ability to absorb the energy from energy barriers and later on to absorb energy from Miguel O'Hara's suit to increase the powers of his Venom Strike to blast him away during the Spider-Society's chase for him.


Jefferson Davis: With great ability comes great accountability.
Miles Morales: That's not how it goes.
~ Miles discussing Spider-Man with his father.
I said not to CALL ME THAT!
~ Miles’ heroic breakdown, after Miguel calls him “kid”.
My name is Miles Morales. I was bitten by a radioactive spider. And I’m pretty sure you know the rest, jerk!
~ Miles telling his backstory to Miguel O’Hara.
Dude, are you sure you’re even Spider-Man?
~ Miles witnessing Miguel using claws to climb and come charging at him.
Miles: Yeah, well, I did lure hundreds of Spider-People away from your little clubhouse.
Peter B. Parker: I guess he
did plan this out.
Miles: And, I’m about to do this. Everyone keeps telling me how
MY STORY is supposed to go. Nah, I’ma do my own thing. Sorry, man. I’m going home.
~ Miles revealing to Miguel O’Hara that he was running from the Spider-People to lure them away from the tower so the Go-Home Machine would be unguarded, before shocking him away with electricity from the latter’s suit.


  • He is the first-ever portrayal of Miles Morales in film.
  • He shares some similarities with Shinjiro Hayata.
    • Both are Teenage Students balancing their superhero careers, although Miles goes to Boarding School rather than High School.
    • They are successors of well-known heroes (Miles is the successor of Spider-Man (Peter Parker) and Shinjiro is the succcessor of Ultraman, His dad, Shin Hayata.) 
  • Miles in one image were shoes similar to Michael Jordan's if the Chicago Bulls.
  • To celebrate the release of Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse, Nike released a sneaker called the Air Jordan 1 Retro High OG 'Origin Story', which shares a resemblance to the sneakers Miles wears throughout the film.
  • He does not know what Comic-Con is, as mentioned in both films.
  • A running gag throughout the first film is that Miles frequently forgets to tie his shoes.
    • A running gag that occurs throughout the second film consists of people constantly criticizing his new costume's design, with Peter and Hobie remarking that it looks like he's "bleeding from his armpits".
  • In the sequel, he experiences several of the same things the Spider-people suffered in the first movie.
    • Being sent to unfamiliar worlds.
    • Painfully glitching, due to not belonging there.
    • Discovering how his counterpart's life differs from his own.
  • Miles has photographic memory as evidenced by his ability to perfectly draw Gwen from different moments of seeing her as well as copying Peter B's style of swinging.
    • This was confirmed by the writers on the commentary track for Across the Spider-Verse.[failed verification]

External Links[]


          Spider-Man Logo Heroes

Spider Family
Anya Corazon | Ashley Barton | Ben Reilly | Ezekiel Sims | Felicity Hardy | Ghost-Spider | Jessica Drew | Julia Carpenter | Kaine Parker | Lady Spider | Madame Web | Mattie Franklin | Mayday Parker | Miguel O'Hara | Miles Morales | Pavitr Prabhakar | Peni Parker | Peter Parker (Earth-1610 | Spider-Man: Fake Red) | Silk | Spiderling | Spider-Ham | Spider-Man Noir | Superior Spider-Man | Spider-Punk | Spider-UK | Takuya Yamashiro | Yu Onomae

Supporting Characters
Betty Brant | Black Cat | May Parker | Bluebird | Eddie Brock | Firestar | Flash Thompson | Ganke Lee | Green Goblin | Gwen Stacy | Harry Osborn | Jackpot | J. Jonah Jameson | Liz Allan | Lizard | Man-Wolf | Mary Jane Watson | Michelle Gonzales | Morbius the Living Vampire | Phil Urich | Puma | Prowler | She-Venom | Silver Sable | Venom | Vin Gonzales

Original Trilogy
Spider-Man: Spider-Man | Mary Jane Watson | Norman Osborn | Harry Osborn | Aunt May | General Slocum
Spider-Man 2: Spider-Man | Mary Jane Watson | Harry Osborn | Aunt May | Doctor Octopus
Spider-Man 3: Spider-Man | Mary Jane Watson | New Goblin | Aunt May | George Stacy

Reboot Duology
The Amazing Spider-Man: Spider-Man | Gwen Stacy | George Stacy | Ben Parker
The Amazing Spider-Man 2: Spider-Man | Gwen Stacy | George Stacy

Marvel Cinematic Universe
Spider-Man: Homecoming: Spider-Man | Ned Leeds | Michelle Jones | Iron Man | Happy Hogan | May Parker | F.R.I.D.A.Y.
Spider-Man: Far From Home: Spider-Man | Ned Leeds | Michelle Jones | Skrulls (Talos & Soren) | Nick Fury | Maria Hill | Happy Hogan | May Parker | Iron Man
Spider-Man: No Way Home: Spider-Man | Ned Leeds | Michelle Jones | Earth-96283 (Spider-Man & Doctor Octopus) | Earth-120703 (Spider-Man & Lizard) | Doctor Strange | May Parker | Happy Hogan | Wong | Matt Murdock | J. Jonah Jameson | Eddie Brock/Venom | Iron Man

Spider-Verse Series
Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse: Miles Morales | Peter B. Parker | Gwen Stacy | Spider-Man Noir | Peni Parker | Spider-Ham | Aunt May | Ultimate Spider-Man | Jefferson Davis | Rio Morales | Prowler | Spider-Man 2099
Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse: Miles Morales | Gwen Stacy | Peter B. Parker | Miguel O'Hara | Lyla | Spider-Mobile | Jessica Drew | Lego Spider-Man | Hobie Brown | Spider-Lady | Scarlet Spider | Last Stand Spider-Man | Spider-Ramen | Spiders-Man | Pavitr Prabhakar | Spider-Monkey | Sun-Spider | Bombastic Bag Man | Captain-Spider | Web-Slinger | Spider-Wolf | Spiderling | Spider-Cat | Spider-Man 2211 | Spider-UK | Spider-Girl | Julia Carpenter | Mangaverse Spider-Man | Cyborg Spider-Woman | Margo Kess | Spider-Ma’am (Maybelle Parker) | Doppelganger | Spidercide | Tarantula | 1967 Spider-Man | Spider-Therapist (Ezekiel Sims) | Mini Spider-Man | Spider-Canada | Spider-Rex | Spider-Man (Alex Ross) | Spider-Ball | Spyder-Knight | Spider-Cop | Insomniac Spider-Man | Spider-Man (Spider-Man Unlimited) | Spider-Man (The Spectacular Spider-Man) | Superior Spider-Man | 2010 MAU Spider-Man | Spinneret | Scarlet Spider (Kaine Parker) | Jefferson Morales | Rio Morales | Mayday Parker | George Stacy | Inspector Singh | Spider-Man Noir | Peni Parker | Spider-Ham

Spider-Man (1967)

Spider-Man (1981)

Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends (1981)
Spider-Man | Iceman | Firestar | Aunt May

Spider-Man: The Animated Series
Spider-Man | Mary Jane Watson | Blade | Black Cat | Daredevil | Nick Fury | Kraven the Hunter | Lizard | Doctor Strange | Wong | Madame Web | Morbius the Living Vampire | The Punisher | Abraham Whistler | Iron Man | War Machine | X-Men (Cyclops, Wolverine, Rogue, Storm, Beast, Gambit, Jubilee, Jean Grey & Professor X) | Captain America | Fantastic Four (Mr. Fantastic, Invisible Woman, Human Torch & Thing) | Aunt May | Flash Thompson | Harry Osborn | Silver Sable | Rocket Racer | Alternate Spider-Men (Armored Spider-Man,Mechanical Arms Spider-Man, Six Armed Spider-Man, Scarlet Spider, Spider-Man Actor)

Spider-Man Unlimited

Spider-Man: The New Animated Series
Spider-Man | Mary Jane Watson | Harry Osborn | Lizard

The Spectacular Spider-Man
Spider-Man | Gwen Stacy | Mary Jane Watson | Harry Osborn | Liz Allan | Flash Thompson | J. Jonah Jameson | George Stacy | Aunt May | Curtis Connors | Betty Brant | Eddie Brock | Black Cat

Ultimate Spider-Man
Spider-Man | S.H.I.E.L.D. (Nick Fury) | S.H.I.E.L.D. Team (White Tiger, Iron Fist, Power Man & Nova) | New Warriors (Cloak and Dagger, Squirrel Girl, Triton, Ka-Zar & Zabu) | Web-Warriors (Agent Venom, Iron Spider, Scarlet Spider & Kid Arachnid) | Alternate Spider-Heroes (Spider-Man 2099, Spider-Girl, Spider-Man Noir, Spider-Ham, Spyder-Knight, Blood Spider, Web Beard, Web-Slinger & Spider-Woman/Gwen Stacy) | Patrioteer | Spider-Woman/Mary Jane Watson | Aunt May | The Avengers (Iron Man, Captain America, Hulk, Thor, Hawkeye, Black Widow, Falcon & Ant-Man) | Doctor Strange | Madame Web | Rio Morales | Wolverine | S.M.A.S.H. (She-Hulk, Red Hulk, Skaar & A-Bomb) | Howling Commandos (Blade, Werewolf by Night, Frankenstein's Monster, N'Kantu the Living Mummy, Man-Thing & Invisible Man) | Moon Knight

Spider-Man (2017)
Spider-Man | Ghost-Spider | Spy-D | Spider-Girl | Hobgoblin | Doctor Octopus/Superior Spider-Man | Max Modell | Aunt May | Mary Jane Watson | Grady Scraps | The Avengers (Iron Man, Captain America, Black Widow, Captain Marvel, Hulk & Ms. Marvel) | Ironheart | Totally Awesome Hulk | Moon Knight | Lizard

Spidey and His Amazing Friends (2021)
Spider-Man | Ghost-Spider | Spin | Aunt May | Rio Morales | Ms. Marvel | Black Panther | Hulk | Iron Man | Ant-Man | Wasp | Reptil | Thing | Squirrel Girl | White Tiger | Black Cat

Video Games
The Amazing Spider-Man & Captain America in Dr. Doom's Revenge: Spider-Man | Captain America
Spider-Man: Return of the Sinister Six: Spider-Man
Spider-Man vs. The Kingpin: Spider-Man | Mary Jane
Spider-Man & X-Men: Arcade's Revenge: Spider-Man | X-Men (Storm | Wolverine | Gambit | Cyclops)
Spider-Man and Venom: Maximum Carnage: Spider-Man | Venom
Spider-Man and Venom: Separation Anxiety: Spider-Man | Venom
Spider-Man (2000): Spider-Man | Mary Jane | Venom) | Black Cat | J. Jonah Jameson | Lizard | Daredevil | Captain America
Spider-Man 2: Enter Electro: Spider-Man | Mary Jane Watson | Lizard
Spider-Man (2002): Spider-Man | Mary Jane Watson | Norman Osborn | Harry Osborn | J. Jonah Jameson | Scorpion
Spider-Man 2: Spider-Man | Harry Osborn | Mary Jane Watson | J. Jonah Jameson | Doctor Octopus | Black Cat
Ultimate Spider-Man: Spider-Man | Mary Jane Watson | Nick Fury | Sharon Carter | Silver Sable | Human Torch | Wolverine
Spider-Man: Battle for New York: Spider-Man | Nick Fury | Captain America | Thor | Iron Man | Wasp | Quicksilver | Mary Jane Watson | Silver Sable
Spider-Man 3: Spider-Man | New Goblin | Mary Jane Watson | J. Jonah Jameson | Scorpion
Spider-Man: Friend or Foe: Spider-Man | Nick Fury | New Goblin | Black Cat | Prowler | Silver Sable | Lizard | Iron Fist | Blade
Spider-Man: Web of Shadows: Spider-Man | Mary Jane Watson | Black Widow | Black Cat | Luke Cage | Moon Knight | Wolverine
Spider-Man: Shattered Dimensions: Spider-Man | Spider-Man Noir | Miguel O'Hara | Ultimate Spider-Man | Madame Web
Spider-Man: Edge of Time: Spider-Man | Miguel O'Hara
The Amazing Spider-Man: Spider-Man | Lizard | Gwen Stacy | Whitney Chang | Black Cat
The Amazing Spider-Man 2: Spider-Man | Gwen Stacy | Harry Osborn | Black Cat

See Also
Marvel Cinematic Universe Heroes | Marvel's Spider-Man Heroes | Sony's Spider-Man Universe Heroes
