Adding a new Classic Server

Published 08/04/2009 01.14 PM   |    Updated 04/06/2024 10.00 AM
How Do I Add a Classic Server to my Account?

You can add a new Classic Server to your account from your Fasthosts control panel.


  • Easy

How long will it take me?

  • Around 5 minutes

What will I need?

Step 1

Log in to your control panel

Step 2

Select Dedicated Servers from the Servers menu


Step 3

Click Add a new server.

Add Server

Step 4

A list of available server specifications will appear, along with their features. If you would like more information on a particular server type, click Full Details.

Choose the type of server you would like to add to your account and click Buy now.

Step 5

Select your operating system and which control panel you would like to install on your server. Once done click Continue.

Depending upon the operating system you choose, you may be asked if you would like to install additional software (MSSQL for instance).

Step 6

Choose to activate a 1Gb network connection speed and how many IP addresses you would like to associate with your server and click Continue

Step 7

Confirm any additional charges.


Your new server will now be deployed to your account. Once deployed you will receive an email providing all the details needed to access your new server.

While it is good business practice to change your passwords please keep these details safe. Fasthosts do not have access to your server and will be unable to provide replacement passwords upon request.

This article was last updated on 04/06/2024 10.00 AM