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Fallout Wiki
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Willkommen beim Robotermasterterminal der RobCo-Werke! Womit kann ich Ihnen an diesem herrlichen Tag behilflich sein?

Der RobCo-Produktionszentralrechner ist ein Zentralrechner, der im RobCo-Werk in Fallout 3 vorkommt.


The RobCo Production Mainframe is part of the Das Ödland-Überlebenshandbuch Quest, where Moira asks you to install a RobCo-Prozessorvorrichtung in the mainframe, and optionally also hacking it. Once the widget is installed in the mainframe, every robot in the facility will activate and become hostile. To hack the mainframe and complete the optional objective, a Science skill of at least 50 is needed. Once unlocked, the mainframe provides three toggle options to control the robots. The first ("Pest Extermination") protocol makes the robots hostile to the radroaches and mole rats. The second ("Total Liquidation"), active at start, makes them hostile to you and anyone who is friendly towards you. Finally, the third ("Stress Testing") protocol, makes them hostile to each other.


Der RobCo-Produktionszentralrechner kommt nur in Fallout 3 vor.
