Hi, I'm Jane and British, but have lived in France for over 30 years. Firstly in Paris, then in Étampes (department 91) for 18 years. We moved to Perros-Guirec in Brittany in 2014.


I got my first camera when I was 7 and have been a keen photographer (on and off) ever since. Since going digital I've taken up my passion again.

Love nature, but also enjoy taking anything else that catches my eye too.


Please note that my photos are covered under © copyright. They may not be used in any other format without written consent.

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Jane su creatividad está por encima de aquello a lo que estamos acostumbrados, su dominio de las técnicas es excelente y su buen gusto es extraordinario. Un gran artista Magnifico trabajo fotográfico en toda su galería.

March 2, 2021

There are a few friends today that I am taking time out to write a few lines about. It would not be complete without something about Jane. Of all of my Flickr friends, Jane is by far the most enthusiastic photographers I know. She is out walking about her beloved adopted town almost everyday she can. She always giv… Read more

There are a few friends today that I am taking time out to write a few lines about. It would not be complete without something about Jane. Of all of my Flickr friends, Jane is by far the most enthusiastic photographers I know. She is out walking about her beloved adopted town almost everyday she can. She always gives a lot of background info about each photo also so, it is almost as if we, the viewer are walking along with her. Congrats on such a varied and interesting photo stream, Jane. You are just tops for entertainment both visual and by your words about your photos. Thanks so much for your friendship!- Lana Pahl, Country Star

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June 10, 2017