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Folders and files

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DropZone is a Component creating a drop zone area taking the full size of its parent element. It supports dropping files, HTML content or any other HTML drop event. To work properly this components needs to be wrapped in a DropZoneProvider.


import { DropZoneProvider, DropZone } from '@wordpress/components';
import { withState } from '@wordpress/compose';

const MyDropZone = withState( {
	hasDropped: false,
} )( ( { hasDropped, setState } ) => (
			{ hasDropped ? 'Dropped!' : 'Drop something here' }
				onFilesDrop={ () => setState( { hasDropped: true } ) }
				onHTMLDrop={ () => setState( { hasDropped: true } )  }
				onDrop={ () => setState( { hasDropped: true } ) } 
) );


The component accepts the following props:


A CSS class to be appended after the default components-drop-zone class.

  • Type: String
  • Default: undefined


A string to be shown within the drop zone area.

  • Type: String
  • Default: Drop files to upload


The function is called when dropping a file into the DropZone. It receives two arguments: an array of dropped files and a position object which the following shape: { x: 'left|right', y: 'top|bottom' }. The position object indicates whether the drop event happened closer to the top or bottom edges and left or right ones.

  • Type: Function
  • Required: No
  • Default: noop


The function is called when dropping a file into the DropZone. It receives two arguments: the HTML being dropped and a position object.

  • Type: Function
  • Required: No
  • Default: noop


The function is generic drop handler called if the onFilesDrop or onHTMLDrop are not called. It receives two arguments: The drop event object and the position object.

  • Type: Function
  • Required: No
  • Default: noop