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Diese Tabelle wurde zu Archivierungszwecken in einen eigenen Bereich verschoben. Die im Artikel Fallout Shelter Quests verwendete Tabelle, wurde von User:Thironix am 8.8.2018 überarbeitet. Damit keine Daten verloren gehen wurde diese Sicherung angelegt.

Quest Beschreibung Quest Ziel Kurzbeschreibung Anforderungen Belohnungen
Ganz am Anfang Als Trainingsmission möchte Vault-Tec, dass du dich als würdiger Aufseher erweist und eine Leutende RAD-Kakerlake tötest. Töte die Leuchtende RAD-Kakerlake und beende dein Training. Level 1 Nuka-Cola Quantum x15, Lunchbox, Billiardqueue
Against The Odds Okay, maybe 77 is an exaggeration, but there are a lot of them, and only one of you. Have you got what it takes? Kill the Psycho 77's leader. Wipe out the Psycho 77. Level 46, 1 Dweller Minigun, Legendary Junk, Rare Weapon
Ein Ghul-Happening A ghastly Glowing One has taken up residence a little too close to the Vault, and it's drawing in Ghouls like moths to a flame. Extinguish the brilliant beacon before this Ghoulish gathering grows any larger! Elimniere den Leuchtenden. Nimm es mit einem Leuchtenden und seinen Ghul-Schergen auf. Stufe 27, 12+ Waffen Kampfflinte, Seltenes Outfit, 550 Kronkorken
A Poorly Thought-Out Plan Raiders captured and attempted to domesticate a Deathclaw. It did not go well. They all need to die. 1. Eliminate the Raider Leader.
2. Destroy the Deathclaw.
Kill the Raiders and their Deathclaw. Level 44, Junk Jet, 6 Strength Lunchbox, Legendary Junk, Plasma Rifle
Argh, Matey! Grandpa wants to play Pirates, but he needs a Parrot first. Find the Parrot. Find a Parrot. Level 35, 14+ weapons Parrot, Rare Weapon, Rare Outfit
Arms Race The gunsmith's plea came in loud and clear over the radio. “Feral Ghouls! Help! I'll give one of my best pieces to whoever bails me out!” Better hurry if you're going to claim that prize! 1. Eliminate the Feral Ghouls.
2. Claim your reward.
Save the gunsmith from the Feral Ghouls. Level 50, 7 Agility, 7 Endurance Legendary Junk, Legendary Junk, Rare Weapon
Horror Movie Night! One of your Dwellers is feeling... “inspired” by a horror movie he watched. Kill the Raider Boss. Send out a lone Vault Dweller wearing a Horror Fan Outfit to wreck havoc!
Hostage Negotiations Raiders have been snatching up folks all over the Wasteland. Put an end to their scheme, and save their victims. 1. Stop the Raiders.
2. Rescue the hostage.
3 Rescue the hostage.
Defeat the kidnappers and save their victims.
Hot Tub Slime Machine Rumors have been circulating about a Vault with a pool, sauna, and even a hot tub! Search Vault 189 to find this oasis of relaxation, but beware of the ghoul infestation! 1. Find the pool room.
2. Kill the Glowing One.
Find the pool room in Vault 189.
Can't Stop The Signal A strange, high-pitched sound is coming through over the radio. The signal seems to originate from an old, abandoned builidngRechtschreibung, Zeichensetzung und/oder Grammatik im SpielRechtschreibung, Zeichensetzung und/oder Grammatik im Spiel. Find the signal's source. Investigate a strange radio broadcast.
Captured Critter There's a lost and lonely animal who'd love to come home to your Vault. Too bad some hungry Ghouls found it first. Rescue the Pet from the hungry Ghouls. Save a lost Pet from some hungry Ghouls. Level 20, 9+ weapons Pet Carrier
Choo-Choo! One of your Dwellers won’t stop calling himself “The Pain Train.” Let’s make that nickname a reality... Kill the Raider Boss. Send a lone Vault Dweller with a Railway Rifle out to wreck havoc!
Clean-Up On Aisle Five A group of Raiders that have been preying on the locals is using a Super Duper Mart as their headquarters. Time to take down their leader! Kill the Raider Boss at the Super Duper Mart. Kill the Raider Boss at the Super Duper Mart.
CoveWatch! The Vault has received word of a TV pilot filming nearby. It's almost certainly a trap, but send your most physically attractive Dwellers dressed for the part just in case. Explore the building. Auditions for a TV Show, or trap? Level 23, 10+ weapons Sniper Rifle, Rare Junk, 435 caps
Den of Thieves Red Rachel is a ruthless Raider boss, and she's stolen some of your supplies. Take back what's yours, and teach that reckless rogue a lesson! 1. Reclaim the lost supplies.
2. Confront the Raider Boss.
Reclaim the stolen supplies from the Raiders.
Diplomatic Mission! A local settlement wants to make contact with our Vault! We should send some diplomats. Talk to the settlers. Send a team in Formal Wear out to talk to a settlement.
Beware of Over-dog! The Overseer from Vault 850 has sent us a distress signal! The catch is the Overseer is apparently a dog... Find the Overseer of Vault 850. Go to Vault 850 and find the Overseer.
Burnout Mole rats! Is there any creature more sneaky or disgusting? Grab a flamer and clear out a nest of those tunnelling terrors. Clear out the Mole rat nest. Put a nest of pesky Mole rats to the torch. Level 40, Flamer, 7 Strength Nuka-Cola Quantum x2, Legendary Junk, Rare Outfit
Monday Night Brawl A nearby Raider gang is calling you out! Time to show them who's boss...in style! Strap on your ring gear and start kicking butt! 1. Defeat Beef Slam Bednarski.
2. Defeat Hatchet O'Houlihan.
3. Defeat The Embalmer.
Defeat the Raider Bosses.
My Metal Pony Will you use it for spare parts, or riding in your spare time? Up to you, you're the Overseer. Send Dwellers to get one! Find a Giddyup Buttercup. Find a Giddyup Buttercup. Level 41, Railway Rifle, 6 Perception Giddyup Buttercup
My Weird Science Project What better way to learn about the deadly Glowing Radscorpion than first-hand observation? Send your research team to the monster's lair. Of course, you'll need to kill it first. Eliminate the Glowing Radscorpion. Kill the Glowing Radscorpion in the name of science! Level 38, Lab Coat, 7 Intelligence Nuka-Cola Quantum x2, Legendary Junk, Plasma Rifle
Out of the Vault, Into the Shadows For too long, the evil bandit Eli Calvert has raided the innocent Dwellers of the Wasteland. For the honor of your Vault, assemble your ninjas and rain death upon Eli and his gang of madmen! Kill Eli Calvert. Destroy Eli Calvert's Raiders with your Ninja Death Squad.
Overwhelming Force There’s no sense toying around with Raiders when we can just crush them! Send a group loaded with Power Armor out to a local Raider camp and deal with their Boss. Kill the Raider Boss. Send a group of Dwellers in Power Armor to clear out a Raider camp.
Queen of the Deathclaws! A Raider calling herself the Queen of the Deathclaws has been terrorizing the Wasteland! 1. Kill the Queen of the Deathclaws.
2. Kill the Queen's Alpha Deathclaw.
Defeat an Alpha Deathclaw and the Raider controlling it.
Radiation Leak! A neighboring Vault has had a massive radiation leak and the citizens have turned into Feral Ghouls! Rescue the Vault Overseer. Send a team with Radiation Suits to a neighboring Vault. Level 22, Radiation Suit, 10+ weapons Rare Junk
Reign of Radroach Rodney! Radroach Rodney and his army of mind-controlled Radroaches are invading the Wasteland! Kill Radroach Rodney. Defeat Radroach Rodney and his Radroaches!
Scientific Progress Cutting-edge science requires materials and demands sacrifice. So sacrifice some Raiders in the name of Science and take all their stuff! Kill the Raider Boss. Don't let anything stand in the way of Science! Level 42, Institue Rifle, Advanced Institute Jumper Focused Alien Blaster, Legendary Junk, Rare Weapon
Shotgun Wedding A love-struck Raider boss has decided to get married, even though his bride-to-be wants no part of it. Save the kidnapped beauty from the clutches of her unwanted groom. 1. Rescue the kidnapped Vault Dweller.
2. Defeat the Raider Boss.
Rescue the kidnapped Vault Dweller from the Raider Boss. Level 26, 11+ weapons Rare Outfit
Target Practice Your Dwellers can always use a chance to improve their weapon skills. It's not quite a target range, but the next best thing. Kill the Glowing Radroach. Go hunting for Radroaches. Level 3, 2+ weapons Nuka-Cola Quantum x2, Scoped .44, Common Junk
The Brothers Grime Few Raiders play dirtier than the two Raider bosses known as the Brothers Grime. Teach these black-hearted sibling scoundrels a lesson. 1. Kill the Brothers Grime.
2. Kill the Brothers Grime.
Confront a dastardly pair of Raider siblings. Level 18, 5+ weapons Hunting Rifle, Rare Outfit, Rare Junk
The Haunting of Vault 110 Like most bullies, Raiders are usually cowards. Rumor has it the Raider boss who just took over Vault 110 is exactly that, so maybe you can scare him off without a fight. Scare off the Raider Boss. Scare off a Raider Boss holed up in a Vault.
The Scorpion... King? Folks are being stung all over, and the problem is coming from Earl's Radscorpion Emporium. Time to put him out of business. 1. Find Earl.
2. Kill the Glowing Radscorpion.
Raising Radscorpions is hazardous business. Level 32, Plasma Pistol, 5 Agility Common Junk
Too Good to be True That abandoned Vault stocked with supplies? That's Deathclaw territory now. How he got in there, nobody knows, but you won't get to the stash without facing him first. Time to break out the big guns! Claim the supply stash in the abandoned Vault. Claim a stash of supplies... if you can get past the Deathclaw that's guarding them! Level 50, Minigun, 7 Strength Lunchbox, Mr. Handy
Wasteland Doctoring We've picked up a radio transmission. A nearby settlement has sick and wounded in need of help! Talk to the settlement leader. Bring medical aid to a nearby settlement. Level 50, Wasteland Surgeon Legendary Junk, Rare Blueprint
Welcome to Paradise I've discovered a map leading to Vault 242, where the “Dwellers” were all creatures rather than humans. I should follow the map and unlock the secrets this Vault has to offer. 1 Explore Vault 242.
2 Kill the Alpha Deathclaw.
Unlock the secrets of Vault 242.
With Friends Like These I've found a ransom note written by a Raider Boss named Willard Glover. He says he's captured a settler and taken him to the nearby Corvega Factory. 1 Kill Willard Glover.
2 Rescue the settler.
Rescue the settler trapped in the Corvega Factory. Level 50, 15+ weapons Pet Carrier, Mr. Handy, MIRV
Firestarter One of your Dwellers is a serial arsonist. We’ve decided to employ their talents outside the Vault. Kill the Raider Boss. Send a lone Vault Dweller with a Flamethrower out to wreck havoc!
Game of Vaults Hear ye, Hear ye! A fierce and loathesome beast has been terrorizing the villagers througout the land. Track it to it's lair and slay the creature. 1. Slay the Deathclaw.
2. Find the treasure.
3. Save the princess.
Slay the Dragon (Deathclaw).
Ghooooooooooooooooooul! Strange radio signals have been emitting from Vault 93. Sounds like old sports broadcasts from before the bombs dropped. Go check it out! Explore Vault 93. Explore the ruins of Vault 93.
Wonders of Nature Famed scientist Otto von Hurfburg is nearby, researching the mating habits of Radscorpions. Make sure he's not in over his head. 1. Find Dr. Hurfburg.
2. Kill the Glowing Radscorpion.
Dr. Hurfburg vs. Pincers of Peril! Level 35, Combat Shotgun, 5 Intelligence Gauss Rifle, 735 caps
Wonders of Science Famed scientist Otto von Hurfburg is nearby, searching for a modern-day Fountain of Youth. Find him, and learn what he's discovered! 1. Find Dr. Hurfburg.
2. Kill the Glowing One.
Dr. Hurfburg is on a Quest for knowledge and adventure! Level 25, 11+ weapons Nuka-Cola Quantum x4, Rare Junk
Wonders of Technology Famed scientist Otto von Hurfburg is nearby, working on a Mr. Handy capable of exploring space. See what he's discovered! Где-то здесь знаменитый ученый Отто фон Хурфбург создает Мистера Помощника, 1. Find Dr. Hurfburg.
2. Kill the Alpha Deathclaw.
Dr. Hurfburg is on a Quest for knowledge and adventure!
Robot Retrieval We think Vault-Tec delivered a Mr. Handy Box to this building. Pip pip cheerio! Find the Mr. Handy Box. Find the Mr. Handy Box.
Animal Rescue You're not going to leave adorable animals trapped in that building, are you? Recover the Pet Carrier. Find any lost animals. Level 50 Pet Carrier, Legendary Junk, Rare Weapon
Bounty: Bash The Raider Boss known as “Bash” has made one too many enemies. Claim the bounty on his head! Kill Bash. Take down the Raider Boss Bash and claim your reward!
Bounty: Yak The Mole Rat Brood Mother known as “Yak” has stolen her last snackcake! Whack Yak to claim your reward. Whack Yak. Take down the Mole Rat Brood Mother known as Yak and claim your reward!
Bounty: Snips There's a bounty out on “Snips,” a Glowing Radscorpion. Put down that pest and the reward's as good as yours. Exterminate “Snips.” Exterminate the Glowing Radscorpion known as “Snips” and claim the bounty on its carapace!
Bounty: Shiner The Glowing One known as “Shiner” has made trouble for the last time. Put him on ice to claim your reward. Kill Shiner. Take down the Glowing One known as Shiner and claim your reward!
Bounty: 'Ol One-Eye Someone's put a bounty on the head of a meddlesome Radroach known as 'Ol One-Eye. Swat that bug and claim your reward! Kill 'Ol One-Eye. Help 'Ol One-Eye shuffle off this mortal coil and collect your bounty!
Bounty: Butcher There's a bounty on an Alpha Deathclaw known as “Butcher.” Don't worry. I'm sure it's just a nickname. But take her down and you'll earn yourself a hefty prize. Kill “Butcher.” Eliminate the Alpha Deathclaw known as “Butcher” to collect your bounty!
Factory Floor of Fear While exploring, Dwellers found a note warning everyone to stay away from an old industrial complex. If folks have kept clear, it might still hold something useful. Explore the industrial complex. Explore a dangerous industrial area. 100,000 caps, Pet Carrier, Legendary Weapon
Duo of Destruction: Mole Rat Brood Mothers Two Mole Rat Brood Mothers have been spotted at the nearby dog food factory. It's about time someone took them down. 1. Eliminate the first Mole Rat Brood Mother.
2. Eliminate the second Mole Rat Brood Mother.
Eliminate the two Mole Rat Brood Mothers at the old dog food factory!
Duo of Destruction: Glowing Radscorpions Two Glowing Radscorpions are causing havoc in Vault 512! Squash those bugs good! 1 Eliminate the first Glowing Radscorpion.
2. Eliminate the second Glowing Radscorpion.
Exterminate both of the Glowing Radscorpions in Vault 512!
Duo of Destruction: Glowing Radroaches Two Glowing Radroaches have chased the residents of the “Nuclear Arms Apartments” out of their home. Time for a little exterminating. 1. Eliminate the first Glowing Radroach.
2. Eliminate the second Glowing Radroach.
Exterminate the pair of Glowing Radroaches residing at the Nuclear Arms Apartments!
Duo of Destruction: Glowing One (x2!) A pair of Glowing Ones have taken over an old Fusion Core factory. Toss those Ghouls out on their keisters! 1. Eliminate the first Glowing One.

2. Eliminate the second Glowing One.

Put down the pair of Glowing Ones at the old Fusion Core factory!
Duo of Destruction: Alpha Deathclaws' Two Alpha Deathclaws have decided to make their home at the old Grotton Depot. Yikes! Time to bring out the big guns! 1. Kill the first Alpha Deathclaw.
2. Kill the second Alpha Deathclaw.
Put down an angry pair of Alpha Deathclaws!
Dog Shelter Someone let Fido out without a leash. Guess you'll need to get him back. Rescue Fido. Rescue Fido from the Ghouls.
Big Trouble Clever Alpha Deathclaw, hiding in that Red Rocket Fuel station to ambush unsuspecting travelers. There's only one way to deal with a threat like that. Eliminate the Alpha Deathclaw. Eliminate the Alpha Deathclaw lurking in the Red Rocket Fuel Station.
Vault 789 While out exploring, one of your Dwellers found an old advertisement for Vault 789. Time to check it out! Explore Vault 789. Time to check out Vault 789!
The Mystery of Vault 666 While adventuring, a Dweller discovered a map to Vault 666. It's not on any official Vault-Tec registry. What secrets could it hold? Investigate Vault 666. Vault 666 isn't on any official Vault-Tec registry. Time to investigate.
Take Me Out to the Ball Game Slugger the Raider is hosting a baseball game, but he forgot to invite you. Time to throw him out at home plate. Defeat Slugger. Beat Slugger the Raider at his own game.
Signal Failure You've picked up a distress signal emanating from the supposedly abandoned Vault 233. It's up to you to investigate. Find the source of the Vault 233 distress signal. Follow up on the old distress signal emanating from Vault 233!
Revenge of the Geeks Who says accountants are wimps? Answer the questions or face the consequences. Answer all the questions. Test your math skills.
Mall Madness Who knew shopping could be so dangerous? Kill the Glowing One. The mall has been overrun!
Game Show Gauntlet You've been invited to play Lose Your Head! Answer the questions or... Answer all the questions. Play to win!
Honeymoon Horror Newlyweds will do the craziest things, like go out of the Vault for a honeymoon and not come back. Rescue the newlyweds. Rescue the newyledsRechtschreibung, Zeichensetzung und/oder Grammatik im SpielRechtschreibung, Zeichensetzung und/oder Grammatik im Spiel from the Radscorpions.
Die Kammerjäger Hilf Vault 505 bei seinem RAD-Kakerlakenproblem.

Stufe 9, 3+ Waffen, 3 (P) Wahrnehmung

Laborkittel, seltener Schrott
Übungsschießen Deine Bewohner freuen sich über jede Chance, ihre Waffenfähigkeit zu verbessern. Auch, wenn das hier kein Schießstand ist. Jage RAD-Kakerlaken Stufe 3, 2+ Waffen Nuka-Cola Quantum x2, seltene Waffe, gewöhnlicher Schrott
RAD-Käppchen Wir haben eine unserer Bewohnerinnen losgeschickt, die einem als "Omama" bekannten, nicht wilden Ghul Essen bringen sollte. Allerdings haben wir schon seit einiger Zeit nichts mehr von ihr gehört und müssen nun ein Team losschicken, das der Sache nachgeht! Finde und rette die Essenslieferantin. Stufe 14, 5+ Waffen Nuka-Cola Quantum, seltenes Outfit
Tuuut Tuuut! Einer deiner Bewohner nennt sich nur noch "Der Schmerz-Express" - Zeit, den Spitznamen Wirklichkeit werden zu lassen. Lass einen einsamen Vault-Bewohner mit Gleisgewehr für Chaos sorgen. Stufe 26, Gleisgewehr, 1 Bewohner Nuka-Cola Quantum x3, legendärer Schrott, seltenes Outfit