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Penelope "Penny" Hornwright était la Directrice des Opérations en chef chez Hornwright Industrial, dans les Appalaches, avant la Grande Guerre.


Penny attended Vault-Tec University, from which she graduated summa cum laude with a double major in Business Administration and Geological Science in 2070.[1]

She held two internships prior to her graduation. One in the operations department of Hornwright Industrial in the summer of 2068 and one in the automation department of Atomic Mining Services (AMS) in the summer of 2069, where she helped to establish business agreements between AMS and Hornwright Industrial.[2][1]

She had plans to marry Bryce Garrahan,[3] son of the owner of Hornwright's business competitor, Garrahan Mining.

Some of her personal journal entries were recorded in the terminal at Hornwright Estate.[4]


Penelope Hornwright est mentionnée uniquement dans Fallout 76.


  1. 1,0 et 1,1 Penelope Hornwright's resume
  2. AMS corporate headquarters terminal entries#Partnership Report: Hornwright
  3. Hornwright Estate terminal entries#Outgoing Mail System - Entry 04
  4. Hornwright Estate terminal entries#Penny Hornwright's terminal