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A block-based child theme for, plus local environment.

Once set up, this environment will contain some shared plugins (Jetpack, Gutenberg, etc), some mu-plugins (wporg-mu-plugins, mu-plugins/pub), and both sets of parent and child themes. The current site uses wporg parent and wporg-main child; while the new design will be done with wporg-parent-2021 and wporg-main-2022 (this repo). The "theme-switcher" in mu-plugins here should control which theme is used, based on the requested page.



  • Docker
  • Node/npm
  • Yarn
  • Composer


  1. Set up repo dependencies.

    yarn setup:tools
  2. Start the local environment.

    yarn wp-env start
  3. Run the setup script.

    yarn setup:wp
  4. (optional) There may be times when you want to make changes to the Parent theme and test them with the Main them. To do that:

    1. Clone the Parent repo and follow the setup instructions in its file.
    2. Create a .wp-env.override.json file in this repo
    3. Copy the themes section from .wp-env.json and paste it into the override file. You must copy the entire section for it to work, because it won't be merged with .wp-env.json.
    4. Update the path to the Parent theme to the Parent theme folder inside the Parent repository you cloned above.
        "themes": [
  5. Visit site at localhost:8888.

  6. Log in with username admin and password password.

Environment management

These must be run in the project's root folder, not in theme/plugin subfolders.

  • Stop the environment.

    yarn wp-env stop
  • Restart the environment.

    yarn wp-env start
  • Build the theme's JavaScript

    yarn workspace wporg-main-2022-theme build

    or, automatically build on changes:

    yarn workspace wporg-main-2022-theme start
  • Refresh local WordPress content with a current copy from the staging site.

    yarn setup:refresh
  • Reset WordPress to a clean install, and reconfigure. This will nuke all local WordPress content!

    yarn wp-env clean all
    yarn setup:wp
  • SSH into docker container.

    yarn wp-env run wordpress bash
  • Run wp-cli commands. Keep the wp-cli command in quotes so that the flags are passed correctly.

    yarn wp-env run cli "post list --post_status=publish"
  • Update composer dependencies and sync any repo-tools changes.

    yarn update:tools
  • Run a lighthouse test.

    yarn lighthouse
  • Check visual diffs.

Backstopjs can be manually run to create reference snapshots and then check for visual differences.

yarn backstop:reference
# change something in the code or content
yarn backstop:test