Fandom Stars Wiki


The UX team is continued to work on unifying designs for right rail widgets, & this time we've tackled the Others Like You Also Viewed module!

Experiment Name: Unification of Others Like You Also Viewed
Test Launch: Wednesday, June 12, 2024
Test Closes: One Week
Will Be Tested On: 3% of logged out users on desktop
Hypothesis: We believe that creating a single Fandom-ized design for widgets in the right rail will lead to a better user experience. We believe that users will be more interested in visiting others pages if the widgets are branded in a single, Fandom-like style. We began this with design changes to the Recent Images & Popular Pages widgets, and we are continuing here.
Other Notes: We are running two variants - one with the new design, & the other with the new design plus a change to module name, ‘’Just For You’’.
Preliminary mockup: