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Fallout Wiki

Feargus MacRae Urquhart, geboren am 19. April 1970, ist ein Computerspiele-Entwerfer. Urquhart war in der Produktion von beiden, Fallout und Fallout 2 involviert, und arbeitete bis zu letzt am

Van BurenFolgende Informationen basieren auf Van Buren. Sie sind nicht Teil des Kanons.
Projekt bis es schließlich eingestellt wurde. 

Die Fallout Jahre[]

In the mid-1990s, Urquhart joined forces with Tim Cain and others to produce the opening act of what would be the Fallout franchise, "Fallout: A Post-Nuclear Role Playing Game". Following Fallout's 1997 release, team-structure negotiations between Interplay and Cain collapsed, leading to the departure of several principal designers of the original Fallout. In 1998, Urquhart was given the reins to Interplay's newly-created development division for role-playing games, Black Isle Studios.

Fallout 2 was released later that year, but due to a rushed production schedule, numerous bugs and programming mistakes were discovered by the general public. Although many of these mistakes were the result of an abnormally-compressed production schedule, blame was laid mostly at Urquhart's feet. However, Urquhart and the rest of the Black Isle Studios staff worked diligently to patch many of the mistakes that made it into the release.

Das Ende von Interplay, der Anfang von Obsidian[]

In 2003, Interplay fell into serious financial difficulties. In December, the Black Isle Studios division was closed down, and its staff laid off - Urquhart included. With the help of former Fallout colleagues Chris Avellone, Chris Jones, Darren Monahan, and Chris Parker, Urquhart founded Obsidian Entertainment in Santa Ana, California.

Today, Obsidian employs 110 people in a two-and-a-half team setup. Obsidian has also entered into partnership with Sega for the production of at least two games.



2006gegenwärtigObsidian EntertainmentProduzent


Fallout Reihe[]

JahrTitelCredited als/für
1998Fallout 2Produzent
Lead Designer
SPECIAL Spielsystem-Entwurf
?Van BurenEntwerfer

Sonstige Werke[]

JahrTitelCredited als/für
?Neverwinter Nights 2, Castles 2: Siege and Conquest, Planescape: Torment, Icewind Dale

Externe Links und Referenzen[]
