Look at me I'm on Flickr. I'm so arty. Photo style: I like rich colors and meaningful shadows. I've got an affinity for lights. I also write some words now and then. Drop a comment on your fav featured photo of mine below. Lately, I've been all about moodier/broodier compositions. Toodles.

Hey look how arty my pix are!

  • JoinedJune 2016
  • OccupationDigital Marketing
  • HometownLynn Garden, TN
  • Current citySan Francisco
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Photos of Zee Jenks


Write a testimonial

Thanks Zee for your amazing pics and your helpful ability to fix our flicker problems. Happy New Year!

January 8, 2018

Zee's knowledge of Flickr is amazing. Like Rick, I had an issue that a third party didn't care about. Zee knew exactly what I was talking about and how to fix the problem. He's definitely an asset to the Flickr team. I am now more proud than ever to be associated with Flickr. #FlickrFam

December 6, 2017
Rick Birt says:

Totally Agree with Johhny Walker - Zee is a freaking ROCK STAR! I had an issue, and some other involved party (who shall remain nameless...Y****), did not care at all. Zee saved the day! #flickrfam

November 17, 2017

Seriously, Zee and the Flickr Community Team are out of control awesome! Way to represent! #FlickrFam #WordtoYourMother

September 8, 2017