GlotPress 3.0 released

Today I’m happy to announce that GlotPress 3.0 is now available!

It’s the first stable release after a long time and should hopefully be the beginning of more frequent updates in the future.

What’s Changed


  • Various new locales like Ligurian, Tamazight, Nigerian Pidgin, Cornish, Western Balochi, and many more.
  • Three new translation warnings for mismatched URLs, missing named placeholders, and unexpected sprintf tokens.
  • Reduced reliance on default browser styles by adding and updating styles for form elements and links.
  • Unified and simplified styling for all tables.
  • Added ‘abbreviation’ as new part of speech value for glossary entries.
  • Added sort by option for modified date of translation.
  • Allow specifying the priority for PO import/exports in the flags.
  • Translation status filters are now a list of checkboxes for each status.


  • Various fixes for improved plural support and naming fixes.
  • Fix removing of starting newline from translations.
  • Fix duplicate glossary tooltips for the same term.
  • Abort changing translation status when the translation has been altered.
  • Fix submitting a translation containing the UTF-8 characters → and ↵.
  • Improve calculation of translation status counts.
  • Show new lines and tab characters and wrap non-translatable items for strings with plurals too.
  • Use single quotes around string literals in SQL queries.

Breaking Changes

  • GlotPress now requires PHP 7.2 or newer and WordPress 4.6 or newer.
  • iOS .strings file import/exports now are UTF8 encoded instead of UTF16-LE.
  • Developers: Various template and design changes.
  • Developers: Various unused functions have been removed.

For a full list and details of the changes please review the changelog file on GitHub.

Thank you to everyone who helped make GlotPress 3.0 happen!

The next version will be GlotPress 3.1 and is currently scheduled for May 13, 2022. It will mostly focus on improvements around glossaries. If you are interested in helping to create the next versions of GlotPress, either by code or by feedback, please join us on GitHub here.


Updated release schedule for GlotPress 3.0

It’s been a while since the last release. After some work done over last few days I’m going to announce an update on the schedule for the long overdue release of GlotPress 3.0:

GlotPress 3.0 will come with new and updated locales, new sort and filter options for translations, many bugfixes and a slightly updated design. Please check out the changelog on GitHub for more information on the (breaking) changes in GlotPress 3.0.

New Maintainer for GlotPress

It’s now 3 years after “Bunsen Honeydew”, the first GlotPress as a WordPress plugin version, has been released. Since (and before) this date a lot has been achieved to make GlotPress an easy and powerful open source tool to help translators collaborate.
Some highlights:It’s time to hand over the leadership reins…

  • 24 releases for the plugin version with the help of 43 contributors.
  • Introduction of more translation formats like Java properties, JavaScript and JSON.
  • Improved code base to better align with WordPress core to invite new contributors.
  • Enhanced glossaries including support for per locale glossaries.
  • Fruitful discussions and exploring of a new design.
  • Fine-tuned editor settings with more keyboard shortcuts and the ability to mark strings as fuzzy.
  • Customizability through the introduction of new hooks and WP-CLI support.
  • The switch to the plugin on, the largest public installation of GlotPress, and currently 400+ active self-hosted installs.
Until now GlotPress was maintained by myself (Dominik) with Greg Ross as a co-lead. During the last three years Greg was always a big help for me when it came to decisions or making a release. Today I’m happy to announce that Greg will continue on as the lead developer and maintainer of GlotPress, taking over my position with me stepping down to a supporter/contributor role. Greg has been involved in the WordPress community for over 6 years and has been working on GlotPress since the switch to the plugin, having started like so many contributors by fixing a bug and submitting a patch. I’m not going away completely, but I no longer want to cause unnecessary delays due to time constraints and shift in focus. So I’m creating space for others to step up and I trust Grey that he’ll continue making GlotPress an even better platform. And I hope you’ll support him as much as you can. Thank you.

GlotPress 2.3.1 Maintenance Release

GlotPress IconGlotPress 2.3.1 is now available for download or update in your WordPress dashboard!

This is a bugfix release addressing issues found in version 2.3.

Bugs fixed in this release:

  • #656: A locale glossary no longer requires a project glossary to exists to show terms of it.
  • #664: Querying translations by priority was broken, now fixed.
  • #673: An incorrect nonce check prevented locale glossary imports.
  • #675: Flushing an existing glossary on import works now as expected.

Enhancements in this release:

  • #655: A gp_locale_glossary_path_prefix filter has been added to allow filtering the locale glossary path prefix (/languages).

Thanks to all contributors of this release, namely Alex Kirk, Dominik Schilling, Greg Ross, and Yoav Farhi.

If you want to follow along or help out, check out our repository on GitHub.

#release, #wordpress-plugin

GlotPress 2.3 RC 1

The release candidate of GlotPress 2.3 is now available!

This software is still in development. Consider setting up a test site just to play with the new version.

Since the first beta we’ve fixed four issues:

  • Allow project glossaries to override terms of a locale glossary. (#640)
  • Remove hardcoded ‘default’ slug which prevented locale gloassiers for locale variants. (#641)
  • During imports, don’t change status fuzzy to waiting if a translation has warnings. (#646)
  • Allow CLI imports to set the status of translations to current. (#644)

The release candidate can be downloaded from GitHub. For more information about what’s new in version 2.3, check out the beta 1 blog post.

If you think you’ve found a bug, you can post to the issue tracker on GitHub.

The final release is targeted for February 6th, 2017.

Happy testing!

#development, #release, #wordpress-plugin

GlotPress 2.3.0 Beta

The first beta of GlotPress 2.3.0 is now available!

This software is still in development. Consider setting up a test site just to play with the new version.

The beta can be downloaded from GitHub.

The focus of this release is adding support for JSON formats and for glossaries per locale.

  • Fix incorrect URL’s in some cases on locale page. (#632)
  • Fix truncation of download names if they contain a space. (#633)
  • Improve glossary plural handling. (#595)
  • Restore edit text for non translated entries. (#519)
  • Don’t create duplicate translations during imports. (#579)
  • Redirect users back to previous page when they have to log in. (#558)
  • Fix default file extension for .NET Resources files. (#573)
  • Fix radio button code to remove spurious single quote. (#610)


  • Add JSON format for JED and plain JSON. (#523)
  • Add support for locale glossaries. (#227)
  • Add ability to mark translations as fuzzy. (#620)
  • Enhance display of previous translations with special characters in them. (#625)
  • Add support for importing fuzzy translations. (#596)
  • Add keyboard shortcut for copying original strings. (#554)
  • Developers: Add filters for translations queries. (#524)
  • Developers: Add Fine-grained permissions per translations. (#537)
  • Developers: Add filter for adding links to the translation editor. (#597)
  • Add meta data to all file formats that can support it. (#575)
  • Update ROH locale information. (#605)

In this version 24 issues were solved and 30 Pull Requests were merged, a total of 179 commits.

Contributors of this release: Alex Kirk, Anton Timmermans, Dominik Schilling, Greg Ross, Nikhil, Pascal Birchler, and Yoav Farhi.

If you think you’ve found a bug, you can post to the issue tracker on GitHub.

The next release (RC1) is targeted for January 24, 2017.

Happy testing!

#development, #release, #wordpress-plugin

GlotPress 2.2.2 Security Release

GlotPress IconGlotPress 2.2.2 is now available for download or update in your WordPress dashboard!

This is a security release for all previous versions and we strongly encourage you to update your sites immediately.

GlotPress versions 2.1.0 to 2.2.1 are affected by an information leak in the API, reported by Alex Kirk. Thank you for practicing responsible disclosure.

If you want to follow along or help out, check out our repository on GitHub.

#release, #wordpress-plugin

GlotPress 2.2.1 Maintenance Release

GlotPress IconGlotPress 2.2.1 is now available for download or update in your WordPress dashboard!

This is a bugfix release addressing issues found in version 2.2.

Bugs fixed in this release:

  • #594: Missing header fields for .mo files have been restored.
  • #565: Sorting graphics no longer overlap the text in table headers.
  • #566: A “Only variables should be passed by reference” warning when importing translations has been removed.

Features in this release:

  • #603: Locale definition for Xhosa.

Contributors of this release: Alexander Kirk, Dominik Schilling, and Greg Ross.

If you want to follow along or help out, check out our repository on GitHub.

#565, #566, #594, #603, #release, #wordpress-plugin