Services Available in


Get Connected.
Get United.

United is proud to offer friendly, personal service and the highest quality, most advanced communications services available in Southwest Kansas. See below for services available in your community!

icon Internet

Why United Residential Internet?

Local technicians allow for quickly-scheduled, professional installation; and quick turnaround time in the unlikely event of an outage or service issue.

24/7 support is just a phone call away if you ever have a problem with your service.

Truly unlimited Internet with no data caps or contracts.

Ongoing network investments mean you get the latest equipment to support your needs.

Best Value Graphic

Residential Internet Enhancements

Service Order & Activation Fees may apply

icon Streaming TV

Why United Streaming TV?

  24/7 support is just a phone call away if you ever have a problem with your service.

 Local news and weather channels mean you always have access to live information and news you want and need.

  TV on the Go lets you watch select programming from anywhere with our mobile app.

Features Included With All Packages

Streaming TV Enhancements

Cloud DVR Plans

Record shows to watch on YOUR schedule!

50 hours


100 Hours

200 Hours

300 Hours

400 Hours


United Streaming TV includes 2 streams for active streaming to 2 devices.  Need more active streams?  Add up to 8 additional streams for $3/month each.  See below for minimum and recommended download speeds to support additional streams.

2 Streams

Minimum Speed

10 Mbps

Recommended Speed

25 Mbps

3-5 Streams

Minimum Speed

25 Mbps

Recommended Speed

50 Mbps

6-10 Streams

Minimum Speed

50 Mbps

Recommended Speed

100 Mbps

United Internet service is required for United Streaming TV service.

icon Wireless

Why United Wireless?

 Over 100 cell sites/towers in Southwest Kansas means you have the best coverage where you live, work, and play.

 Local sales and support reps who appreciate you as a member of our community and a valued customer.  We will respect you, help you find the best service and device for your needs, and give you outstanding support if you ever have a problem with your service.

No surprises means NO expensive surprises, NO overage charges, and NO hidden fees.