i tried to theme this but at this point i shouldnt

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Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna

Anonymous asked:

a comment you made about sexual dimorphism has been screenshot red and discussed in another post and I seriously doubt anybody else is going to mention anything about it to you personally although if you do get terfs on your page that's probably why.

I just wanted to ask you - why do you think humans aren't sexually dimorphic? we very demonstrably are. male and female anatomy is different, and I feel like the idea that it isn't leads to ingrained medical misogyny. I don't know what you've been taught, but it wasn't taking into account the full range of human diversity. I know it's easy to say "eh, we all kinda look the same" but it's not really the case. idk I'm really not trying to be rude but I wanted to say that you don't have to say in on discourse. it's okay to stay neutral, it's okay to stay out, it's okay not to make comments when you're not sure you have all the facts. idk I'm rambling now. you're also very young. you don't have to weigh in to every discourse on Tumblr, and making comments when you're uninformed can end up spreading misinformation

Hello! Thank you for the warning abt the fact that terfs might start going for me, I appreciate it!

I will admit that I did not get everything right when I made the comment- at the time, my phone was glitching out and I kept losing the comments I was trying to make so the comments ended up being a shortened, summarized version of what I actually wanted to say. And you are right, humans do have sexual dimorphism! I probably should have specified that my intention was to say that human sexual dimorphism does not work in the same way the terfs were trying to say it was. That is no excuse for the misinformation I unintentionally allowed to spread and I apologize for that.

Rather, let me be more specific now- human sexual dimorphism does, on a level, exist, but not to the kind of degree that the terfs were making it out to be. The way they were saying it, they were making the “we can always tell” implication, which is not true! A lot of features considered “masculine” or “feminine” overlap in a way that makes our sexual dimorphism hard to see.

So, what kind of sexual dimorphism do we have?

The basic stuff- afab people tend to more frequently grow larger chests and amab people tend to frequently grow facial hair. We do also have some structural differences- afab people tend to have wider hips, for example, to make way for the organs that live down there. I really, really should have specified this and I apologize for that, but I was very much referring to the more major examples of sexual dimorphism present in many animals when I said that sexual dimorphism doesn’t really apply to humans.

And you are also absolutely right about the medical misogyny- heart conditions and the like very much effect afab and amab people very differently, and that is a good example of our dimorphism! Afab people tend not to be taken as seriously when they are having something like a heart attack because the symptoms are different due to our differences.

Afab people also tend to have more natural strength in the legs and hips due to the birthing process, and the opposite applies to amab people who have more strength in the upper body. There are many other differences, but they are all small enough that they do not effect the human appearance as drastically as, say, the difference between a male and female cardinal or a male and female pine grosbeak. Humans present their sexual dimorphism in a way that is more similar to something like a cat- you’re going to have to look a little closer, even if you think you can tell from a glance if somebody is amab or afab.

Of course, this doesn’t even mention intersex people and how this would apply differently, but there is unfortunately not that much information out there on how this kind of stuff applies to intersex people.

Thank you for the ask! And again, apologies for the careless nature of my comments. I really should have just cut my losses and not made the comments if it meant the exclusion of particular important information but hindsight is 20/20 and since the screenshots are being shared there is not much I can do to remedy it since it is too late to delete them.

I also appreciate the message on just staying out of online discourse, too! You are also absolutely right about making commented when you’re uninformed, I really should have thought more.

I can only hope that people who see the comments might come to my blog and at least see this post that gives more specification. And, hey, if I made a mistake at all in this post let me know! I’m open to learning new information and revising stuff I think I already now. I’ll be pinning this post and if I ever change out my pinned post in the future I will leave a link to it on the new pinned post.

Pinned Post Also I apologize if I got to this ask late at all! Tumblr didn't notify me that I got an ask at all and I only just saw that I had a new ask in my inbox!

They recorded tinnitus? It's a physical thing?????






The most mind-blowing moment, not only for De La Mata but the scientists too, came when they managed to actually record the sounds that she heard in her ears – which now appear as ‘Left Ear’ and ‘Right Ear’ which begin sides A and B on the album – and in doing so opened up questions about the nature of tinnitus itself. “The NHS definition is that it’s a phantom sound that your brain is creating, that it isn’t something ‘real’, so you should try to ignore it.” By having De La Mata place her ear into an anechoic chamber, with an ultra-sensitive microphone perched in her ear canal, they were able to provide significant evidence to the contrary. “After the first recording of it, it was ‘There’s no way, this isn’t possible.’” They tried again with her breath held, and again with her tensing her ears, and again with other members of staff, but each time it became apparent that yes, the noises De La Mata hears are seemingly something physical.


Does this hold true for others, too? This could be a game-changer.


we do need to revisit the wording of "you can't have your cake and eat it too" because i don't think it clearly enough conveys that it's more that you can't simultaneously retain a cake and also get to consume it (which would render you cakeless). for years i was like But why not....it's my cake....?


this fucking problem is how they caught the unabomber


hey you should uh. elaborate. for my own personal satisfaction


the unabomber was pedantic about idiomatic phrases like "have your cake and eat it too" and rephrased it to "eat your cake and have it too" (which to be very fair makes sense). fast forward to when he starts writing manifestos. he uses the phrase word for word in his pedantic style and his brother (who has been keeping his eyes on the unabomber shit for obvious reasons) notices the phrase and is like "oh fuck that's my fucking brother no one else fucking says that" and calls in an FBI tip



Compiled some basic information I know about drawing fat characters for beginners since I've been seeing more talk about absence of really basic traits in a lot of art lately.

Morpho Fat and Skin Folds on Archive.org (for free!)


I also wanna point out that your character being fat doesn’t mean they don’t have a skeleton inside them! Clavicles may be softened, but they are still there. Joints will be padded with fat, but they will still be there And can even be bony. My point being - most fat folks who aren’t pretty flexible cannot sit in some positions because their bones don’t just bend around their fat and muscle. If a skeleton cannot bend that way, neither can fat folk. This seems really obvious but I’m dead serious, Use that to inform you of what poses are physically possible for your fat characters.

Also, for those who write comic panels or tell stories with fat characters - fat is insulating, and is used by the body to regulate temperature. A fat character will take much longer to feel the cold, and it will take them longer to warm their skin back up completely to the touch without warm water or other outside source of heat. Along the same line, Someone who is fat will take longer to cool down from something like heatstroke or heat exhaustion, and their skin will likely turn redder and feel hotter for longer when they’re overheated.