Location intelligence for data-driven Innovation

The real estate industry needs data on every aspect of a property. Innovation and data-driven capabilities have led to the emergence of new-age proptech companies that combine data with analytical tools and automated processes, transforming traditional real estate organisations and consumers.

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Keen to learn how Geoscape location data solutions can help?


With easy access to location data:

– you can optimise sales while also preparing for future investments.

– understand planning restrictions and assess potential new opportunities.

– understand a neighbourhood before the sod is turned, and more

Get a clear picture of Australia

real estate site selection

Site Selection and Planning

Location data is the key to the site selection process. Make informed assessments by knowing building locations, addresses, planning zones, proximity to vegetation and trees, the absence or presence of solar panels and swimming pools, plus roads and other transport infrastructure.

Combine location data with real-time data analytics to help understand a customer’s property usage and traffic to reveal new opportunities. For instance, a visitor’s trends and patterns of movement may support an investor’s interest in a shopping mall.

Data driven decisions

Property Valuation

Create data visualisations and automated valuation solutions.

Give brokers, valuers and lenders unprecedented insights into a property’s value. Drive innovative approaches to rental pricing, improve funding strategies by identifying the right investment opportunities, and support better predictions for return on investment.

Check out our blog on the benefits of improvements in the Building Outlines Data with Geoscape Buildings 3.0 in Automated Valuation Modelling (AVM).

development opportunities

Development Opportunities

Understand the full potential of an area to determine the short- and long-term development opportunities for real estate. Reduce the risk associated with site selection. Measure the distance to nearby schools, public transport, shopping complexes, hospitals, or other amenities while sitting at your desk.

Create interactive map visualisations to identify the value of a particular area, track growth or assess new opportunities.

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Geoscape products

Geoscape Data Products

Our products such as Geoscape Buildings, Addresses, Land Parcels and Transport provide a digital representation across Australia’s 7.6 million km2

Geoscape Delivery Services and APIs

Ensure the most accurate and daily updated address data, add address autocomplete to your forms and access ready-to-use buildings data.

Geoscape Custom Data Solution

Get the flexibility to access specific, reliable, and valuable location data tailored to your use. You can access daily updated spatial data you need – when you need it.

Interested to learn more? Talk to an expert