We now offer custom domains directly on Tumblr. Get a Tumblr Domain now to be the home address for all your chaos! Rest assured that your already connected domains will remain functional. Learn more.

Legacy custom domains are domains registered outside of Tumblr that were connected to a Tumblr blog before we introduced Tumblr Domains.

Rest assured that your legacy custom domains will continue to work, until you disable the “Use custom domain” toggle in blog settings under “Custom Theme”. Once your legacy custom domain is disconnected, you will not be able to reconnect it to your Tumblr blog on your own.

Please note that, if the DNS records for your domain is updated to point away from Tumblr, your domain will automatically be disconnected from your Tumblr blog. If your domain is disconnected by accident, please ensure it has the appropriate A record that points to Tumblr’s IP address and reach out to our Support team for assistance. For issues specific to the domain itself, please consult with your domain registrar.

We understand that you may have a long-time domain that you would like to use as the home address for your Tumblr blog. You can choose to transfer a domain you own to Tumblr, and have your blog and domain managed in one place! Read more about domain transfers in this article.

Tumblr strives to stay competitive with our domain offerings, here is a list of our supported TLDs and the respective pricing.

If you prefer to keep your domain with your current registrar, we now offer domain connections, available for a fee. Learn more in our official article.

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