Consulting and Troubleshooting

If you have questions about FeedWordPress, or need help getting FeedWordPress working for your project. I’m happy to help if I can. I do my best to help out FeedWordPress users with advice and to answer support questions for FeedWordPress whenever my schedule allows. If you have questions or need help with FeedWordPress on a critical project, you may be interested to know that I can also offer paid professional consulting and troubleshooting for your FeedWordPress installation.


If you are interested in setting up an appointment for consulting or troubleshooting, you can contact me:

  • C. Johnson

    Developer, FeedWordPress
  • Email:
  • Phone: (334) 209-5030 (Mon.-Fri. 10am–4pm, U.S./Central time)

How much will it cost?

My standard rates for consulting and troubleshooting sessions are:

  • Half day: US$175 for up to 4 hours of consulting and troubleshooting; or

  • Full day: US$300 for as much as you need of up to 1 full business day in consulting or troubleshooting.

I am happy to offer discounts on these rates to users who have supported FeedWordPress with a recurring annual or monthly gift.

What do you offer?

If you need consulting on questions about using FeedWordPress or applying it to a particular problem, the consultation will start off with some preliminary questions to help me get clear about your setup, the tasks you’re trying to accomplish, and how FeedWordPress fits into the picture. I can talk with you live (phone/Skype/IM) for as much of the agreed time as you need for your questions to be answered; you can also opt to get a detailed written report on the issues that we consult on.

If you’re having problems with FeedWordPress, or if you need help getting it to work the way you want it to work, the troubleshooting will start off with some diagnostic questions, and can be followed up with testing and troubleshooting on my testbed servers, or, if needed, hands-on testing and troubleshooting on your own installation of FeedWordPress. At the end of the troubleshooting session, you’ll receive a detailed written report on what I discovered and what options are available to fix the problems that you’re encountering. If the testing uncovers a bug in FeedWordPress itself, I’m happy to provide code fixes as part of the package.

If you need help with getting new features or custom behaviors coded for FeedWordPress, I’m happy to discuss that, too. Please see my Customization Work section for details.

For More

If you have any questions, or are interested in setting up an appointment for consulting or troubleshooting, you can contact me:

  • C. Johnson

    Developer, FeedWordPress
  • Email:
  • Phone: (334) 209-5030 (Mon.-Fri. 10am–4pm, U.S./Central time)

9 thoughts on “Consulting and Troubleshooting

  1. I tried to upgrade the plugin after upgrading to WP 3.1 and can no longer activate the plugin. I could take up your consulting offer but perhaps I should first try a clean reinstall? This is on my website at Facelift Dentistry


  2. Hi All,
    I am just using FeedWordpress to get feed from different sites. It work nicely and fetch the title and description from rss, but unfortunately it not fetch image from feed and not store it locally.

    In support of this we use FeedWordpress Advance Filter plugin and I activate the Image option and check Image locally and Set Featured Image, but no luck and image not store locally.

    Any help or suggestion on this??

    Any help really appriciated.


    • Hi Prawez, did you solved the problem? I have the same: no pictures from any feed. If you can give me some info about… 🙂

  3. On the bottom of my wordpress page, bellow the html tag I get a list of fetched feeds:
    FAF deciding on filters on post to be syndicated:

    Googling for this problem I can only find other sites having the same issue. The problem appears only when new feeds are fetched, otherwise reloading the page will clear these FAF lines.

    I guess this is a bug and is not normal to var_dump after the html tag. Please give a hint on fixing it or refer to the fix.

    Thank you!

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