
genuinely so funny seeing people somehow be shocked that the same people who criticized biden are now criticizing harris like did you think people just didn't like biden's vibes or something and weren't critical of his administration's policies that shockingly enough his vp also enthusiastically supports


biden: im fully supporting an ongoing genocide

american voters: well we are opposed to that and don't want to vote for someone supporting this

harris: i fully support an ongoing genocide

voters: shockingly enough we aren't happy with this

liberals on here: what do you MEAN you're still not happy with the democrats


[ IMG READS: 'Microsoft killed my online life,' Microsoft is reportedly banning Palestinians in the U.S. for life for calling relatives in Gaza.

A BBC investigation reveals that Microsoft is permanently banning Palestinians in the U.S. and other countries who use Skype to call relatives in Gaza. /END OF IMAGE]

On a separate note, I think it's worth posting this article as well titled Microsoft killed my online life after I called Gaza.


I feel like a lot of internet discourse about what ideology is a cult is just kind of downstream of living in San Fransisco doing that to people.


BROKE: "The intersection of conspiracy thought, crowd psychology, and political belief is messy and complicated."

WOKE: "The golden gate bridge is controlled by evil fairies."


these stupid fucking "phobia test" things where it's like the most generic universally kinda spooky horror shit on the planet but oh it's underwater for thalassophobia or like the monster has big eyes for scopophobia or w/e are just. so incredibly fucking stupid. it is an image already designed to be scary and then if you feel anything but the most positive emotions then supposedly according to the 15 year olds on tiktok posting them it means you have a phobia. it's the same shit as people calling it intrusive thoughts when they buy something pricy ir eat something with a calorie in it when actual intrusive thoughts are like, your brain telling you to kill your parents when you see a knife, phobias aren't being slightly unsettled by horror content with a theme they're real actual mental disorders with potentially severe symptoms. it's not cute or cool or funny to mime around pretending you have a phobia because things that- i can NOT stress this enough- are made to be scary are scary to you. who am i kidding the people who do this shit are the same ones who post wistfully wishing they were autistic or had adhd because they just see it as being quirky or hyper and not having panic attacks at work or being unable to do anything without a reward system no matter how important it is.

spooky thing below

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funnily enough horror content IS a good way to find out if you have a philia


"sugar is poison" sugar is your body's preferred fuel choice and if you stop eating entirely you will die


but fr when I see people claiming sugar addiction is this huge problem because when they stop eating sugar their bodies start relentlessly craving it I'm like yeah and the low fuel light on your dashboard means your car is addicted to gasoline like do you fucking hear yourself????

and then they go "but if I tough it out eventually the cravings go away, that means I was addicted to sugar" and I just want to grab them and scream "the cravings go away because your body has deduced that you must be living through some sort of famine and is diverting power to desperately attempt to keep your meat suit running by any means necessary and that's NOT a good thing!! pls believe me there is absolutely no food you could possibly eat—bar actual life-threatening allergens and shit that's gone bad—that could do more damage to you and your future descendants than spending significant amounts of time in famine mode!! you have officially started the slow process of starving yourself to death and it will not save you from the "horrors" of being fat oh my god stop treating your human body like a monster that must be tamed instead of a beautiful and complex organism that is doing it's best to keep your dumb ass alive!!!!"

and then they ignore me or give me some other flawed excuse as to why it's fine to never eat food and I get to go back to shutting up while watching people I love destroy themselves for the sake of being skinny while imagining going full [REDACTED FOR LEGAL REASONS] on the nearest diet brand CEO or health food influencer


also lets be real most people have no idea what an addiction actually is and seem to think it's the same thing as having needs and desires which makes me want to attack John Harvey Kelloggs' dusty corpse with a shovel but whatever I'm fine I'm over it nbd *screeches loud loud enough to shatter glass*



i almost never do vent art, much less post it but man, i have been feeling bummed out recently


Jerry Messing “the fedora guy”s GoFundMe. The face of the neck beard memes for many years and decades of how that affected his life. Disabled by covid and a coma and after his mums passing he has recently upped his donation goal after being forced to move (inability to afford rising rent prices and accommodations like a ramp)


Genuinely, I don’t know how else to get the word out, but I feel like if your home-cooked dinners don’t taste right, you're missing either paprika, sugar, butter, or chicken bouillon.


Still not right? It might be missing one of these: Mustard powder, soy sauce, fish sauce, vinegar. MSG. Ketchup. Mushroom powder. Maple syrup. Honey.


Hey everyone, MSG is a valid culinary ingredient. It’s literally salt. Stop sending me racist messages.


The way demonization of MSG is still so normalized drives me up the fucking wall. Even among people who don't think it's literal poison or believe racist conspiracy theories about it, you often see people talking about how it's lazy bc it's a shortcut to make mediocre food taste better and like... That's literally just how seasoning food works. "Oh MSG just tricks your brain into thinking the food tastes better by artificially stimulating your umami tastebuds" THAT'S HOW SUGAR AND SALT WORK TOO.


black and brown bloggers will describe a racist phenomenon in a slightly jesting way and white people will very openly flock to the notes proudly saying “i do that!!! xD”. No shame at all. Appalling, really


It’s really a white pathology thing isn’t it? White people don’t get checked on their racism, but when they do, they see it as a personal attack. The lack of self awareness.



dont make me tap the charlotte zhang