Icon disambig
SCRIPTS.LST появляется и в других играх.
obj_dude.int   ; player script -- was cr_dialg.int  ; Testing                                 # local_vars=0
elder.int      ; The Elder from Shady Sands                                                   # local_vars=10
barter.int     ; The Barterman from Shady Sands                                               # local_vars=10
bguard.int     ; Only a bodyguard from Shady Sands for the Barterman                          # local_vars=5
cow.int        ; It's just a cow.                                                             # local_vars=3
MoatGrd.int    ; Moat guard for the Gunrunners                                                # local_vars=10
guard.int      ; Guard from Shady Sands                                                       # local_vars=5
loser.int      ; The loser from Shady Sands                                                   # local_vars=5
pleasant.int   ; The pleasant peasant from Shady Sands                                        # local_vars=5
GunRnr.int     ; generic gunrunner                                                            # local_vars=9
map_init.int   ; Map for the Vault for the E3 demo                                            # local_vars=0
radscorp.int   ; Radiation Scorpions near Shady Sands                                         # local_vars=4
mutant2.int    ; Invisible Mutants                                                            # local_vars=11
sswell.int     ; Shady Sands well                                                             # local_vars=5
set.int        ; Set, the leader of Necropolis                                                # local_vars=15
harry.int      ; Harry the Super mutant                                                       # local_vars=10
stimpack.int   ; Stimpack script to heal players when used                                    # local_vars=0
cover.int      ; A cover for the Manhole                                                      # local_vars=4
manhole.int    ; A manhole that leads to the Necropolis Sewers                                # local_vars=4
ladder.int     ; Ladder leading down to the Necropolis Sewers                                 # local_vars=5
chair.int      ; A chairs in the hotel which you shouldn't sit on                             # local_vars=0
coke.int       ; Nuka-Cola machine which lucky players can get money                          # local_vars=6
computer.int   ; A broken computer in the managers office.                                    # local_vars=2
dead.int       ; Look at the dead bodies, daddy                                               # local_vars=2
desk.int       ; Standard, Master-issued desk, complete with nothing                          # local_vars=0
1dedgul1.int   ; Dead ghouls (?)                                                              # local_vars=0
1molrat1.int   ; Mole Rat in Necropolis (?)                                                   # local_vars=1
1manhol1.int   ; Manhole to get to the Sewers in Necropolis (?)                               # local_vars=0
1ladder1.int   ; Ladder for the Manhole in Necropolis (?)                                     # local_vars=0
ghoul.int      ; Ghoul manager of the Necropolis hotel                                        # local_vars=9
alphhotl.int   ; Map Script for Pre-Alpha demo                                                # local_vars=0
genghoul.int   ; Generic Ghoul from Necropolis                                                # local_vars=11
Aradesh.int    ; Aradesh NPC from Shady Sands                                                 # local_vars=15
Brahmin.int    ; Brahmin (cows) from Junktown who just stand there                            # local_vars=1
Cougar.int     ; Doc Morbid's Assistant, Cougar, from Junktown                                # local_vars=9
Flash.int      ; Doc Morbid's Assistant, Flash, from Junktown                                 # local_vars=13
JtGenGrd.int   ; Generic guards from Junktown                                                 # local_vars=15
JtPeasnt.int   ; Generic peasants from Junktown                                               # local_vars=7
Butch.int      ; Butch, leader of some merchants in Hub                                       # local_vars=20
Cabbot.int     ; Cabbot, the initiate from the Brotherhood of Steel                           # local_vars=12
Childmem.int   ; Children of the Cathedral member                                             # local_vars=11
Decker.int     ; Decker, the head of the Hub Underground                                      # local_vars=25
Elder.int      ; The Elder of Shady Sands                                                     # local_vars=10
Gizmo.int      ; Gizmo, the casino owner in Junktown                                          # local_vars=13
Harold.int     ; Harold, the old mutant from the Hub                                          # local_vars=20
Jain.int       ; Jain, Priestess of the Children of the Cathedral                             # local_vars=13
Killian.int    ; Killian, law enforcement in Junktown                    # map_init           # local_vars=27
Laura.int      ; Laura, the spy for the Followers of the Apocalypse                           # local_vars=20
Loxley.int     ; Loxley, head of the Thieve's Guild in the hub                                # local_vars=17
Lt.int         ; The Lieutenant of the Master's army                                          # local_vars=13
Master.int     ; The general Bad guy of the entire game      # map_init                       # local_vars=14
Maxson.int      ; General John Maxson, High Elder of the Brotherhood of Steel                 # local_vars=21
Morph.int       ; Morpheus (not relation to Orpheus) of the Children (power hungry)           # local_vars=15
Nicole.int      ; Yes, it is the same Nicole from the Followers of the Apocalypse             # local_vars=11
Over.int        ; The great Overseer of Vault 13 (chicken)                                    # local_vars=22
Rhombus.int     ; Rhombus, the Armsmaster for the Brotherhood of Steel                        # local_vars=18
Tandi.int       ; Tandi, the minx from Shady Sands                     # map_init             # local_vars=15
Vree.int        ; Vree, the Scribe from the Brotherhood of Steel       # map_init             # local_vars=15
1MoleRat.int    ; Mole Rat Boss (nasty guy)                                                   # local_vars=0
AirLock.int     ; Open this Airlock, and we all look at space                                 # local_vars=5
Barry.int       ; Barry the Super Mutant                                                      # local_vars=10
DeadComp.int    ; Capt'n, the Computer's dead.                                                # local_vars=1
Door.int        ; Sorry, the door has a lock on it. Try to pick it.    # map_init             # local_vars=3
Ganger.int      ; I'm afraid of all these Ganger ghouls.                                      # local_vars=8
Gary.int        ; Uh oh. It's Gary the Super Mutant                                           # local_vars=9
Generic.int     ; Hey Mom! Look at the generic Ghouls                                         # local_vars=10
GenGhoul.int    ; Hey Mom! Look at the generic Ghouls                                         # local_vars=8
GenGlow1.int    ; It's a Generic Glowing One                                                  # local_vars=5
GhDead.int      ; It's a dead ghoul that we see here.                                         # local_vars=3
GhDorGrd.int    ; Ghoul Door Guard.                                                           # local_vars=8
GhGenDed.int    ; Generic dead ghouls for Necropolis.                                         # local_vars=1
GhGuard.int     ; Ghoul guard for Set.                                                        # local_vars=8
Ghoul.int       ; The ghoul manager of the Necropolis hotel.                                  # local_vars=7
GhRefuge.int    ; Ghoul Refugee hiding the the Zombie hideout                                 # local_vars=8
GhZero.int      ; A ghoul guard                                                               # local_vars=7
GlowOne.int     ; Glowing Ones that are caged by Set.                                         # local_vars=5
Groundr.int     ; Necropolis Undergrounders                                                   # local_vars=9
Guard.int       ; Guard from Shady Sands                                                      # local_vars=5
Harry.int       ; Harry the Super mutant with many lines                                      # local_vars=10
Larry.int       ; Larry the Super Mutant                                                      # local_vars=10
Leader.int      ; The ghoul leader in Necropolis (Ganger?)                                    # local_vars=8
Manager.int     ; The Ghoul hotel manager                                                     # local_vars=8
Mangled.int     ; Some mangled bodies in Necropolis.                                          # local_vars=0
Meander.int     ; Some meandering ghouls                                                      # local_vars=9
Mutant2.int     ; The invisible mutants.                                                      # local_vars=11
NH2OComp.int    ; Necropolis Water Computer                                                   # local_vars=6
NH2OPump.int    ; Necropolis Water Pump                                                       # local_vars=6
OddWall.int     ; There is something odd about this wall in Necropolis                        # local_vars=2
Prisonr.int     ; Prisoner of the Super Mutants in Necropolis                                 # local_vars=10
Sally.int       ; Sally the male Super Mutant (sex change??)                                  # local_vars=7
graffiti.int    ; generic graffiti on the walls                                               # local_vars=1
SetColer.int    ; Cooler in Set's room which has goodies.                                     # local_vars=5
SetDesk.int     ; Set's desk which has a note on it                                           # local_vars=2
SetDoor1.int    ; Door to Set's room that is trapped                                          # local_vars=5
SetGuard.int    ; Guards to protect Set from Harm.                                            # local_vars=5
SetSctDr.int    ; Set's Secret Door.                                                          # local_vars=5
Smell.int       ; It's an odd smell in Necropolis (must be ghouls?)                           # local_vars=1
StimPack.int    ; A stim pack to heal you                                                     # local_vars=0
StoreRom.int    ; Spacial script for the Necropolis store room                                # local_vars=1
Super.int       ; Super Mutants from the city Necropolis                                      # local_vars=8
Terry.int       ; Terry the Super Mutant (fly away)                                           # local_vars=8
Garret.int      ; Set's lacky in Necropolis                               # map_init          # local_vars=11
Gretch.int      ; Gretch, Doctor Morbid's Assistant                                           # local_vars=13
Morbid.int      ; Doctor in Junktown known for taking body parts                              # local_vars=17
Dumar.int       ; Dumar, Acrolyte of the Children                                             # local_vars=6
Barstow.int     ; Zack Barstow, Initiate of the Children                                      # local_vars=6
Genint.int      ; generic initiates for Children                                              # local_vars=6
JChidMem.int    ; Junktown Children of the Cathedral Member                                   # local_vars=11
Lookout.int     ; Necropolis Undergrounder Lookout                                            # local_vars=7
MachIV.int      ; Mach IV computer in Buried Vaul that is broken                              # local_vars=0
BlkRoom.int     ; Spacial to say the room is blocked in the Buried Vault                      # local_vars=1
RndDesrt.int    ; Random Encounter Desert Map                                                 # local_vars=0
TGuard.int      ; Tower Guard for Shady Sands                                                 # local_vars=11
cook.int        ; A cook from Shady Sands kitchen                                             # local_vars=7
citizen.int     ; Random Citizen from Shady Sands                                             # local_vars=6
HousChar.int    ; A chair in the House of a citizen from Shady Sands                          # local_vars=0
AgathBed.int    ; Bed in Agatha's room from Shady Sands                                       # local_vars=0
RozBed.int      ; Bed in Razlo's room from Shady sands                                        # local_vars=0
Wife.int        ; Razlo's wife from Shady Sands                                               # local_vars=7
SDresser.int    ; Dresser for Razlo or Agatha in Shady Sands                                  # local_vars=0
ShadyRug.int    ; Generic Rugs in Shady Sands                                                 # local_vars=0
SBokcase.int    ; Shady Sands bookcase with books                                             # local_vars=0
MuteJar.int     ; A jar of Mutated Fruit from Shady Sands                                     # local_vars=1
ShadDesk.int    ; Desk in Aradesh's room from Shady Sands                                     # local_vars=0
CookShel.int    ; Shelf with food on them for the Kitchen in Shady Sands                      # local_vars=0
CookTabl.int    ; Table in the Kitchen in Shady Sands which holds food.                       # local_vars=0
Fruit.int       ; Mutated fruit in the Gardens of Shady Sands                                 # local_vars=0
PenSmell.int    ; Spacial script for the smell around the Brahmin Pen                         # local_vars=1
Razlo.int       ; Razlo from Shady Sands. Local Healer                                        # local_vars=20
ValtCtzn.int    ; Vault 13 citizen with random lines                                          # local_vars=10
ValtLock.int    ; Vault 13 airlock.                                                           # local_vars=3
ValtMon.int     ; Vault 13 Monitor in the Meeting Room                                        # local_vars=0
CoreComp.int    ; Central Core computers in Vault 13                                          # local_vars=0
LibComp.int     ; Library computer in Vault 13                                                # local_vars=2
Assblow.int     ; Guard in Junktown, real name is now Kalnor                                  # local_vars=15
GenRaidr.int    ; Generic Raiders                                                             # local_vars=12
Garl.int        ; Garl from the Raiders' camp                                                 # local_vars=19
RaidPris.int    ; Raider prisoner in the camp                                                 # local_vars=8
Petrox.int      ; Petrox, a Raider from the camp                                              # local_vars=7
Tolya.int       ; Tolya, a Desert Raider                                                      # local_vars=10
Gwen.int        ; One of Garl's "Advisors." She is mean.                                      # local_vars=7
Diana.int       ; One of the Raiders who repairs raider equipment.                            # local_vars=8
Alya.int        ; High spirited female Raider                                                 # local_vars=7
LivingQ.int     ; Spacial in the living quarters of the Buried Vault                          # local_vars=1
Meeting.int     ; Spacial in the Meeting room of the Buried Vault                             # local_vars=2
BVStore.int     ; Spacial in the Storage room of the Buried Vault                             # local_vars=1
BVLib.int       ; Spacial in the Library of the Buried Vault.                                 # local_vars=1
BVCore.int      ; Spacial in the Central Core of the Buried Vault                             # local_vars=1
BVMeet.int      ; Spacial in the Meeting room of Buried Vault (rat tunnel).                   # local_vars=1
BVLive.int      ; Spacial in the Living Quarters of Buried Vault (key in chair).              # local_vars=1
UndrBed.int     ; Spacial in Living Quarters of Buried Vault (under bed)                      # local_vars=1
RubChip.int     ; Spacial in Rubble of Buried Vault. Chip is buried                           # local_vars=1
RubCore.int     ; Spacial in Rubble of Buried Vault. Core is buried                           # local_vars=1
BVAirL.int      ; Spacial for Buried Vault. (Airlock)                                         # local_vars=1
HallDed1.int    ; Map script for Hall of Dead                                                 # local_vars=3
Gabriel.int     ; Gabe, the leader of the GunRunners                                          # local_vars=10
HiCraps.int     ; Hi stakes craps game                                                        # local_vars=4
NUp2Dwn1.int    ; jump from Ground-level to Sewers (Northern most) (Hall Dead)    # map_init  # local_vars=2
NUp2Dwn2.int    ; jump from Ground-level to Sewers (Southern most) (Hall Dead)    # map_init  # local_vars=2
NDwn2Up1.int    ; jump from Sewers to Ground-level (Northern most) (Hall Dead)    # map_init  # local_vars=2
NDwn2Up2.int    ; jump from Sewers to Ground-level (Southern most) (Hall Dead)    # map_init  # local_vars=2
GateDemo.int    ; Generic gate guard for the demo                                             # local_vars=7
WtrGrd.int       ; Water guard for Vault 13                                                   # local_vars=9
WatrShed.int    ; Map script for the Necrop Water                                             # local_vars=3
NWUp2Dn1.int    ; jump from Ground-level to Sewers (West) (Necrop Water Shed)     # map_init  # local_vars=2
NWUp2Dn2.int    ; jump from Ground-level to Sewers (North) (Necrop Water Shed)    # map_init  # local_vars=2
NWUp2Dn3.int    ; jump from Ground-level to Sewers (South) (Necrop Water Shed)    # map_init  # local_vars=2
Cindy.int        ; Person getting rations from Vault 13                                       # local_vars=9
NWDn2Up1.int    ; jump from Sewers to Ground-level (North) (Necrop Water Shed)    # map_init  # local_vars=2
NWDn2Up2.int    ; jump from Sewers to Ground-level (West) (Necrop Water Shed)    # map_init   # local_vars=2
NWDn2Up3.int    ; jump from Sewers to Ground-level (South) (Necrop Water Shed)   # map_init   # local_vars=2
Andrew.int      ; Jail gaurd for the junktown cells                                           # local_vars=4
HotelMap.int    ; Map script for Necrop Hotel                                                 # local_vars=3
Lorraine.int    ; Lorraine from the Boneyard                                                  # local_vars=8
NHUp2Dn1.int    ; jump from Ground-level to Sewers (North) (Necrop Hotel)        # map_init   # local_vars=2
NHUp2Dn2.int    ; jump from Ground-level to Sewers (West) (Necrop Hotel)         # map_init   # local_vars=2
NHUp2Dn3.int    ; jump from Ground-level to Sewers (East) (Necrop Hotel)         # map_init   # local_vars=2
Officer.int       ; Officer from Vault 13                                                     # local_vars=7
NHDn2Up1.int    ; jump from Sewers to Ground-level (North) (Necrop Hotel)        # map_init   # local_vars=2
NHDn2Up2.int    ; jump from Sewers to Ground-level (West) (Necrop Hotel)         # map_init   # local_vars=2
NHDn2Up3.int    ; jump from Sewers to Ground-level (East) (Necrop Hotel)         # map_init   # local_vars=2
RadSCave.int    ; Map Script for Rad Scorpion Caves                                           # local_vars=4
Seth.int        ; Seth from Shady Sands to transport to Rad Scorpion Caves.                   # local_vars=11
Medic.int       ; Medic from Vault 13.                                                        # local_vars=6
GenVault.int    ; Generic Vault 13 dweller.                                                   # local_vars=8
JunkCas.int     ; Map Script for Casino area in Junktown                                      # local_vars=4
JunkKill.int    ; Map Script for Killian's area in Junktown                                   # local_vars=3
JunkEnt.int     ; Map Script for Entrance to Junktown                                         # local_vars=2
BLKROM.int       ; blocked room in the buried vault                                           # local_vars=1
BVAIR.int       ; buried vault air lock                                                       # local_vars=1
BVCache.int       ; cache of medical suppies in the buried vault                              # local_vars=1
BVEnt.int       ; Buried Vault ENtrance                                                       # local_vars=1
ShadyEt.int     ; Map Script for Shady Sands East                                             # local_vars=7
ShadyWst.int    ; Map Script for Shady Sands West                                             # local_vars=7
MEDLAB.int       ; medlab in front of the buried vault                                        # local_vars=1
Shack.int       ; Shack above the buried vault                                                # local_vars=1
Seth2.int       ; Seth from Rad Scorpion Caves to transport to Shady Sands                    # local_vars=7
scribeA.int       ; Scribe from the brotherhood                                               # local_vars=7
Vault13.int     ; Map Script for Vault 13                                                     # local_vars=3
BVElv1W.int     ; Buried Vault Elevator. Level 1 West --> Level 2 East                        # local_vars=2
BVElv2E.int     ; Buried Vault Elevator. Level 2 East --> Level 1 West                        # local_vars=2
BVElv2W.int     ; Buried Vault Elevator. Level 2 West --> Level 3                             # local_vars=2
BVElv3.int      ; Buried Vault Elevator. Level 3 --> Level 2 West                             # local_vars=2
BVBroken.int    ; Buried Vault. The elevator is broken                                        # local_vars=1
BroHdEnt.int    ; Map Script for Brotherhood of Steel Entrance                                # local_vars=3
RatPit.int      ; Breeding Pit of rats in Vault 13 area                                       # local_vars=2
FearDark.int    ; Vault 13. If the player is afraid of the dark                               # local_vars=1
ValtLeav.int    ; First time leaving Vault 13                                                 # local_vars=1
ValtCupl.int    ; Couple from Vault 13 who take your room                                     # local_vars=7
YourRoom.int    ; Spacial Script for your room.                                               # local_vars=2
SSGuide.int     ; Shady Sands Guide to help the player get started.                           # local_vars=11
LiteLeav.int    ; Light showing from outside world   # map_init                               # local_vars=2
ValtCore.int    ; Spacial Script for Vault 13 Central Core                                    # local_vars=2
VCompOp.int     ; Water Computer in Vault 13 Operations Room                                  # local_vars=1
ValtOp.int      ; Spacial Script for Vault 13 Operations                                      # local_vars=2
ValtSec.int     ; Spacial Script for Vault 13 Security                                        # local_vars=2
ValtStor.int    ; Spacial Script for Vault 13 Storage                                         # local_vars=2
ValtMeet.int    ; Spacial Script for Vault 13 Meeting room                                    # local_vars=2
ValtMed.int     ; Spacial Script for Vault 13 Medical Lab                                     # local_vars=2
JunkDemo.int    ; Map Script for Junkdemo.Map (for demo)                                      # local_vars=0
GuarDemo.int    ; Junktown guard w/ pickpocket (for demo)                                     # local_vars=5
WanRats.int     ; Wandering, Hostile rats                                                     # local_vars=2
Flare.int       ; flares to light the player's way                                            # local_vars=1
ValEl1.int      ; Vault 13 Elevator level 1                                                   # local_vars=0
ValEl2w.int     ; Vault 13 Elevator level 2 west                                              # local_vars=0
ValEl2e.int     ; Vault 13 Elevator level 2 east                                              # local_vars=0
ValEl3.int      ; Vault 13 Elevator level 3                                                   # local_vars=0
Vaultbur.int    ; Map Script for Buried Vault                                                 # local_vars=4
dog.int         ; a dog that wanders around                                                   # local_vars=0
GhRndGrd.int    ; Random Ghoul Guard in Necropolis                                            # local_vars=8
GhKick.int      ; Ghoul who is going to kick your...                                          # local_vars=8
Mutant3.int     ; Super Mutant in Hall Dead. Guards door (no move)                            # local_vars=9
Mutant4.int     ; Super Mutant in Hall Dead. Guards door (paces/checks for dead mutant3)      # local_vars=7
Mutant5.int     ; Super Mutant in Necropolis (place holder)                                   # local_vars=7
Ian.int         ; Injured Shady Sands guard                                                   # local_vars=9
Curtis.int      ; Shady Sands farmer                                                          # local_vars=9
Child.int       ; a generic Child                                                             # local_vars=6
RaidMap.int     ; Map Script for the Raider Camp                                              # local_vars=5
MutFruit.int    ; Mutated Fruits (heals but gives rad damage)                                 # local_vars=0
RaidGrd.int     ; Raider Guard                                                                # local_vars=11
Hunter.int      ; Bounty Hunter collecting on the Child killer's head                         # local_vars=8
Dog2.int        ; Dog that follows you around if you are Mad Maxx                             # local_vars=4
Duc.int         ; Trader to Shady Sands                                                       # local_vars=10
RndCity.int     ; Map Script for Random City encounter                                        # local_vars=0
RndCoast.int    ; Map Script for Random Coastal encounters                                    # local_vars=0
RndMtn.int      ; Map Script for Random Mountain encounters                                   # local_vars=0
Gambler.int     ; Gambler in Junktown who appears in The Hub later on.                        # local_vars=8
VaultEnt.int    ; Map script for Vault Entrance                                               # local_vars=7
Miles.int       ; The chemist of Adytum                                                       # local_vars=8
Smitty.int      ; Adytum's blacksmith                                                         # local_vars=8
Adytownr.int    ; Generic script for an Adytowner                                             # local_vars=9
Regulatr.int    ; Generic Regulator, guard of Adytown           # map_init                    # local_vars=10
Lorri.int       ;from the Brotherhood                                                         # local_vars=13
Sammael.int     ; Scav from Adytum                                                            # local_vars=8
Caleb.int       ; Head of the Regulators from Adytum                                          # local_vars=11
Taylor.int      ; Shop keeper/trader from Adytum                                              # local_vars=8
Julianna.int       ; Julianna from the Adytum                                                 # local_vars=8
FolSchol.int    ; A scholar from the Followers                                                # local_vars=7
FolInit.int     ; An initiate from the Follower                                               # local_vars=6
FlSupMut.int    ; Super Mutant in the Followers area                                          # local_vars=7
ChidScol.int    ; a scholar from the Children                                                 # local_vars=6
ChidInit.int    ; An Initiate from the Children                                               # local_vars=6
FolScout.int    ; A Scout for the Followers                                                   # local_vars=9
FolGuard.int    ; A Guard for the Followers                                                   # local_vars=7
ThSupMut.int    ; Generic Thinker Super Mutant in the Boneyard                                # local_vars=8
Heather.int     ; Heather, a spy for the Children                                             # local_vars=7
Peter.int       ; Head of the Follower's scouts                                               # local_vars=7
Jake.int        ; second in command of the Followers                                          # local_vars=9
Orfeo.int       ; Senior Children member in Boneyard                                          # local_vars=8
Marney.int      ; The Doctor/Nurse of the Followers                                           # local_vars=9
Neil.int        ; Neil, head of the Followers guard                                           # local_vars=8
Amber.int       ; teacher for the Followers                                                   # local_vars=10
Uthern.int      ; Leader of the Super Mutant Scouts in Boneyard                               # local_vars=9
Talius.int      ; A ghoul Follower in the Boneyard                                            # local_vars=9
ChdGuard.int    ; Generic Children guard in Boneyard                                          # local_vars=8
ChdScout.int    ; Generic Children scout in Boneyard                                          # local_vars=8
ScSupMut.int    ; Generic Scout Super Mutant in the Boneyard                                  # local_vars=8
Razor.int       ; Razor, leader of the Blades                                                 # local_vars=8
Blade.int       ; Generic Blades from the Boneyard                                            # local_vars=10
Fire.int        ; Fire, second in command of the Blades                                       # local_vars=8
Beca.int        ; Beca and Jade. Quartermistress of the Blades                                # local_vars=8
Dolgan.int      ; Dolgan, the weaponmaster from the Blades                                    # local_vars=8
Michelle.int    ; Michelle, leader of the scouts for the Blades                               # local_vars=8
Dragon.int      ; Dragon, Night watchman for the Blades                                       # local_vars=8
Romero.int      ; Just a Blade in love w/ some chick in Adytum                                # local_vars=9
Brohd12.int     ; Map Script of the Brotherhood of Steel (level 1,2)                          # local_vars=4
Brohd34.int     ; Map Script for Brotherhood of Steel (level 3,4)                             # local_vars=4
Jon.int         ; John Zimmerman from the Adytum                                              # local_vars=9
RippPris.int    ; Ripper Prisoner in the Boneyard                                             # local_vars=7
ScribeB.int       ; Another scribe from the brotherhood                                       # local_vars=6
BVLad.int       ; Buried Vault Ladder which leads to the Surface                              # local_vars=3
CharBody.int    ; A charred body in the Glow                                                  # local_vars=1
BoneBody.int    ; dry bones from a body in the Glow                                           # local_vars=0
DeadBro.int     ; the corpses of dead Brotherhood people                                      # local_vars=1
GenDisk.int     ; Generic  Holodisks found in the Glow                                        # local_vars=1
HotSpot.int     ; Radiation Hot Spot in the Glow (Spatial script)                             # local_vars=1
PerNPwr.int     ; Dead person in Power Armour in the Glow.                                    # local_vars=2
Glo1Weap.int    ; Glow Level 1 Weapon Depot door.                                             # local_vars=5
GloComp.int     ; Computer ZR32 from the Glow.                                                # local_vars=1
Glo3Supl.int    ; Glow Level 3 Supply Depot door.                                             # local_vars=3
GlowGen.int     ; The generator for the Glow.                                                 # local_vars=4
GlowPump.int    ; The water pump from the Glow                                                # local_vars=1
SciRoom.int     ; The living quarters of the Esteemed scientists.                             # local_vars=2
SentryGn.int    ; Sentry Gun trap in the Glow                                                 # local_vars=5
GloRdDor.int    ; The Red Pass Key doors in the Glow                                          # local_vars=5
GloBlDor.int    ; The Blue Pass Key doors in the Glow                                         # local_vars=5
Glo3Wep.int     ; Glow, Level 3, Weapon Depot door.                                           # local_vars=3
GlwBox.int      ; On Level 4 of the glow, Security Check Lockbox                              # local_vars=2
Tylier.int      ; Tylier, the security computer in the Glow                                   # local_vars=7
GlowCage.int    ; Cage for the animals in the Glow                                            # local_vars=2
GlowTabl.int    ; Table in the Glow                                                           # local_vars=2
Zax.int         ; Zax the AI computer from the Glow                                           # local_vars=10
GlwAlien.int    ; Skeleton of a dead alien body                                               # local_vars=2
Freezer.int     ; Note in the freezer of the Glow.                                            # local_vars=2
Farli.int       ; Farli from the Brotherhood of Steel                                         # local_vars=8
Darrel.int      ; Darrel, Cabbot's replacement in the Brotherhood                             # local_vars=15
PalGuard.int    ; Paladin Guard in the Brotherhood surface (Caravan Guard)                    # local_vars=8
Talus.int       ; Talus, Rombus's second in command.                                          # local_vars=20
Sophia.int      ; Sophia, an instructor for the Brotherhood                                   # local_vars=10
Michael.int     ; Distributes weapons to initiates.                                           # local_vars=13
Glo4Weap.int    ; Weapon depot on level 4 of the Glow                                         # local_vars=5
ScribeA.int     ; Scribe in the main computer room                                            # local_vars=7
ScribeB.int     ; Generic Scribe                                                              # local_vars=7
Sentry.int      ; Paladin guard after invasion                                                # local_vars=5
PaladinA.int    ; Paladin in the Hall of the Brotherhood.                                     # local_vars=7
PaladinB.int    ; Paladin in the Guard room                                                   # local_vars=7
PaladinC.int    ; Paladin in the Main Computer Room                                           # local_vars=7
GloBlElv.int    ; Blue Elevator in the Glow.                                                  # local_vars=5
KnightA.int     ; Knight in the Computer Room                                                 # local_vars=7
KnightB.int     ; generic Knights in the Brotherhood.                                         # local_vars=7
GlowDesk.int    ; a jammed desk in the Glow.                                                  # local_vars=2
WeapSys.int     ; Spatial warning that the weapon system is armed.                            # local_vars=2
Artifact.int    ; the artifact the Brotherhood sends you to find.                             # local_vars=2
GloCabn.int     ; locked cabinet in the Glow.                                                 # local_vars=3
GasTrap.int     ; Gas Trap in the Glow                                                        # local_vars=2
LazrTrap.int    ; Laser beam trap in the Glow.                                                # local_vars=2
JtRaider.int    ; A crazy Raider in Junktown                                                  # local_vars=15
Sinthia.int     ; Sinthia, the Sell Baby in Junktown                                          # local_vars=18
Marcelle.int    ; Owner of the Crash House in Junktown                                        # local_vars=16
KillSafe.int    ; Killian's personal safe.              # map_init                            # local_vars=4
JtBob.int       ; Bob from Junktown. Pretty much a dead beat                                  # local_vars=11
Trish.int       ; Trish, a waitress in Junktown's Skum Pit                                    # local_vars=17
V13Door.int     ; Main door to Vault 13  # map_init                                           # local_vars=2
V13Comp.int     ; Computer to open Vault 13 door.  # map_init                                 # local_vars=2
DiskA.int       ; Holodisk w/ Alpha Experiment in the Glow                                    # local_vars=2
DiskD.int       ; Holodisk w/ Delta Experiment in the Glow                                    # local_vars=2
FEVDisk.int     ; Holodisk w/ FEV Experiment in the Glow                                      # local_vars=2
VreeDisk.int    ; Holodisk w/ Vree's report                                                   # local_vars=2
SecDisk.int     ; Holodisk w/ Security Code for the Glow                                      # local_vars=2
CodeDisk.int    ; Holodisk w/ Brotherhood Honor Code                                          # local_vars=2
GenGambl.int    ; generic gambler in junktown                                                 # local_vars=8
Phil.int        ; Phil is trying to get into his Junktown Condo    # map_init                 # local_vars=10
Junkdog.int     ; dog who is blocking phil from the Condo          # map_init                 # local_vars=6
ChepSlot.int    ; cheapy slot machine                              # map_init                 # local_vars=4
GoodSlot.int    ; Good paying slot machine                         # map_init                 # local_vars=4
LowJack.int     ; low stakes Blackjack                             # map_init                 # local_vars=4
HighJack.int    ; high stakes Blackjack.                           # map_init                 # local_vars=4
ChocTech.int    ; Children of the Cathedral Technician in the Military Base                   # local_vars=8
Abel.int        ; Abel, lowers the Force Shield E                                             # local_vars=8
FieldA.int      ; Force Field A                                   # map_init                  # local_vars=3
Radio.int       ; Radio for the Military Base                                                 # local_vars=5
VatSign.int     ; Sign to the Vats Control Room                                               # local_vars=1
VConDoor.int    ; Door to get into the Vats Control Room                                      # local_vars=3
ForcComp.int    ; Force Field Controller Computer in the Vats                                 # local_vars=2
MrHandyA.int    ; Mr. Handy from the Vats                                                     # local_vars=7
MrHandyB.int    ; Mr. Handy from the Vats                                                     # local_vars=7
Flip.int        ; Recent Convert to the Nightkin                                              # local_vars=8
RobCtrl.int     ; No, this does not control me, It controls the Robots                        # local_vars=4
VSgTeam9.int    ; Vats, Sargeant of Team 9 Nightkin                                           # local_vars=8
VatTeam9.int    ; Vats, Team 9 member                                                         # local_vars=8
VConComp.int    ; Vats Control Computer                                                       # local_vars=3
PeasantD.int    ; This is Phil's smart-alec friend                                            # local_vars=10
DemoComp.int    ; Computer for the demo                                                       # local_vars=0
DemoDog.int     ; dog for the Demo    # map_init                                              # local_vars=5
DemoPeas.int    ; Phil's smart-alec friend for the Demo   # map_init                          # local_vars=5
DemoPhil.int    ; Phil in the dog scenerio for demo     # map_init                            # local_vars=5
Zack.int        ; some loser from the Gunrunners                                              # local_vars=10
Theresa.int     ; Faction leader in the Vault trying to get out of the Vault (not from MI)    # local_vars=9
Rebel.int       ; Rebels against the Empire and the Emperor Overseer                          # local_vars=7
DemoDoor.int    ; locked freezer in the demo                                                  # local_vars=0
ScribeC.int     ; a third scribe from the brotherhood                                         # local_vars=7
Jason.int       ; Jason from Adytum.                                                          # local_vars=10
Thug.int        ; generic thug from the boneyard                                              # local_vars=7
Lasher.int      ; Lasher from the Children of the Cathedral                                   # local_vars=10
Vinnie.int      ; Leader of the Skuls gang in Junktown                                        # local_vars=10
Victor.int      ; Skulz Sociopath                                                             # local_vars=9
Shark.int       ; Skulz ganger in the Scum Pit                                                # local_vars=9
Sherry.int      ; Another member of the Skulz                                                 # local_vars=19
Tycho.int       ; Desert Ranger in Junktown                                                   # local_vars=8
GenSkulz.int    ; generic Skulz member                                                        # local_vars=8
Slummer.int     ; Brainwashed member of the Children                                          # local_vars=10
Zark.int        ; Cathedral Thug                                                              # local_vars=10
Calder.int      ; Flower child of the Children                                                # local_vars=8
ChidNite.int    ; Generic Nightkin at the Cathedral                                           # local_vars=7
ChidGAB.int     ; Children Generic Attitude Boy                                               # local_vars=8
GenChant.int    ; Generic Chanter from the Children                                           # local_vars=8
Barracus.int    ; Leader of the Thug faction in the Children                                  # local_vars=10
Chanter.int     ; Generic Chanter 1 from the Children                                         # local_vars=8
Francis.int     ; Sister Francis from the Children                                            # local_vars=10
DocWu.int       ; foul-mouthed doc from the Children                                          # local_vars=13
Rutger.int      ; second in command of the Far Go Traders                                     # local_vars=30
Phrax.int       ; From the Demo, guard for the Crypts.                                        # local_vars=4
DemoGen.int     ; Generator for the demo                                                      # local_vars=0
DemoCryp.int    ; generic Crypt ganger member for the demo                                    # local_vars=4
DemoFool.int    ; generic Fool ganger memeber for the demo                                    # local_vars=4
Lenny.int       ; the Bhrama master for the demo                                              # local_vars=4
Icepick.int     ; Leader of the Fools.                                                        # local_vars=4
Skizzer.int     ; gate guard for the demo                                                     # local_vars=4
Pez.int         ; generic peasant for the demo                                                # local_vars=4
Rock.int        ; another guard for the demo                                                  # local_vars=4
Lex.int         ; Leader of Scrapheap for the demo                                            # local_vars=4
Rayze.int       ; leader of the Crypts for the demo                                           # local_vars=4
Skippy.int      ; Lead wirecutter boy                                                         # local_vars=4
Baka.int        ; Leader of the Fools                                                         # local_vars=4
ScoutC.int      ; has the player scouted the Crypts?                                          # local_vars=4
ScoutF.int      ; has the player scouted the Fools?                                           # local_vars=4
FollMap.int     ; this is the map for the Followers in the Boneyard                           # local_vars=3
SemiComp.int    ; Computer that is barely functional in Necrop Vault                          # local_vars=5
RadRat.int      ; Rats which make you have a healthly glow                                    # local_vars=1
NGarFrdg.int    ; Necropolis, Garret's Fridge      # map_init                                 # local_vars=5
WtrLadr.int     ; Ladder. Leads to ground  [from the sewers above NecVault]                   # local_vars=0
NecVLadr.int    ; Ladder leading from the Necrop vault to the sewers                          # local_vars=0
NecVHole.int    ; Manhole leading to the Necrop Vault                                         # local_vars=0
WtrHole.int     ; Manhole. Leads to Sewers [towards NecVault]                                 # local_vars=0
ValtNec.int     ; Map Script for the Necrop Vault                                             # local_vars=11
TownMap.int     ; This will bring up the townmap if the player tries using the obj.           # local_vars=0
MVAirloc.ssl    ;  Master's Vault: Airlock door   # map_init                                  # local_vars=3
MVBShelf.ssl    ;  Master's Vault: Bookshelf                                                  # local_vars=2
MVSctShf.ssl    ;  Master's Vault: Bookshelf with secret door                                 # local_vars=5
V13Cave.int     ; Map Script for the Vault 13 cave                                            # local_vars=2
MVRCrDor.int    ; Reactor Core Door in the Master's Vault                                     # local_vars=2
Command.int     ; something for the military base                                             # local_vars=5
GenSupr.int     ; Generic super mutant in the military base                                   # local_vars=9
Krupper.int     ; Krupper from the military base                                              # local_vars=8
Vanhag.int      ; Vanhaggen from the military base                                            # local_vars=12
Vasquez.int     ; Vasquez from junktown                                                       # local_vars=12
JnkScout.int    ; Scout in Junktown                                                           # local_vars=7
PeasantC.int    ; peasant in Junktown                                                         # local_vars=10
GenRaid2.int    ; another type of generic Raider                                              # local_vars=12
Jarvis.int      ; Some guy from Shady Sands         # map_init                                # local_vars=10
MBStrong.int    ; Map Script for the Military Base  [Stronghold]                              # local_vars=3
MBVats.int      ; Map Script for the Military Base  [Vats]                                    # local_vars=3
MBEnt.int       ; Map Script for the Military Base  [Entrance]                                # local_vars=2
Childrn1.int    ; Map Script for the lower level of the Children of the Cathedral             # local_vars=4
Childrn2.int    ; Map Script for the Towers of the Children of the Cathedral                  # local_vars=4
Master1.int     ; Map Script for the upper 2 level of the Master's Vault                      # local_vars=3
Master2.int     ; Map Script for the lower 2 level of the Master's Vault                      # local_vars=15
MVComp.int      ; Nuclear warhead control computer in the Master's Vault                      # local_vars=5
MVNuke.int      ; The nuclear warhead in the Master's Vault                                   # local_vars=3
MVDwn2Up.int    ; go from the lower layers of Master's Vault to the upper                     # local_vars=0
MVUp2Dwn.int    ; go from the upper layers to the lower layers of Master's Vault              # local_vars=0
Chid2Mas.int    ; go from the Children of the Cathedral to the Master's Lair                  # local_vars=0
Mas2Chid.int    ; go from the Master's Lair to the Children                                   # local_vars=0
Chid2Twr.int    ; go from the main floor to tower of the Children                             # local_vars=0
Tow2Chid.int    ; go from the tower to main floor of the Children                             # local_vars=0
COCDoor.int     ; Transport from outside to inside of Children                                # local_vars=0
Cave2v13.int    ; Vault 13 caves to Vault 13                                                  # local_vars=0
V132Cave.int    ; Vault 13 to Vault13 caves                                                   # local_vars=0
SecDoor.int     ; door to vault 13 armory    # map_init                                       # local_vars=3
SpotLite.int    ; affect the light level of the light scenery  # map_init                     # local_vars=0
WtrThief.int    ; Water Thief from Vault 13                                                   # local_vars=8
Jennifer.int    ; Jennifer from the Brotherhood of Steel                                      # local_vars=15
Blast.int       ; an explosion for the Buried Vault                                           # local_vars=1
UzChair.int     ; Use a chair from the Buried Vault                                           # local_vars=1
CaveWall.int    ; the portion of the cave wall which can be destroyed                         # local_vars=2
elev0.int       ; Bos1 (Brotherhood of Steel)                                                 # local_vars=0
elev1.int       ; Bos2 (entrance)                                                             # local_vars=0
elev2.int       ; Master1                                                                     # local_vars=0
elev3.int       ; Master2 (lower-level)                                                       # local_vars=0
elev4.int       ; Military Base 1                                                             # local_vars=0
elev5.int       ; Military Base 2 (lower-level)                                               # local_vars=0
elev6.int       ; Vault13                                                                     # local_vars=0
Barfly.int      ; some loser in the bar in Junktown                                           # local_vars=8
BV2Vault.int    ; Teleports player from the Shack to the Buried Vault                         # local_vars=0
ColaTruk.int    ; Map Script for special random encounter Cola Truck                          # local_vars=0
FSauser.int     ; Map Script for special random encounter Flying Sauser                       # local_vars=0
Glowent.int     ; Map Script for Glow Entrance                                                # local_vars=0
GlowMap1.int    ; Map Script for Glow (levels 1-3)                                            # local_vars=0
GlowMap2.int    ; Map Script for Glow (Levels 4-6)                                            # local_vars=0
LAAdytum.int    ; Map Script for Adytum                                                       # local_vars=0
LABlades.int    ; Map Script for the Blades from the Boneyard                                 # local_vars=0
LAGunRun.int    ; Map Script for Gunrunners from the Boneyard                                 # local_vars=0
LARipper.int    ; Map Script for the Rippers from the Boneyard                                # local_vars=0
HubEnt.int      ; Map Script for Hub Entrance                                                 # local_vars=0
HubDwnTn.int    ; Map Script for Downtown Hub                                                 # local_vars=0
HubHeigt.int    ; Map Script for The Heights of Hub                                           # local_vars=0
HubOldTn.int    ; Map Script for Old Towne Hub                                                # local_vars=0
HubWater.int    ; Map Script for Water Merchants of Hub                                       # local_vars=0
DethCave.int    ; Map Script for Deathclaw Cave                                               # local_vars=0
DrWhoMap.int    ; Map Script for Dr. Who special encounter                                    # local_vars=0
LgFtPrnt.int    ; Map Script for Large Foot Print special encounter                           # local_vars=0
UsedCar.int     ; Map Script for Used Car Salesman special encounter                          # local_vars=0
TalkCows.int    ; Map Script for Talking Cows special encounter                               # local_vars=0
JTUp2Dn.int     ; Getting from Garage to Morbid's Lab               # map_init                # local_vars=0
JTDn2Up.int     ; getting from Morbid's lab to Garage               # map_init                # local_vars=0
Viola.int       ; convert from the Followers to the Children                                  # local_vars=10
Surf.int        ; dude, what's with these Children?                                           # local_vars=12
ChocDoor.int    ; Door to get out of the Children of the Cathedral                            # local_vars=0
Dane.int        ; psycho person who knows too much                                            # local_vars=35
Jonathan.int    ; someone from the Brotherhood                                                # local_vars=11
Student.int     ; student who is learning combat in the brotherhood                           # local_vars=7
Cath2MV.int     ; spacial to take you from the Cathedral to the Master's Lair                 # local_vars=0
Glo4Supl.int    ; level 4 of the Glow, Supply Room                                            # local_vars=7
Hall2Mtl.int    ; spatial script to take you from the Hall of the Dead to Motel sewers        # local_vars=1
Hall2Shd.int    ; spatial to take you from the Hall to the Watershed                          # local_vars=1
Motel2Hl.int    ; spatial from the Motel to the Hall                                          # local_vars=1
Lyle.int        ; man who actually had some water rations stolen                              # local_vars=6
Neal.int        ; the bartender for the Skum Pitt.                                            # local_vars=14
TrapFlor.int    ; there is a trap on the floor in the glow                                    # local_vars=3
Kenji.int       ; Gunman hired by Gizmo to kill Killian                                       # local_vars=10
GEnt2Lv1.int    ; spatial. Glow entrance to Level 1 of the glow                               # local_vars=0
GLv12Ent.int    ; Use the rocks to go from the Glow Level 1 to Entrance                       # local_vars=0
CTower1.int     ; Catherdral Tower to level 1                                                 # local_vars=0
CTower2.int     ; Catherdral Tower to level 2                                                 # local_vars=0
CTower3.int     ; Catherdral Tower to level 3                                                 # local_vars=0
ExitBase.int    ; Spatial script which will allow you to get out of the Military Base         # local_vars=0
SSRadSco.int    ; Shady Sands Radscorpions for the Quest                                      # local_vars=4
Lars.int        ; Sergeant of the guards in Junktown.                                         # local_vars=9
elev6_m1.int    ; Glow Elevator 1 (really *6*, but vault13 is in place there)                 # local_vars=0
elev7.int       ; Glow Elevator 2                                                             # local_vars=0
elev9.int       ; Necropolis Elevator                                                         # local_vars=0
elev10.int      ; Extra Milb Elevator                                                         # local_vars=0
elev11.int      ; Extra Glow Elevator                                                         # local_vars=0
GenMutan.int    ; Generic mutant in the master's vault                                        # local_vars=8
GenSarg.int     ; Generic sargent mutant in the master's vault                                # local_vars=8
MBOut2In.int    ; door script to allow the player to get into the Military Base               # local_vars=2
Trophy.int      ; Neal's bowling trophy.                                                      # local_vars=2
Saul.int        ; Saul, boxer for Gizmo                                                       # local_vars=9
Gustofer.int    ; Saul's Manager                                                              # local_vars=7
Robot.int       ; Robots from the master's lair                                               # local_vars=7
VGateMut.int    ; Super mutant patrolling gate of the Vats.                                   # local_vars=4
VPLotMut.int    ; Super mutant sergeant patrolling parking lot.                               # local_vars=4
VFenceMt.int    ; Super mutant patrolling fence of the Vats.                                  # local_vars=4
DoorCode.int    ; Script for the tape with the Vats door code.                                # local_vars=3
Guard2.int      ; Second Garret in Watershed Map                                              # local_vars=5
VDoorMut.int    ; Vats Door Mutant                                                            # local_vars=7
FieldB.int      ; Force Field B: Stronghold generic            # map_init                     # local_vars=3
FieldC.int      ; Force Field C: Stronghold east side          # map_init                     # local_vars=3
FieldD.int      ; Force Field D: Stronghold north side         # map_init                     # local_vars=3
FieldE.int      ; Force Field E: Stronghold south side         # map_init                     # local_vars=3
FieldF.int      ; Force Field F: Vats security hall            # map_init                     # local_vars=3
FieldG.int      ; Force Field G: Vats elevator A               # map_init                     # local_vars=3
FieldH.int      ; Force Field H: Vats control room             # map_init                     # local_vars=3
FieldI.int      ; Force Field I: Vats hallway                  # map_init                     # local_vars=3
ForceCon.int    ; Generic force field controller script        # map_init                     # local_vars=3
VTeam1.int      ; Mutant team num 1 in Vats                                                   # local_vars=6
VTeam2.int      ; Mutant team num 2 in Vats                                                   # local_vars=6
VTeam3.int      ; Mutant team num 3 in Vats                                                   # local_vars=7
VTeam4.int      ; Mutant team num 4 in Vats                                                   # local_vars=6
VTeam5.int      ; Mutant team num 5 in Vats                                                   # local_vars=6
VTeam6.int      ; Mutant team num 6 in Vats                                                   # local_vars=6
VTeam7.int      ; Mutant team num 7 in Vats                                                   # local_vars=6
VTeam8.int      ; Mutant team num 8 in Vats                                                   # local_vars=6
avery.int       ; guard for Lorenzo in the Hub                                                # local_vars=4
bill.int        ; guard for Lorenzo in the Hub                                                # local_vars=4
billy.int       ; boy who works for Dan the Brahmin Man                                       # local_vars=14
bob.int         ; Bob's Iguana Bits owner                                                     # local_vars=9
bobsign.int     ; Sign outside Bob's Iguana Bits                                              # local_vars=4
cally.int       ; Another bodyguard for Lorenzo                                               # local_vars=4
cleo.int        ; Guard for Lorenzo in the Hub                                                # local_vars=4
crvndrvr.int    ; Generic Caravan Driver in the Hub                                           # local_vars=4
dan.int         ; Dan 'the Brahmin Man'. sells Brahmin                                        # local_vars=10
danwife.int     ; Dan's Wife                                                                  # local_vars=4
deadguy.int     ; Someone who was stupid enough to mess w/ Decker                             # local_vars=6
deckgrd.int     ; One of Decker's Guards                                                      # local_vars=4
demetre.int     ; Demetre, head of the Crimson Caravans                                       # local_vars=15
fry.int         ; Deputy Fry of the Hub Police                                                # local_vars=8
dogmeat.int     ; Dogmeat, dog who is friends w/ jacob                                        # local_vars=0
elecdoor.int    ; Electronic lock on a door in the Hub                                        # local_vars=5
electrap.int    ; Electronic Trap in the Thieves' Circle                                      # local_vars=4
femfarmr.int    ; Female Farmer for the Hub                                                   # local_vars=4
fgtgard.int     ; Far Go Trader generic Guard                                                 # local_vars=5
gencop.int      ; Generic police force in the Hub                                             # local_vars=4
genfgt.int      ; Generic Far Go Trader                                                       # local_vars=4
genskag.int     ; Generic Skag of the Hub                                                     # local_vars=4
guido.int       ; Guido, Manager of the Friendly Lending Company                              # local_vars=10
gunlock.int     ; Lock on the gun storage                                                     # local_vars=5
hbodgrd2.int    ; Bodyguard in the Hub                                                        # local_vars=5
hchdgrd.int     ; Hub Children guard                                                          # local_vars=8
hgenfarm.int    ; Generic Farmer in the Hub                                                   # local_vars=5
hgengrd.int     ; Generic Guard in the hub                                                    # local_vars=5
hightowr.int    ; Daren Hightower, leader of the Water Merchants                              # local_vars=5
htwrgrd.int     ; One of Hightower's Guards                                                   # local_vars=5
htwrwife.int    ; Hightower's wife                                                            # local_vars=4
hubber.int      ; Generic Hubber (Hub Dweller)                                                # local_vars=4
hubcarvn.int    ; Hub Caravan (generic)                          # map_init                   # local_vars=4
hubcop.int      ; Generic Hub Cop                                                             # local_vars=4
hubflrcd.int    ; Flower Child in the Hub                                                     # local_vars=4
hubjake.int     ; Jacob of the Weapons Shop. Sells big toys                                   # local_vars=10
hubpatnt.int    ; Patient in the Children's hospital in the Hub                               # local_vars=6
hubsmity.int    ; Smitty from the Hub                                                         # local_vars=4
jasmine.int     ; Jasmine, second in command of the Thieves Guild                             # local_vars=8
jobpost.int     ; Job Post where all the jobs in the Hub are posted                           # local_vars=5
kane.int        ; Kane, second in command of the Underground                                  # local_vars=25
keri.int        ; Keri, Demetre's daughter. in the Crimson Caravans                           # local_vars=15
leon.int        ; Leon, one of Guido's Guards                                                 # local_vars=5
lorenzo.int     ; Lorenzo, seedy character who occasionally helps the Underground             # local_vars=20
mstmerch.int    ; Master Merchant from the hub                                                # local_vars=8
richie.int      ; Richie, guards a safe in the Hub                    # map_init              # local_vars=5
rufus.int       ; Rufus, cyber hack in the Hub                                                # local_vars=4
rutger.int      ; Rutger, second in command of the Far Go Traders                             # local_vars=10
sid.int         ; Sid, annoying little twit who helps Beth            # map_init              # local_vars=4
thorndyk.int    ; Thorndyke, Dr. in the Children in the Hub                                   # local_vars=10
troy.int        ; Troy, a super mutant in the Hub                                             # local_vars=7
wmcarvn.int     ; Water Merchants Caravan                                                     # local_vars=15
wtrMGrd.int     ; Water Merchant Guards                                                       # local_vars=5
RadioCom.int    ; Radio control computer in the Vats.   # map_init                            # local_vars=4
Comptrol.int    ; Super Mutant comptroller.                                                   # local_vars=4
HGenCvan.int    ; Generic Hub Caravan                                                         # local_vars=4
VatWarn.int     ; Warning of trap corridor in the Vats.                                       # local_vars=4
VatAlert.int    ; Spatial to set off the alarm in the Vats.                                   # local_vars=4
VPlasma.int     ; Plasma trap in the Vats.                                                    # local_vars=4
VBOOM.int       ; Explosive trap in the Vats.                                                 # local_vars=4
VLaser.int      ; Laser trap in the Vats.                                                     # local_vars=4
VMonowir.int    ; Monowire trap in the Vats.                                                  # local_vars=4
VLocker.int     ; Trapped locker in the Vats.                                                 # local_vars=4
HBeth.int       ; Beth who runs the general store in the Hub      # map_init                  # local_vars=25
HallGrd.int     ; Generic Gaurd in the Brotherhood Hallways                                   # local_vars=7
RoomGrd.int     ; Generic Room guard in the Brotherhood                                       # local_vars=5
Spar.int        ; Sparing match for the brotherhoodd                                          # local_vars=5
Cheater.int     ; Cheat for QA                                                                # local_vars=0
Izo.int         ; Gizmo's nijamatic bodyguard                                                 # local_vars=4
Katja.int       ; Skulk in Boneyard area                                                      # local_vars=10
Ady2Stor.int    ; Ladder from Adytum to the store.                                            # local_vars=0
Stor2Ady.int    ; Ladder from store to Adytum.                                                # local_vars=0
FolDn2Up.int    ; Followers, from cellar up.                                                  # local_vars=0
FolUp2Dn.int    ; Followers, from main level to cellar.                                       # local_vars=0
HDtDn2Up.int    ; Hub, Downtown, ladder going down to up                                      # local_vars=0
HDtUp2Dn.int    ; Hub, Downtown, ladder going up to down                                      # local_vars=0
HDtVault.int    ; Vault to FLC in the Hub                         # map_init                  # local_vars=5
MrHandyC.int    ; Mr. Handy for cleaning up the Vats.                                         # local_vars=5
Student.int     ; The Students being trained in the Brotherhood                               # local_vars=15
Thomas.int      ; trainer in the Brotherhood                      # map_init                  # local_vars=15
ModReact.int    ; DO NOT ATTACH TO ANYTHING. JUST IN TO MAKE THINGS COMPILE                   # local_vars=5
Ady2Farm.int    ; Moves dude from Adytum to hydroponic farms                                  # local_vars=5
Farm2Ady.int    ; Moves dude from hydroponic farms to Adytum                                  # local_vars=5
Ady2Cell.int    ; Moves dude from Adytum to cellars                                           # local_vars=5
Cell2Ady.int    ; Moves dude from cellars to Adytum                                           # local_vars=5
GizGuard.int    ; Gizmo's casino guards                                                       # local_vars=5
Ripper.int      ; generic ripper for the boneyard                                             # local_vars=3
MutDisk.int     ; disk w/ transmissions from mutants in deathclaw cave                        # local_vars=3
DethClaw.int    ; deathclaw from the Hub                                                      # local_vars=4
Deathspr.int    ; Deathclaw spore                                                             # local_vars=5
FishrMan.int    ; Random fisherman.                                                           # local_vars=4
FishrSon.int    ; Random fisherman's son.                                                     # local_vars=4
Tardis.int      ; Script for the special Tardis encounter.                  # map_init        # local_vars=3
FootMap.int     ; Map script for giant footprint.                                             # local_vars=3
WhoMap.int      ; Map script for the Tardis map.                                              # local_vars=3
TalkCow.int     ; Script for the talking Brahmin.                                             # local_vars=3
TCowMap.int     ; Map script for the talking cows.                                            # local_vars=3
MissBro.int     ; Missing Brotherhood initiate in the Hub                                     # local_vars=6
HubCaptr.int    ; Captors of the missing initiate                                             # local_vars=6
animfrvr.int    ; This is a script for animating background scenery        # map_init         # local_vars=4
ThfU2D.int      ; ladder to go from ground to cellar of the Thieves' Circle                   # local_vars=0
ThfD2U.int      ; ladder to go from cellar to ground of the Thieves' Circle                   # local_vars=0
MVNews.int      ; Newspaper machine in the Master's Vault                                     # local_vars=0
Dealer.int      ; Insane used car dealer.                                                     # local_vars=4
UsedCar.int     ; Map script for the used car lot.                                            # local_vars=0
BroDead.int     ; Map script for Brotherhood of Steel, destroyed version.                     # local_vars=0
ChilDead.int    ; Map script for Cathedral, destroyed version.                                # local_vars=0
MBDead.int      ; Map script for Military Base, destroyed version.                            # local_vars=0
Sarah.int       ; Sarah, girlfriend to the mutant Flip.                                       # local_vars=5
Agatha.int      ; The old storyteller of Shady Sands, Agatha.                                 # local_vars=5
Chuck.int       ; Gypsy fortune-teller of Adytum.                                             # local_vars=7
Alan.int        ; Recent enthusiastic Follower convert.                                       # local_vars=5
Brenden.int     ; New Initiate of the BOS.                                                    # local_vars=5
Patrick.int     ; Strange Celtic wanderer.                                                    # local_vars=5
Ismarc.int      ; Extremely annoyed musician.                                                 # local_vars=5
Enemy.int       ; Responses from people who don't want to talk to the dude.                   # local_vars=5
Alex.int        ; Night watch Regulator for Adytum.                                           # local_vars=7
Gideon.int      ; Leader of the prisoners in the Master's Lair                                # local_vars=6
Jerem.int       ; Captive in the masters Lair                                                 # local_vars=6
AirGrd.int      ; Gaurd in the Master's Lair                                                  # local_vars=6
AirGrd2.int     ; Another type of Guard in the Master's Lair                                  # local_vars=6
BOSLori.int     ; Brotherhood of Steel Doctor                                                 # local_vars=13
Moore.int       ; person in the master's lair                                                 # local_vars=6
Lucy.int        ; person in the master's lair                                                 # local_vars=6
Wiggup.int      ; mutant in the master's lair                                                 # local_vars=6
MadSci.int      ; mad scientist in the master's lair                                          # local_vars=15
Vincent.int     ; mutant in the master's lair                                                 # local_vars=14
FARMPART.int    ; farm parts for adytum                                                       # local_vars=0
MLPrison.int    ; Master's lair Prisoner                                                      # local_vars=8
GenPris.int     ; Generic prisoner in the Master's Lair                                       # local_vars=4
PrisCon.int     ; Prison Control force Fields                      # map_init                 # local_vars=4
thomas2.int     ; Thomas from the Brotherhood (on another map)                                # local_vars=10
Monster.int     ; Monsters in the Master's Vault.                                             # local_vars=0
PsyCon.int      ; Psychic control comupter.                                                   # local_vars=4
Rae.int         ; Confused mutant in the Master's Vault                                       # local_vars=8
BHDoor.int      ; main door to the brotherhood of steel          # map_init                   # local_vars=3
BOSAsIs.int     ; Brotherhood Dr. Assistant                                                   # local_vars=8
RD1Init.int     ; Roommate in the Brotherhood                                                 # local_vars=8
GenInit.int     ; Generic Initiate in the Brotherhood                                         # local_vars=8
Coyote.int      ; random dog in the wild                                                      # local_vars=0
Smone.int       ; Mutants from the Master's Lair                     # map_init               # local_vars=5
SmTwo.int       ; Mutants from the Master's Lair                     # map_init               # local_vars=5
Justin.int      ; Sherrif of Hub                                                              # local_vars=12
Falcon1.int     ; Bartender at the Falcon                                                     # local_vars=8
Merch1.int      ; Merchant from the Hub                                                       # local_vars=5
Lance.int       ; Shady Sands guard on long patrol.                                           # local_vars=4
LoneRaid.int    ; Lone Raider trying to get to camp.                                          # local_vars=4
RndMerch.int    ; Random Hub merchants.                                                       # local_vars=4
PalScout.int    ; Random Paladin scouts.                                                      # local_vars=4
Trent.int       ; Survivor of a Deathclaw attack.                                             # local_vars=4
HDealer.int     ; dealer in the falcon for craps                                              # local_vars=4
HSlots.int      ; slot machines in the Hub                                                    # local_vars=4
HRndBar.int     ; Random dialog in the bar of the HUb                                         # local_vars=4
HGenGamb.int    ; generic gamblers in the hub                                                 # local_vars=4
HHooker.int     ; Hooker in the Falcon                                                        # local_vars=4
HJohn.int       ; Hooker's customer in the Falcon                                             # local_vars=4
HGenDeal.int    ; Generic Dealer in the Falcon                                                # local_vars=4
smpray.int      ; praying mutants in masters vault                                            # local_vars=4
cpray.int       ; praying children in masters vault                                           # local_vars=4
PeasVict.int    ; Peasant victim for random encounters.                                       # local_vars=4
HRoulet.int     ; roulette dealer from the hub                                                # local_vars=4
JunkPeas.int    ; generic peasant in Junktown                                                 # local_vars=6
Teacher.int     ; Teacher in the Brotherhood.                                                 # local_vars=4
Genscrib.int    ; Scribe in Brotherhood                                                       # local_vars=4
Genknigh.int    ; Knight in Brotherhood                                                       # local_vars=4
Genpalad.int    ; Paladin in Brotherhood                                                      # local_vars=4
Hslots.int      ; Slot machines in the Hub                                                    # local_vars=4
RipUp2Dn.int    ; Stairs up from the Rippers' cellar.                                         # local_vars=0
RipDn2Up.int    ; Stairs down from the Rippers' hideout.                                      # local_vars=0
Rd1Scrb1.int    ; Random Scribe from the Brotherhood                                          # local_vars=4
Rd1Knig.int     ; Random Dialog for the Knights in the Brotherhood                            # local_vars=4
term.int        ; terminal in the Brotherhood            # map_init                           # local_vars=4
term1.int       ; terminal in the Brotherhood            # map_init                           # local_vars=4
term2.int       ; terminal in the Brotherhood            # map_init                           # local_vars=4
term3.int       ; terminal in the Brotherhood            # map_init                           # local_vars=4
term4.int       ; terminal in the Brotherhood            # map_init                           # local_vars=4
term5.int       ; terminal in the Brotherhood            # map_init                           # local_vars=4
term6.int       ; terminal in the Brotherhood            # map_init                           # local_vars=4
term7.int       ; terminal in the Brotherhood            # map_init                           # local_vars=4
term8.int       ; terminal in the Brotherhood            # map_init                           # local_vars=4
Locker.int      ; generic locked locker                                                       # local_vars=4
Mantis.int      ; preying Mantis                                                              # local_vars=4
WorkRoom.int    ; exploding work table in the Brotherhood              # map_init             # local_vars=6
MadBrot.int     ; mad scientist in the brotherhood                                            # local_vars=9
Women.int       ; women in the raiders camp which can be killed                               # local_vars=4
Sink.int        ; You can use this sink to dirty your hands                                   # local_vars=4
Revulse.int     ; Corridor of revulsion                                                       # local_vars=4
fieldgen.int    ; field generator in the military base                                        # local_vars=4
ElevCon.int     ; Elevator Control for the Force Fields to the Nuke Bomb     # map_init       # local_vars=6
Dogmeat.int     ; Bomb to blow up the Followers from the Gunrunners                           # local_vars=4
BroHist.int     ; Holodisk for the Brotherhood history                                        # local_vars=4
SopDisk.int     ; Sophia's History disk of the Brotherhood                                    # local_vars=4
MaxDisk.int     ; Maxson's Version of the history of the Brotherhood                          # local_vars=4
Loot.int        ; Fridge in the Raiders camp                                                  # local_vars=3
HubSafe.int     ; safe for Lorenzo's stuff                # map_init                          # local_vars=4
GenRaidA.int    ; Generic raider for random encounter                                         # local_vars=4
GenRaidB.int    ; Generic raider for random encounter                                         # local_vars=4
GenRaidC.int    ; Generic raider for random encounter                                         # local_vars=4
GenMercA.int    ; Generic Merchant for random encounter                                       # local_vars=4
GenMercB.int    ; Generic merchant for random encounter                                       # local_vars=4
GenMercC.int    ; Generic merchant for random encounter                                       # local_vars=4
GenGrdA.int     ; Generic guard for random encounter                                          # local_vars=4
GenGrdB.int     ; Generic guard for random encounter                                          # local_vars=4
GenGrdC.int     ; Generic guard for random encounter                                          # local_vars=4
GenPalA.int     ; Generic paladin for random encounter                                        # local_vars=4
GenPalB.int     ; Generic paladin for random encounter                                        # local_vars=4
GenPalC.int     ; Generic paladin for random encounter                                        # local_vars=4
CrvnTeam.int    ; Caravan team for the random encounters                                      # local_vars=4
CrvnMstr.int    ; Animals who attack the caravan                                              # local_vars=0
CrvnEnmy.int    ; People who attack the caravans                                              # local_vars=4
KillStor.int    ; stuff for Killian's store                # map_init                         # local_vars=3
CarEnctr.int    ; Caravan Random Encounters                                                   # local_vars=3
GenChat.int     ; generic messagage file                                                      # local_vars=0
CCVan.int       ; Crimson Caravan Dealer (gives jobs) (temp)                                  # local_vars=4
FGTVan.int      ; Far Go Traders Dealer (Gives jobs) (temp)                                   # local_vars=4
WMVan.int       ; Water Merchants Dealer (gives jobs) (temp)                                  # local_vars=4
LaryKnig.int    ; Knight Larry in the Brotherhood                                             # local_vars=6
VreScrib.int    ; Vree's scribe in the brotherhood                                            # local_vars=4
vregrd.int      ; Vree's guard                                                                # local_vars=4
MaxGrd.int      ; Maxson's guard                                                              # local_vars=4
Jerem2.int      ; Jeremia from the Master's Lair                                              # local_vars=6
WoodDoor.int    ; wooden door script to blow up doors                                         # local_vars=3
MetlDoor.int    ; metal door script to blow up doors                                          # local_vars=3
HubEnctr.int    ; Caravan Random encounters return to the hub                                 # local_vars=3
HGenVan2.int    ; caravan people who are leaving the hub (generic)                            # local_vars=3
FGTRtnVn.int    ; Far Go Traders Return to the Hub                                            # local_vars=4
CCRtnVn.int     ; Crimson Caravans Return to the Hub                                          # local_vars=4
WMRtnVn.int     ; Water Merchants Return to the Hub                                           # local_vars=4
AllNOne.int     ; Merchant for the All in One Store                                           # local_vars=6
Armory.int      ; merchant for the Armory Store                                               # local_vars=4
AdyStore.int    ; store in Adytum                           # map_init                        # local_vars=0
ExitLite.int    ; lights for scenery objects                                                  # local_vars=0
Rope.int        ; for message file                                                            # local_vars=0
ArmsDeal.int    ; Jake the Arms Dealer in the Hub                                             # local_vars=4
GDoor.int       ; Ghoul Door in Necropolis                                                    # local_vars=3
JunkJail.int    ; spatial script for the junktown jail cell                                   # local_vars=2
Tread.int       ; ghoul near vault door in Necrop                                             # local_vars=4
Dirtnap.int     ; ghouls near water chip in Necrop                                            # local_vars=4
Valtglo.int     ; generic ghouls in Necrop Vault                                              # local_vars=4
ValtComp.int    ; generic computer for Vault 13                                               # local_vars=2
RedFarm.int     ; red peasant farmer in the Hub                                               # local_vars=5
GrnFarm.int     ; green farmer in the Hub                                                     # local_vars=5
HCaravn1.int    ; Generic Caravan Merchant Gaurd                   # map_init                 # local_vars=4
HCaravn2.int    ; Generic Caravan Merchant Gaurd                   # map_init                 # local_vars=4
HCaravn3.int    ; Generic Caravan Merchant Gaurd                   # map_init                 # local_vars=4
HCaravn4.int    ; Generic Caravan Merchant Gaurd                   # map_init                 # local_vars=4
CRedDoor.int    ; Locked door needing the red COC Badge            # map_init                 # local_vars=4
CBlkDoor.int    ; Locked door needing the Black COC Badge          # map_init                 # local_vars=4
Mat.int         ; Caravan driver at the Hub Entrance               # map_init                 # local_vars=5
Luke.int        ; Caravan driver at the Hub Entrance               # map_init                 # local_vars=4
John.int        ; Security guard at the Entrance of the Hub        # map_init                 # local_vars=4
JDoor.int       ; Jeremiah's secret door in the master's lair      # map_init                 # local_vars=4
Library.int     ; Library in the Vault 13                                                     # local_vars=4
CrashRm.int     ; Spatial for room #1 in the Junktown crash house                             # local_vars=3
JakeDoor.int    ; Door to Jake's shop in the Hub            # map_init                        # local_vars=2
JakeDesk.int    ; Desk in Jake's Shop in the Hub                                              # local_vars=3
Bookcase.int    ; bookcase in master's lair                                                   # local_vars=3
MLOps.int       ; Master's lair Ops Control center                                            # local_vars=3
Viscious.int    ; Viscious from the Master's Lair                                             # local_vars=10
VaultBox.int    ; Water storage box in V 13                     # map_init                    # local_vars=2
MstrComp.int    ; Computer in the Master's Lair                                               # local_vars=4
Childoor.int    ; Secure door in the Children in the Hub                                      # local_vars=5
HWMHost.int     ; just a guy who tells you things in the area                                 # local_vars=4
CarvLead.int    ; Generic destination person who will give you $$     # map_init              # local_vars=8
GenBCase.int    ; generic Bookcase                                                            # local_vars=2
BroInvad.int    ; Brotherhood Paladins who help invade the Cathedral          # map_init      # local_vars=6
FolInvad.int    ; Followers Invaders who help invade the Cathedral            # map_init      # local_vars=6
Mike.int        ; Mike, the Old town guide                                                    # local_vars=5
Vance.int       ; Vance, the drug dealer in the Hub                                           # local_vars=5
Junkie.int      ; Drug Junkie in the Hub                                                      # local_vars=6
NDebris.int     ; North Debris                                                                # local_vars=2
SDebris.int     ; South Debris                                                                # local_vars=2
EDebris.int     ; East Debris                                                                 # local_vars=2
WDebris.int     ; West Debris                                                                 # local_vars=2
GPwrTerm.int    ; Power Terminals in the Glow                                                 # local_vars=4
FootPrnt.int    ; Spatial of Ghoul footprints leading to the sewer                            # local_vars=2
WMGuard.int     ; Water Merchant Gaurd                                                        # local_vars=4
GSenRob.int     ; sentry droid for the Glow                                                   # local_vars=4
GloYlDor.int    ; Yellow security door in the Glow                                            # local_vars=6
WMGroup.int     ; Water Merchants--generic ppl around the merchants                           # local_vars=5
CCGuard.int     ; Crimson Caravan guards from the Hub                                         # local_vars=4
BoxGuard.int    ; guards around the boxing arena in Junktown                                  # local_vars=4
GunCache.int    ; Cache of Gunrunners weapons                         # map_init              # local_vars=4
SDoor.int       ; Door that can't be openned                                                  # local_vars=1
PowerMut.int    ; Super mutant guarding power armour                                          # local_vars=4
bullbord.int    ; Bulletin board outside of the hub                                           # local_vars=2
GunCase.int     ; Suitcase that the gunrunners give you                                       # local_vars=0
Gunther.int     ; Just some guy in the Hub                                                    # local_vars=6
Slappy.int      ; Crazed bum in the Hub                                                       # local_vars=6
CathShop.int    ; Person in the Cathedral who sells things          # map_init                # local_vars=6
CathCase.int    ; Bookcase in the cathedral to hold items           # map_init                # local_vars=0
Kyle.int        ; Kyle from the Brotherhood                                                   # local_vars=7
Lemmy.int       ; guy that Gus designed to point you around                                   # local_vars=10
Bethgrd.int     ; guys outside the weapons shop                                               # local_vars=6
DCMutant.int    ; Dying Mutant in the deathclaw cave                                          # local_vars=6
FGTCarvn.int    ; Far Go Trader caravan peoples                                               # local_vars=15
MutAmbsh.int    ; Mutant Ambush for the Random Encounters                                     # local_vars=4
DocLockr.int    ; Doc Morbid's locker                                                         # local_vars=5
CrashBox.int    ; Crash house fridge                                                          # local_vars=4
SkumDoor.int    ; Skum Pit door                                     # map_init                # local_vars=4
SupAmbsh.int    ; Super Mutant Ambush for random encounters                                   # local_vars=4
MoatChek.int    ; dex check for the moat                                                      # local_vars=4
MystStrn.int    ; Mysterious Stranger Script                                                  # local_vars=4
SupGrd.int      ; Supply guards for the Brotherhood                                           # local_vars=4
SupDoor.int     ; Supply door in the Brotherhood                                              # local_vars=4
VWepLokr.int    ; Vats Weapon Locker                                # map_init                # local_vars=4
BroLock.int     ; Brotherhood footlockers                                                     # local_vars=4
ValtDisk.int    ; Holodisk that gives all vault locations                                     # local_vars=4
Staple.int      ; Mrs. Stapleton in the Hub (librarian)                                       # local_vars=10
Klaxon.int      ; Alarm in the Vats                                 # map_init                # local_vars=4
Toggle.int      ; Toggle switch for the Vats                                                  # local_vars=2
Paul.int        ; Paul from the weapons division in the Brotherhood                           # local_vars=6
HtwrLeon.int    ; Leon the guard at the Hightower place                                       # local_vars=6
VPlsTrap.int    ; Vats Plasma Trrap                                                           # local_vars=3
VExdTrap.int    ; Vats Explosion trap                                                         # local_vars=3
VElcTrap.int    ; Vats Electric Trap                                                          # local_vars=3
HtwrGrge.int    ; George the guard for the hightowers                                         # local_vars=7
HtwrRick.int    ; Rick, yet another of hightwoers guards                                      # local_vars=6
HtwrBox.int     ; strongbox w/ a necklace in it                                               # local_vars=6
KilDoor1.int    ; Killian Door 1                                  # map_init                  # local_vars=3
KilDoor2.int    ; Killian Door 2                                  # map_init                  # local_vars=3
Emiter1a.int    ; Force Field Emitter 1a for MBStrg12             # map_init                  # local_vars=4
Field1a.int     ; Force Field for Emitter 1a                      # map_init                  # local_vars=4
MorbCool.int    ; Morbid's cooler                                                             # local_vars=3
HtwrDoor.int    ; Front door to the Hightower's place                                         # local_vars=4
Field2a.int     ; Force Field for Emitter 2a                      # map_init                  # local_vars=4
Emiter2a.int    ; Force Field Emitter 2a for MBStrg12             # map_init                  # local_vars=4
Field3a.int     ; Force Field for Emitter 3a                      # map_init                  # local_vars=4
Emiter3a.int    ; Force Field Emitter 3a for MBStrg12             # map_init                  # local_vars=4
Field4a.int     ; Force Field for Emitter 4a                      # map_init                  # local_vars=4
Emiter4a.int    ; Force Field Emitter 4a for MBStrg12             # map_init                  # local_vars=4
Field5a.int     ; Force Field for Emitter 5a                      # map_init                  # local_vars=4
Emiter5a.int    ; Force Field Emitter 5a for MBStrg12             # map_init                  # local_vars=4
Field6a.int     ; Force Field for Emitter 6a                      # map_init                  # local_vars=4
Emiter6a.int    ; Force Field Emitter 6a for MBStrg12             # map_init                  # local_vars=4
Floater.int     ; Generic Floaters for Random Encounters                                      # local_vars=4
Lenore.int      ; Denizen of Junktown                                                         # local_vars=4
BitsBob.int     ; Iguna Bob from the Hub                                                      # local_vars=10
KaneDoor.int    ; Door for Kane in the Hub                                                    # local_vars=2
Field1b.int     ; Force Field for Emitter 2a                      # map_init                  # local_vars=4
Emiter1b.int    ; Force Field Emitter 2a for MBStrg12             # map_init                  # local_vars=4
Field2b.int     ; Force Field for Emitter 3a                      # map_init                  # local_vars=4
Emiter2b.int    ; Force Field Emitter 3a for MBStrg12             # map_init                  # local_vars=4
PainFeld.int    ; Pain Field in the Vats                                                      # local_vars=0
Field1c.int     ; Force Field for Emitter 2a                      # map_init                  # local_vars=4
Emiter1c.int    ; Force Field Emitter 2a for MBStrg12             # map_init                  # local_vars=4
Field2c.int     ; Force Field for Emitter 3a                      # map_init                  # local_vars=4
Emiter2c.int    ; Force Field Emitter 3a for MBStrg12             # map_init                  # local_vars=4
Field1d.int     ; Force Field for Emitter 2a                      # map_init                  # local_vars=4
Emiter1d.int    ; Force Field Emitter 2a for MBStrg12             # map_init                  # local_vars=4
VBrokElv.int    ; Broken elevator in the Vats                                                 # local_vars=0
Stuff.int       ; the Ghouls stuff in Necropolis                                              # local_vars=4
ArmDoor.int     ; armory door in the Vats                                                     # local_vars=4
RegGuard.int    ; Regulator guard for the boneyard                                            # local_vars=10
HotGhoul.int    ; ghoul in the Hotel of Doom                                                  # local_Vars=4
LtGuard.int     ; guards near the Lt.                                                         # local_vars=4
MorpComp.int    ; computer in morpheus' room                                                  # local_Vars=1
SetDoor.int     ; trapped and locked door                                                     # local_vars=5
Invader.int     ; Invader for Necropolis                                                      # local_vars=4
PGuard.int      ; Personal guard to Zimmerman                                                 # local_vars=6
FryStub.int     ; a short dep Fry. in Decker's hideout                                        # local_vars=7
Nukegrd.int     ; guard for nuke in masters vault                                             # local_vars=7
Hord.int        ; hord of troops called by master                                             # local_vars=5
Dugan.int       ; The Weez                                                                    # local_vars=6
MacRae.int      ; Helper Blade to find Leader of Blades                                       # local_vars=6
CCGuard1.int    ; Crimson Caravan Guard 1                                                     # local_vars=5
CCGuard2.int    ; Crimson Caravan Guard 2                                                     # local_vars=5
MomClaw.int     ; Mother Deathclaw                                                            # local_vars=5
RoamClaw.int    ; Roaming Deathclaw                                                           # local_vars=5
BYMike.int      ; Mike from the Boneyard (Blade)                                              # local_vars=4
BYChris.int     ; Blade Chris from the Boneyard                                               # local_vars=7
BYGreg.int      ; Blade Greg from the Boneyard                                                # local_vars=8
InBlade.int     ; Invasion Blades                                                             # local_vars=7
EggClaw.int     ; Deathclaw egg                                                               # local_vars=4
Radscor2.int    ; Doesn't start out hostile.                                                  # local_vars=3
VanceBox.int    ; Box where vance keeps his trading items            # map_init               # local_vars=3
BethBox.int     ; Box where Beth keeps his trading items             # map_init               # local_vars=3
EmiterH.int     ; force ield emiter for Vat Control Room                                      # local_vars=4
RhomDoor.int    ; Door to rhombus's area                             # map_init               # local_vars=4
RhomLock.int    ; Locker in rhombus' room                            # map_init               # local_vars=4
WanRat2.int     ; Non-hostile Rats                                                            # local_vars=2
Irwin.int       ; farmer who lost his farm                                                    # local_vars=7
Armor.int       ; Armor on Kyle's worktable                                                   # local_vars=4
MitchBox.int    ; Mitch's box of inven                                                        # local_vars=4
FarmRaid.int    ; Raider who is attacking a farm in the Hub                                   # local_vars=6
Mathia.int      ; Maxson's Assistant                                                          # local_vars=9
JTile.int       ; Spatial script to trigger door in the Master's Vault                        # local_vars=4
Stampede.int    ; stampede random encounter                                                   # local_vars=4
HighEld.int     ; Elders for the Brotherhood                                                  # local_vars=8
MoleRat2.int    ; Another stupid molerat                                                      # local_vars=3
BroEld.int      ; Brotherhood elder (generic)                                                 # local_vars=4
Rndecspl.int    ; Another random encounter script                                             # local_vars=4
IceChest.int    ; box where Garl can place player's stuff                # map_init           # local_vars=4
LtCodes.int     ; Codes the Lt is holding                                                     # local_vars=4
PrisFeld.int    ; prisoner force field in the master's lair             # map_init            # local_vars=4
PsyField.int    ; psycker's force field in the master's lair            # map_init            # local_vars=4
Kenny.int       ; They killed Kenny!                                                          # local_vars=6
SuplyGrd.int    ; supply guards for 1st level brotherhood                                     # local_vars=8
HubMis1.int     ; map script for HubMis1.map                                                  # local_vars=0
RndEcGen.int    ; Generic Random encounter monsters                                           # local_vars=4
GenLock.int     ; generic foot locker which is locked                                         # local_vars=4
RegDisk.int     ; Rugulator holodisk                                                          # local_vars=4
HubPris.int     ; Prisoner in the Hub                                                         # local_vars=5
LAFollwr.int    ; map script for the followers                                                # local_vars=0
RaidDoor.int    ; the cell door for tandi in the raiders                                      # local_vars=4
GenEmit.int     ; generic damaged force field emitter                                         # local_vars=4
Test.int        ; testing scripts