
MOON Herd NPCM Clyde — диалоговый файл Клайда.

MOON_MSignals (00690659)[]

# Dialog Topic Speaker Form ID Speaker Start Scene Form ID INFO group Prompt Dialogue Form ID Response Text Script Notes*
6 0069065b 006906d7 Клайд MOON_Herd_Clyde_Idles 006bee35 Clyde looks around being protective and cautious. Looks right quickly animation.
7 006906d7 Клайд MOON_Herd_Clyde_Idles 006bee36 Clyde looks around being protective and cautious. Looks left slowly animation.
8 006906d7 Клайд MOON_Herd_Clyde_Idles 006bee37 Clyde looks around being protective and cautious. Looks right slowly animation.
9 006906d7 Клайд MOON_Herd_Clyde_Idles 006bee38 Clyde looks around being protective and cautious. Looks left quickly animation.

18 0069065b 006906d7 Клайд MOON_Herd_Clyde_Greetings 00690792 Clyde smiles if he recognizes the player and then shrugs about the situation.
24 006906d7 Клайд MOON_Herd_Clyde_Greetings 006bee39 Clyde shakes his head if the player tries to talk to him.
25 006906d7 Клайд MOON_Herd_Clyde_Greetings 006bee3a Clyde is annoyed the player is trying to speak to him during his terminal animation stages.
66 006c2fee 006906d7 Клайд 006c2ffa Clyde crosses his arms and shakes his head in disappointment.
67 006c2fef 006906d7 Клайд 006c3000 Clyde crosses his arms and shakes his head in disappointment.
66 006c2fee 006906d7 Клайд 006c2ffa Clyde crosses his arms and shakes his head in disappointment.
67 006c2fef 006906d7 Клайд 006c3000 Clyde crosses his arms and shakes his head in disappointment.
68 006c2ff0 006906d7 Клайд 006c3001 Clyde raises an eyebrow and shrugs at Vera as she says they need to abandon the pitstop.
69 006c2ff1 006906d7 Клайд 006c2ffc Clyde applauds the players for the victory.
70 006c2ff2 006906d7 Клайд 006c2ffe Clyde is surprised about the enemies dying. He thinks for a moment then continues to use the terminal.
71 006c2ff3 006906d7 Клайд 006c2ff9 Clyde is surprised about the enemies dying. He thinks for a moment then continues to use the terminal.
72 006c2ff4 006906d7 Клайд 006c2ffd Clyde is surprised by the BD showing up.
73 006c2ff5 006906d7 Клайд 006c2ff8 Clyde is surprised by the malfunctioning speaker tower.
74 006c2ff6 006906d7 Клайд 006c2fff Clyde is surprised by the malfunctioning speaker tower.
75 006c2ff7 006906d7 Клайд 006c2ffb Clyde is surprised by the malfunctioning speaker tower.

* Комментарии разработчиков для актёров озвучивания.

[SeventySix.esm] MOON_MMPitstop_Dialogue (00693d49)[]

# Dialog Topic Speaker Form ID Speaker Start Scene Form ID INFO group Prompt Dialogue Form ID Response Text Script Notes*
2 00693d4a 006906d7 Клайд MOON_Herd_DialoguePitstop_Clyde_Hub MOON_Herd_DialoguePitstop_Clyde_Greetings 00693d5b General greeting, raising an eyebrow.
8 006906d7 Клайд MOON_Herd_DialoguePitstop_Clyde_Hub MOON_Herd_DialoguePitstop_Clyde_Greetings 006bc7bc Happy to see the player after they helped the Pitstop.
9 006906d7 Клайд MOON_Herd_DialoguePitstop_Clyde_Hub MOON_Herd_DialoguePitstop_Clyde_Greetings 006bc7bd Notices the player is drunk or high. Smirks because they are likely a good customer.
46 0069f30e 006906d7 Клайд Я гляжу, у вас тут снова полный порядок. 0069f35a Player question after the event has been completed. He is happy to see them and gives them a drink.
47 0069f310 006906d7 Клайд MOON_Herd_DialoguePitstop_Clyde_ClydeInfo Чем тут можно заняться? 0069f350 He raises his eyebrow in question.
48 0069f314 006906d7 Клайд Пожалуй, я лучше пойду. 0069f357 He raises his eyebrows in response.
49 0069f316 006906d7 Клайд [Выпить пиво] Да здравствует стоянка! 0069f384 He pounds the bar, cheering the player on as they chug down the beer. Player consumes a beer from this choice.
50 0069f318 006906d7 Клайд MOON_Herd_DialoguePitstop_Clyde_Hub Спасибо, но я это даже трогать не стану. 0069f35c He raises his eyebrows surprised. The player does not consume the beer offered.
51 0069f320 006906d7 Клайд Не любишь болтать? 0069f34e He gives you an annoyed look. (Clyde Expression: What do you think?)
52 0069f322 006906d7 Клайд Каково работать на компанию «Блю ридж караван»? 0069f376 A facial expression alone as a responce.
53 0069f324 006906d7 Клайд MOON_Herd_DialoguePitstop_Clyde_Hub Неважно. 0069f355 Responds with raising eyebrows.
64 006bc7b5 006906d7 Клайд MOON_Herd_DialoguePitstop_Clyde_Hub MOON_Herd_Clyde_DrinkCheck 006bc7b8 He sizes the player up to be a weak drinker. Gives the player a soft drink.
65 006906d7 Клайд MOON_Herd_DialoguePitstop_Clyde_Hub MOON_Herd_Clyde_DrinkCheck 006bc7b9 He sizes the player up to handle alcohol. Gives the player a Beer.
66 006906d7 Клайд MOON_Herd_DialoguePitstop_Clyde_Hub MOON_Herd_Clyde_DrinkCheck 006bc7bb He sizes the player up to be a drinker. Gives the player some hard liquor.
67 006be88f 006906d7 Клайд А чем торгуют в другом магазине? 006be894 A facial expression alone as a responce.
68 006be891 006906a7 Клайд MOON_Herd_DialoguePitstop_Clyde_Drink [10 крышек] Дай выпить. 006be893 He gets a drink from under the bar, based on player’s Endurance. He gives the player a random drink from three selections. He takes 10 caps.
69 006c1351 006906d7 Клайд 006c1354 Reset to base expression. (Stern)
70 006c1352 006906d7 Клайд MOON_Herd_DialoguePitstop_Clyde_ClydeInfo 006c1355 Reset to base expression. (Eyebrow Up)
71 006c8649 006906d7 Клайд MOON_Herd_DialoguePitstop_Clyde_Hub 006c864b Just a stage to send back to dialogue hub.
72 006c864a MOON_Herd_DialoguePitstop_Clyde_FreeBeer 006c864c

* Комментарии разработчиков для актёров озвучивания.
