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Informationen über eine Übersicht der Stimpaktypen in allen Spielen sind im Artikel Stimpak zu finden.

Das Super-Stimpak zur Auto-Injektion ist ein Verbrauchsgegenstand im Fallout: New Vegas Add-On Lonesome Road.


The auto-inject super stimpak is a modified super stimpak which monitors vital signs, allowing for timely emergency treatment.

It is used automatically from the player's inventory when their Hit Points drop below 25% of current maximum level.


10+72 Hit Points +24 Hit Points for 3s
20+84 Hit Points +28 Hit Points for 3s
30+96 Hit Points +32 Hit Points for 3s
40+108 Hit Points +36 Hit Points for 3s
50+120 Hit Points +40 Hit Points for 3s
60+132 Hit Points +44 Hit Points for 3s
70+144 Hit Points +48 Hit Points for 3s
80+156 Hit Points +52 Hit Points for 3s
90+168 Hit Points +56 Hit Points for 3s
100+180 Hit Points +60 Hit Points for 3s
Info: Strength ist nicht von der Medicine Fertigkeitsstufe betroffen.
Info: Agility ist nicht von der Medicine Fertigkeitsstufe betroffen.


This item can be crafted by the player.


Super-Stimpak (1)
Lonesome Road add-on
Auto-inject super stimpak (1)

¹ Craftable without a workbench via a dialogue option with Veronica, or with ED-E once the add-on Lonesome Road is installed.



  • Unlike a regular super stimpak, the auto-inject super stimpak has weight.
  • Crafting this item in the Sierra Madre will not help with damage from the Cloud in Hardcore mode.
  • The Auto-inject super stimpak actually heals less health than its manual counterpart — the GECK lists the healing rate for casual mode without the Fast Metabolism perk as 54 health, compared to 60 health with the manual version. In hardcore mode, without Fast Metabolism, it heals 18 health over 3 seconds, compared to 20 health over 3 seconds with the manual super-stimpak.